第一句子大全 > 标签 > myself
“自助餐”英语怎么说?说成myself food 不知道会不会挨饿?

“自助餐”英语怎么说?说成myself food 不知道会不会挨饿?

...。咱们有很多小伙伴,经常会把“吃自助餐”说成:eat myself food(估计老外听到会蒙)在生活中,通常对“自助餐”的地道说法是:buffet -- (客人自己拿取食物的)“自助餐”Let"s go to the buffet. 咱们去吃自助餐吧。We"re going t...

2023-12-26 #经典句子

小学英语作文写人篇:《Introduce Myself 自我介绍》经典好句

小学英语作文写人篇:《Introduce Myself 自我介绍》经典好句

1. I"m good at Chinese and math.我擅长语文和数学。2. I get on well with my teachers and classmates.我和老师、同学们都相处的挺好。3. I often watch TV in the living room with my parents after dinner.晚饭后我经常跟父母亲在客厅看电视。4. I can do well in them.我...

2022-11-26 #经典句子



《All By Myself》(Music)When I was youngI never needed anyoneAnd makin" love was justfor funThose days are goneLivin" aloneI think of all the friends I"ve knowBut when I dial the telephoneNobody"s homeAll by myselfDon"t wanna be all by myself anymoreAll by myselfDon"t wanna be all by myself anymor...

2008-10-19 #经典句子

这样的英文自我介绍 才能让人一下子记住你!

这样的英文自我介绍 才能让人一下子记住你!

... My name is Jessie!你好!我叫杰茜。正式一点:Let me introduce myself to you.我来介绍一下我自己。I’d like to introduce myself.我想介绍一下我自己。很正式的场合,这样说:May I introduce myself?我可以自我介绍一下吗?或:Allow me to introduce mys...

2016-04-10 #经典句子

卑微到极点的感悟句子 写满心酸 让人泪流!

卑微到极点的感悟句子 写满心酸 让人泪流!

...,可我却在一直不知悔改的路上。May be sorry that person is myself, but I have been in the road of repentance.我想撞得头破血流,我想去证明我自己,我想用所有的方式去验证我们的感情。I want to break my head, I want to prove myself, I want to prove our fee...

2023-05-03 #经典句子

读起来很伤感的句子 句句都是心事 越看越心痛!

读起来很伤感的句子 句句都是心事 越看越心痛!

...性的人都在我的梦中解体了No matter how hard I try to restrain myself during the day, I don"t want you not to contact you. Usually, those who force themselves to understand truth and reason disintegrate in my dream夜晚,在我的梦中很容易向你展示。这么长时间都白费了A...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

深夜治愈句子 染指心灵 哪一句触动你?

深夜治愈句子 染指心灵 哪一句触动你?

...我从需要别人接受我的负担中解脱出来。When i"m accepting myself just as i am,i"m freed from the burden of needing anyone to accept me.4、你无法改变过去发生的事,所以别让过去的创伤毁了你的未来,学会接受它。You can"t change what"s happened in your pa...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 抚慰伤心 守望快乐!

适合发朋友圈给恋人看的爱情句子 抚慰伤心 守望快乐!

...若无其事。Good morning, until today, I discovered how cruel I am to myself. All my obstinacies are probably competing with myself, so that I can"t tell what kind of relationship the world has with myself. After waiting for a person for 6 hours, in the end, I feel that I am waiting for myself. M...

2022-11-04 #经典句子



...东西带到目的地的时候,比如“Please take me home”.06Me 和 Myself不管是以英语为母语的人,还是英语学习者,都会混淆“me”和“myself”;许多以英语为母语的人会在应该使用“me”的时候用“myself”,因为他们认为“myself”比“me”...

2023-10-03 #经典句子

被神明贩卖的温柔仙句|我希望把自己变得更好 再去迎接你的爱

被神明贩卖的温柔仙句|我希望把自己变得更好 再去迎接你的爱

我希望把自己变得更好,再去迎接你的爱。I hope to make myself better and meet your love again.其实长大了我们都想有一些陪伴,但成年人中国中的陪伴并不像小时候定义这么简单了。不是光有说笑就那么简单的,我们还要在未来日子的心...

2023-08-09 #经典句子

小学必考英语单选题(四):反身代词及10个必考词组 附视频讲解

小学必考英语单选题(四):反身代词及10个必考词组 附视频讲解

...(himself, herself )I am sure I can do it all by______________. (ourselves, myself)Look, is this room beautiful? I painted it by______________. (yourself, myself)Mary is old enough to take care of______________. (sheself, herself)Can you carry this box upstairs by______________(yourself, yourselves),...

2009-12-23 #经典句子

内心绝望崩溃的句子 精美入心 很有深意

内心绝望崩溃的句子 精美入心 很有深意

...只是因为你看得更多,想得更多,走得更远。I can"t miss myself, I can"t take care of myself, as a result I can"t take care of myself, I can"t give myself happiness. Luck comes simply because you see more, think more and go farther.含泪说再见,是舍不得放手还是觉得遗...

2022-11-07 #经典句子

那些温柔的理性情感文案 送给迷茫的你!

那些温柔的理性情感文案 送给迷茫的你!

...弃Because I"m really afraid I"m in trouble and I"m afraid I won"t abandon myself like myself理性掌控所以我一直都在劝自己保持清醒,告诉自己没有人会永远喜欢我。Rational control, so I have been trying to persuade myself to stay awake and tell myself that no one will li...

2012-09-03 #经典句子

温情撩人的情绪文案 满怀爱意 句句虐心!

温情撩人的情绪文案 满怀爱意 句句虐心!

...is unpleasant memory that accompanies my life. I spent all my time telling myself a fact, but I still can"t accept it. Alas, it really deserved it.也许我们应该找一个安静的地方,唱一首安静的节奏,移动自己。Maybe we should find a quiet place, sing a quiet rhythm and move o...

2023-08-03 #经典句子

冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 抚慰伤心 温暖入心!

冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 抚慰伤心 温暖入心!

...界的失落,最后自己也忘了。Wandering day after day, looking at myself coldly, sometimes pale, sometimes dark, leaving my heart in an untouchable corner, carrying the loss of the world, and finally forgetting myself.我可以告诉自己累了,但不允许我告诉自己不行!I can t...

2024-01-15 #经典句子

单身时发的酷句子 简短随性 挑一句送给自己

单身时发的酷句子 简短随性 挑一句送给自己

...ove in the world is too vulgar. It"s better for me to watch the sunrise by myself.7、没有人陪我,也可以照顾好自己,所以我何必委曲求全讨好别人。No one to accompany me, you can take care of yourself, so why do I compromise to please others.8、一个人的时候,我从...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

很累却强颜欢笑的句子 心酸落寞 哪一句戳中你心底?

很累却强颜欢笑的句子 心酸落寞 哪一句戳中你心底?

...的,能咽下一肚子的委屈,只说一个嗯。Sometimes I admire myself for being able to swallow a lot of grievances and just say one.7、多少个难熬的时刻我都熬过去了,又怎么会在乎这些不痛不痒的小难过呢?How many difficult moments have I survived? How can I ...

2023-02-04 #经典句子

适合表达你现状的内心句子 句句感慨而发 建议发动态

适合表达你现状的内心句子 句句感慨而发 建议发动态

...是干什么的"我无数次问自己"What do you envy them for?" I asked myself countless times夜晚在美食街看到一对一对手拉手的情侣我羡慕不已At night, I saw a couple holding hands in the food street. I envy them也许天气太冷手太凉快也许是买了点心一个人吃...

2013-03-26 #经典句子

阳光爱情短句 简单有哲理 总有一句你喜欢!

阳光爱情短句 简单有哲理 总有一句你喜欢!

...I don"t want to add a deadline to my love, because I don"t want to indulge myself, thinking that I will always be in the world of love.那些现在在你身旁的人不一定是陪你到最后的人。Those who are by your side now are not necessarily the ones who accompany you to the end.我学会...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

安慰别人心情不好的句子 简单有哲理 说到心里去了!

安慰别人心情不好的句子 简单有哲理 说到心里去了!

...欣赏四季,一个人漫步荒芜。I"m used to seeing the scenery by myself, appreciating the four seasons by myself and traveling all over the wilderness by myself.因为怕突然失去最重要的人,所以宁可不见面,也不见面。I"m just afraid of losing the most important person s...

2022-11-11 #经典句子