第一句子大全 > 标签 > effort
查阅了大量的中英文资料 发现effort这个单词很特殊

查阅了大量的中英文资料 发现effort这个单词很特殊

...信日积月累的力量。你在学英语的时候,是不是经常看到effort和efforts两种形式互相出现,比如:all my effort和all my efforts,这是怎么回事呢?赵校长给你讲解一下:(1)effort是可变名词通过查柯林斯字典,我们知道:effort是VARIABL...

2023-07-09 #经典句子

迎接四月的正能量句子 最美人间四月天 越努力越优秀!

迎接四月的正能量句子 最美人间四月天 越努力越优秀!

...ct, twists and turns also scenery. The most beautiful April days, the more efforts the more excellent!二、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定你前进的方向。最美人间四月天,越努力越优秀!The road is at your feet, no one can determine the direction you go. The most beauti...

2023-06-21 #经典句子

说到心坎的高情商励志句子 句句受用 哪一句能激发你的斗志?

说到心坎的高情商励志句子 句句受用 哪一句能激发你的斗志?

...淀下来,等到时机成熟时,全部都会加倍的回报你!Your efforts, will be slowly precipitated down, when the time is ripe, all will double your reward! 2、男人努力是责任,女人努力是价值,在这充满希望的日子里,请告诉自己,只有努力,才能遇见...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

燃爆热搜的一条短信 暴雨中的中国科技力量有多硬核!「转推」

燃爆热搜的一条短信 暴雨中的中国科技力量有多硬核!「转推」

...elf-developed Wing Loong-2 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to support relief efforts in flood-ravaged Zhengzhou City. The Wing Loong supports real-time audio and video communications covering 15,000 square kilometers between rescue sites and the command center.中国已派出其自主研发的“翼...

2010-08-23 #经典句子

适合五月份置顶的励志句子 正能量满满 送给上坡的自己!

适合五月份置顶的励志句子 正能量满满 送给上坡的自己!

...正好碰上了你的努力。Luck is that the opportunity just meets your efforts.2、每一个清晨,记得鼓励自己,没有奇迹,只有你努力的轨迹;没有运气,只有你坚持的勇气;每一份坚持都是成功的积累,只要相信自己,总会遇到惊喜。Every mor...

2023-10-15 #经典句子

每日一句英译英:make easy money什么意思?

每日一句英译英:make easy money什么意思?

... easy money英英解释:Easy money: money earned for very little work or effort, often by doing something dishonestFor example.1.Winning the lottery-that"s easy money! 2.I was wary/tired of making easy money with the insider tips I"d been giving.2) make easy money英英解释口语能力训练:...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

每天保持好心态的说说句子 句句经典 看完让人豁然开朗

每天保持好心态的说说句子 句句经典 看完让人豁然开朗

...t all, let alone think too much, as long as you like, it is worth your own efforts to continue to move forward, to get, to achieve it!或许你现在还感觉自己的努力总是得不到回报的,但是你真的不要怀疑你的努力,因为你每天的努力都在离成功更进一步,虽...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

适合早晨发的干净句子 简短文艺 沁人心脾!

适合早晨发的干净句子 简短文艺 沁人心脾!

...早安!Love well, live well, give all unhappiness to yesterday and all efforts to today. good morning!5、用选择和努力去惊艳时光,而非用抱怨去荒废时光。早安!Use choice and effort to amaze time, not complain to waste time. good morning!6、人生快不快乐看心情,...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

最给力的经典感悟 句句都有说服力 句句都值得你欣赏

最给力的经典感悟 句句都有说服力 句句都值得你欣赏

... can you be worthy of the people behind you, how can you be worthy of your efforts for so many years, so sometimes it is not just for yourself, not just for your own dreams, but more importantly for Your obligations in life and your responsibilities in life. 6;努力是对生活的向往,努力...

2022-12-20 #经典句子

朋友圈正能量语录 献给努力奋斗的人!

朋友圈正能量语录 献给努力奋斗的人!

...will have a harvest, or late or early; Time will not live up to your every effort!2、别怕,目标就在前方,努力就会有所成就,在成长的道路上,学会用阳光般的心态面对生活!Don"t be afraid, the goal is in the front, the efforts will be successful, shall be on the...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

12月送给自己的励志短句 干净清新 催人奋进!

12月送给自己的励志短句 干净清新 催人奋进!

...on"t try a little hard to feel desperate, it is because too long paying no effort that gives you the illusion.5、努力不会立即带来结果,但努力都不会白费。所以加倍努力吧。Efforts do not bring immediate results, but efforts are not in vain. So redouble your efforts.6、将...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

元气满满的早安句子 精致大气 特别喜欢!

元气满满的早安句子 精致大气 特别喜欢!

...力,不负光阴。Don"t let your dreams, just dreams and thoughts, only efforts, not time.世界上所有的惊喜和好运,都是你累积的温柔和善良,做一个温柔纯良且内心强大的人,温暖自己,也照亮别人。All the surprises and good luck in the world are your acc...

2017-07-09 #经典句子

充满正能量的励志句子 经典走心 建议收藏~

充满正能量的励志句子 经典走心 建议收藏~

...实现每一个自己吹过的牛逼。The best state is probably, silent efforts, to achieve every boast of their own force.接受自己的普通,然后全力以赴的出众,运气交给锦鲤,你只管努力。Accept their own ordinary, and then go all out outstanding, luck to Koi, you just ...

2023-05-24 #经典句子

元气满满的正能量句子 励志向上 值得收藏

元气满满的正能量句子 励志向上 值得收藏

...,而真正的努力,往往都悄无声息。Too many people regard the effort as a kind of human design, and the real effort is often silent.3、总有一天,我们要用自己的力量站稳,这是我们约好的,你可别输了。One day, we will use our own strength to stand firm. This ...

2023-01-10 #经典句子

关于励志的说说句子:只要你努力 你或多或少都会有所收获

关于励志的说说句子:只要你努力 你或多或少都会有所收获

...力。Failure is only one step away from success, success is just onemore effort than others.只有通过地狱般的训练,我们才能拥有创造天堂的力量;只有流血的手指才能弹出世界的绝唱。Only through hellish training can we have the power to createheaven; Only bleedin...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

朋友圈走心的精美句子 感同身受 句句都喜欢!

朋友圈走心的精美句子 感同身受 句句都喜欢!

...self to be good and then proud of your life, and you will be glad for your efforts in the future. Never choose ease at the best age.4、别用年轻时的安稳和放纵,换来一生的卑微和平庸。你现在的努力和付出,藏着你十年后的样子。Don"t use the stability and indulge...

2023-04-29 #经典句子



Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out.Robert Collier成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。罗伯特·科利尔语言点:可以做名词:一笔(钱)He"s put aside a tidy sum for his retirement.他为退休存了一大笔钱。He owes me a larg...

2022-12-11 #经典句子



...for a time in your life that is touching enough to recall. I hope all your efforts will not be wasted.微笑着告诉别人你今天比昨天强。不要放弃希望。不要放弃希望。不管你多么的寒冷和阳光明媚,不管你多么努力,你必须在你的生活中努力工作一段...

2023-06-01 #经典句子

励志超燃的句子 精辟透彻 送给有梦想的你

励志超燃的句子 精辟透彻 送给有梦想的你

...Real luck and success actually come from your day after day of unremitting efforts and pay, you have to remember that you are now more than others, than others to eat bitter, is the future to open the gap between you and others important credentials, anyway, to live, why not choose to live with a st...

2022-12-11 #经典句子

慰藉心灵的句子 阳光经典 句句都是人生告白!

慰藉心灵的句子 阳光经典 句句都是人生告白!

...romising.你总是欠自己一份努力。You always owe yourself a lot of effort.明天的你,将为今天的努力而感恩。Tomorrow you will be grateful for today"s efforts.寒窗苦读怎愿甘拜下风。The cold windows read hard how to be willing to bow to the wind.希望你还能坚持下...

2022-11-14 #经典句子