第一句子大全 > 标签 > fridge
There is some meat in the fridge变为否定句是什么?

There is some meat in the fridge变为否定句是什么?

...部分提问)_________ ________ on the table.7. There is some meat in the fridge. (改为否定句)There ________ _________ meat in the fridge.答题技巧汇总这种类型的题目,考核学生对基本词汇的熟悉程度的同时还考核学生对语法的灵活应用,比如同样是许...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

语法学习:There be 句型 & 祈使句

语法学习:There be 句型 & 祈使句

...:There be+not+名词+其他成分,例如:There is some milk in the fridge.→There isn’t any milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶了。There was a book on the desk just now.→There wasn’t a book on the desk just now.刚才桌子上没有一本书。There are some shoes under the bed....

2023-07-01 #经典句子



...No one can run so far. 没有人能跑那么远。There is no milk in the fridge.=There isn"t any milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶了。

2023-10-22 #经典句子



...主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(主谓宾加宾补结构)eg:The fridge keeps the food fresh.冰箱让食物保持新鲜。谓语:该结构中谓语动词是宾补动词,这个动词后加宾语,宾语后面加补充说明宾语的宾语补足语宾语补足语:补充说明宾语...

2023-06-18 #经典句子

小学英语语法练习题 there be句型

小学英语语法练习题 there be句型

..._____ a pair of shoes behind the door.6.There__________ many apples in the fridge.7.There__________ a pen and two rubbers in the pencil case.8.There__________some bananas and an apple in the basket.二、完成下列句子桌上有一本书。 _________ ________ a book on the desk.2.窗户旁边...

2023-09-14 #经典句子

小初英语there be 句型知识点详解 就近原则有口诀 考点速记

小初英语there be 句型知识点详解 就近原则有口诀 考点速记

...e not any ....= there be no....举例说明:There is not any milk in the fridge.(同义句转换)=There is no milk in the fridge.二、there be 就近原则是怎个“就近法”?适用于哪种情况?there be 句型的一个核心就是be动词的使用,而“就近原则”讲的就...

2023-06-18 #经典句子



...该用完整形式you are, there is;又比如口语中经常把冰箱叫做fridge, 雅思作文中我们就应该用refrigerator不用fridge。另外,在论述的时候最好不要直接引用别人的话:如"......", says 某某某,而应该用According to 某某某,然后再用自己的语...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



Refrigerator/Fridge电冰箱,口语中也可以使用freezer冰柜 替代Magnets 磁铁,吸铁石。图片中常用于粘贴一些图片或者备忘录之类放到冰箱表明,做提醒使用Dinning room table 餐桌Kitchen Chairs 餐椅Kitchen Counter 厨房台面Fruit Tray 水果盘A coaster...

2010-10-18 #经典句子



...here a balcony? Yes, there is.Is there any furniture?Yes, there is a TV, a fridge, an air conditioner, sofas, beds and tables. Is there a network? Yes.That sounds good. What’s the rent for a month?2,000, you have to pay two months’ rent as a deposit and one month’s rent in advance.Does that in...

2008-03-08 #经典句子



...s.= He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. There is no meat in the fridge.= There is not any meat in the fridge.语法:一般过去时用法:表示在过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。常用的时间状语,即标志词:与yesterday 连用:ye...

2023-09-09 #经典句子

谓语动词主动形式表被动 你被坑了吗

谓语动词主动形式表被动 你被坑了吗

...eat short and crisp.饼子吃起来又松又脆。Food can keep fresh in a fridge.食物在冰箱时能保鲜。★★★★★要学习更多的英语基础知识,请关注我的百家号——沱江小弄潮。

2023-12-20 #经典句子



...:The water is in the glass.水在杯子里。There is some juice in the fridge.冰箱里有一些果汁。对于不可数名词,我们也可以采用不同的方式来表示其数量:①模糊性修饰I want some tea, please.请给我来点茶。There is a lot of rice in the bowl.碗里有很...

2023-11-15 #经典句子



...单词有:1、bed 床2、chair 椅子3、sofa 沙发4、table 桌子5、fridge 冰箱6、drawer 抽屉7、socket 插座8、microwave(oven)微波炉9、rice cooker电饭锅10、toaster 烤面包机11、plate盘子12、fan换气扇、风扇13、cupboard碗柜、橱柜14、、dishwasher洗碗机15、...

2023-01-10 #经典句子



...ng)?—No, she doesn’ t. 9. There isn’ t _______(some/any) soup in the fridge. 10. My animal friend has no _______(leg/legs). 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(15分) 1. It’s time _______( go ) home.2. How many _______ ( story ) are there in this book?3. There_______ ( be ) a pen a...

2023-07-20 #经典句子



...吧?That"s cute, right?好Yeah.- 你来了 - 嘿 弗里奇- Yo. - Hey, Fridge.你怎么穿着雨衣?Why you wearing a raincoat?- 什么意思?- 意思是 现在又没下雨- What do you mean? - I mean, it"s not raining.哦 也许会下啊well, it might. I mean,天有不测风云you never know ...

2023-11-21 #经典句子

表达心情糟糕的情绪文案 直戳心窝 难以释怀

表达心情糟糕的情绪文案 直戳心窝 难以释怀

...,腐烂不堪。Your freshness is like a dish that has been put in the fridge for a long time. It"s rotten.希望你能明白,有些树开了花也不会结果。I hope you can understand that some trees will not bear fruit even if they bloom.好吧,我选择投降了,所有的一切都归...

2009-10-08 #经典句子

有些文案让我心碎 生活在妙不可言的等待中 等待随便哪种未来

有些文案让我心碎 生活在妙不可言的等待中 等待随便哪种未来

...怎么好,但有人只喜欢这个味道I want to be a cool drink in the fridge. It"s peppermint. It doesn"t sell very well. But some people only like it

2009-08-22 #经典句子

适合天冷时发的皮句子 可爱有趣 适合发朋友圈

适合天冷时发的皮句子 可爱有趣 适合发朋友圈

...感觉我是在冰箱里。The recent weather, how do you feel I"m in the fridge.12、下雪了就不要发朋友圈了,下钱了偷偷告诉我。Don"t make a circle of friends when it snows. Tell me secretly when the money is down.13、冬天最流氓了,总是对我冻手冻脚。Winter is th...

2023-05-19 #经典句子



...ed [bed] 床phone [fn] 电话table ["teb()l] 桌子sofa ["sf] 长沙发fridge [frd] 冰箱find [fand] 找到them [em; m] 他(她,它)们 5Unit5beef [bif] 牛肉chicken ["tkn] 鸡肉noodles [nu:dlz] 面条soup [sup] 汤vegetable ["vedtbl] 蔬菜chopsticks ["tpstks] 筷子bowl [...

2015-03-28 #经典句子



...好了。Sophie:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.还不错,好吧,然后从冰箱里拿点肉和土豆。Adam:How many potatoes do you need?要几个土豆?Sophie:Three. And bring four bell peppers.3个,再拿4个青椒。Adam:Gotcha…OK. Here they are....

2023-05-24 #经典句子