第一句子大全 > 标签 > Solving
迭代求解 iterative solution英语短句 例句大全

迭代求解 iterative solution英语短句 例句大全

... and example sentences related to the iterative solution method in problem-solving. The term "迭代求解" in Chinese refers to the process of repeated computation to approximate the solution of a problem. The examples cover various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and engineering, ill...


可解决域——Solving the English Short Sentences and Example Collection

可解决域——Solving the English Short Sentences and Example Collection

可解决域,Solving domain1)Solving domain可解决域英文短句/例句1.Research on the Most Suitable Border and Resolvable Domain of Financial Reinsurance and Solvency财务再保险与偿付能力最适边界和可解决域研究2.The type of field "%1" does not match the type of the field "%2...


备件优化问题 spare parts optimization problem英语短句 例句大全

备件优化问题 spare parts optimization problem英语短句 例句大全

...on results show that the model based on EDAs is reliable and effective for solving thespare parts optimization problem.将分布估计算法应用于备件优化问题,提出了基于分布估计算法的武器装备系统备件优化模型,分析了个体选择比例、精英保留等策略对算...




...深入细致的研究,其中他提出:高阶思维能力包括:problem solving; decision making; critical thinking; idea generating; creative thinking.关于高阶思维概念及内涵,网络搜索有很多解释,小编不再阐述,只是想强调,读后续写是高阶思维能力的一...




...下举二例:(1)Clever as he was, he found not a little difficuty in solving the problem which was anything but difficult.他虽然很聪明,也很难来解决那个绝非困难的问题。(2)Clever as he was, he found little difficuty in solving the problem which was none too easy.他...


Boolean可满足性问题(SAT) Boolean satisfiability (SAT)英语短句 例句大全

Boolean可满足性问题(SAT) Boolean satisfiability (SAT)英语短句 例句大全

...满足性问题和图染色的一些研究英文短句/例句1.Survey on Solving SAT Problems in EDAEDA领域中可满足性问题求解方法研究2.Exponential Time Algorithms of Knapsack and Constraint Satisfaction Problem;背包问题和约束可满足性问题的指数时间算法3.The satisfia...


那些很耐人寻味的人生文案 句句通透 充满哲理

那些很耐人寻味的人生文案 句句通透 充满哲理

...tains to tell you,解题无难,解题无难事。There is no difficulty in solving the problem, and there is no difficulty in solving the problem.试了很多次都失败了,才知道懂事体贴的女孩是世上最好的女孩。After many attempts, I failed to know that the sensible and thoughtfu...


布局规划问题 Layout Planning Problem英语短句 例句大全

布局规划问题 Layout Planning Problem英语短句 例句大全

...nce基于Single-Sequence布图规划线长约束问题的研究17.Planning Solving Based on Local Search and Distributed Flexible Graphplan;基于局部搜索的规划求解和分布式灵活规划18.New branch-and-bound algorithm for indefinite quadratic programming problems求不定二次规划问...


几何最优法 best geometrical way英语短句 例句大全

几何最优法 best geometrical way英语短句 例句大全

...圆上最优点的算法与几何特征3.A New Linear Relaxed Method for Solving Generalized Geometric Programming求广义几何规划全局最优解的新的线性化方法4.Geometrical Parameters Optimization of Basin-Like Grinding Wheel with a Simplex Method用单纯形法优化盆状砂轮的...




...,解决矛盾。6.Harmonious Society Was Born in the Labor Pains While Solving Social Contradiction--On the dialectical relation between contradiction and social harmony;和谐社会诞生于解决社会矛盾的阵痛之中——论社会矛盾和社会和谐的辩证关系7.It is not denying con...




...tions,such as pushing out nonlinear transformation,finding exact solutions,solving boundary value problem,and so on.齐次平衡法及改进方法在非线性演化方程中有广泛的应用,如推导方程的非线性变换、求精确解以及解决边值问题等。英文短句/例句1.Solve the...


静液压马达 hydraulic motor英语短句 例句大全

静液压马达 hydraulic motor英语短句 例句大全

...油封盖的改进方案2)ZM732ZM732静液压马达1.Reason analysis and solving measures of the oil seal failure ofZM732 static hydraulic motor;ZM732静液压马达油封失效原因分析及解决措施3)static pressure balanced motor静压平衡马达4)hydrostatic piston link motor group静液压...


直白入心的人生感悟句子 精致暖心 感人肺腑

直白入心的人生感悟句子 精致暖心 感人肺腑

...题越多,你就变得越强大。Life is an endless cycle of problems: Solving one creates another. So there"s no such thing as life w/o problems.Power then comes from solving problems. Not avoiding them or hoping they don"t happen.The more problems you deal with the more powerful you become.五...






Newton算法 Newton algorithm英语短句 例句大全

Newton算法 Newton algorithm英语短句 例句大全

...Newton法:广义点估计理论16.A Modified Smoothing Newton Method for Solving the Complementarity Problem;求解互补问题的一种修正的光滑Newton法17.Inexact Newton-like Method and Its Application;不精确Newton-like方法及其应用18.The Inexact Newton Method for Solving Equality ...


0-1整数规划 0-1 integer programming英语短句 例句大全

0-1整数规划 0-1 integer programming英语短句 例句大全

...nteger programming1)0-1 integer programming0-1整数规划1.New method for solving a kind of0-1 integer programming problem——Chaotic searching algorithm;求解一类0-1整数规划问题的新方法——混沌搜索算法2.Optimization design of high-strength bolts connection based on0-1 intege...


横臂导杆 lateral arm guide pole英语短句 例句大全

横臂导杆 lateral arm guide pole英语短句 例句大全

...al arm guide pole1)lateral arm guide pole横臂导杆1.Reason analysis and solving measurements of break oflateral arm guide poles of DF_4 locomotive diesel engines;东风_4型机车柴油机横臂导杆折断原因分析及解决措施英文短句/例句1.Reason analysis and solving measurements of...


9月13日大作文参考范文 | 科学研究是浪费时间和金钱吗?

9月13日大作文参考范文 | 科学研究是浪费时间和金钱吗?

...gin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and pers...


复曲线 compound curve英语短句 例句大全

复曲线 compound curve英语短句 例句大全

...rvey in expressway;高速公路复曲线施工测量控制3.Direct precise solving method of interposed transition curve between uncorrespondingcompound curve arc length非对称复曲线中插缓和曲线弧长的精确求解英文短句/例句1.final buildup slope最终压力恢复曲线斜率2.Di...


序贯最小二乘 recursive least squares(RLS)英语短句 例句大全

序贯最小二乘 recursive least squares(RLS)英语短句 例句大全

...his approach is particularly effective for processing time-series data and solving linear regression problems in real-time. In this method, new data points are incorporated into the model one at a time, allowing for efficient updating of the model parameters. By recursively updating the solution, th...
