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详解颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征:Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome i

详解颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征:Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome i

颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征,Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome1)Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征英文短句/例句1.temporomandibular joint disturbance syndrome颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征2.TMJ myofascial pain-dysfunction sy...


肺功能损害 lung function damage英语短句 例句大全

肺功能损害 lung function damage英语短句 例句大全

...率阴虚证占30.4%;2.The lung function damage is limitation ventilation dysfunction and diffusion dysfunction.肺功能损害表现为限制性通气功能障碍及弥散功能障碍。3.Analysis of pulmonary ventilation function of workers exposed to cigarette dust;烟草粉尘对接触工人肺...


早期高容量血液滤过 early high volume hemofiltration英语短句 例句大全

早期高容量血液滤过 early high volume hemofiltration英语短句 例句大全

...me Hemofiltration on Inflammatory Mediator in Patients with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome高容量血液滤过对MODS患者炎症介质的作用分析10.Application of high volume hemoflitration in patients with severe sepsis高容量血液滤过对外科脓毒症的治疗研究11.A Study on t...


胚泡着床 embryo implantation英语短句 例句大全

胚泡着床 embryo implantation英语短句 例句大全

...on the expression of estrogen/progesterone receptors inembryo implantation dysfunction mice endometrium;健胎液对胚泡着床障碍小鼠雌、孕激素及其受体的影响2.Objective: To investigate the effect of 935 MHz microwave electromagnetic fields (EMF) on theembryo implantation of mouse....


膀胱功能恢复 Bladder function rehabilitation英语短句 例句大全

膀胱功能恢复 Bladder function rehabilitation英语短句 例句大全



中枢损害 Central nervous system damage英语短句 例句大全

中枢损害 Central nervous system damage英语短句 例句大全

.../例句1.Relationship between changes of nerve cell -. neuroglia cell and dysfunction of central nervous system with myasthenia gravis.;重症肌无力中枢损害与中枢内神经细胞及神经胶质细胞的关系2.Gene Expression of the Pallium in Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis with ...




...teries Section Area andBlood Flow Volume on Elderly Patients with Erectile Dysfunction;老年ED病人阴茎背动脉横切面积和血流量研究3)penis and scrotum阴茎阴囊4)retroscrotal penis阴囊后阴茎5)Penile Prosthesis阴茎假体1.The Chinese-built InflatablePenile Prosthesis with Inde...


络气郁滞 Stagnation of Luo qi英语短句 例句大全

络气郁滞 Stagnation of Luo qi英语短句 例句大全

...综合评价2.The Study about Establishment of Rat Model with Endothelial Dysfunction and Collateral-qi Stasis and Effects of Tongluo Drugs on It;络气郁滞型血管内皮功能障碍大鼠动物模型建立及通络药物干预作用研究3.Expression of glucose regulating protein 78(GRP78) mRNA ...


认知功能损害 cognitive impairment英语短句 例句大全

认知功能损害 cognitive impairment英语短句 例句大全

...关的认知功能损害及其可能机制6.The Observation of Cognitive Dysfunction in Epilepsy Patients;癫痫患者认知功能损害及其影响因素分析7.The Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Early Diagnosis in Mild Cognitive Impairment;轻度认知功能损害的病理生理机制和早期...


肝阴虚证 Deficiency of the liver-yin syndrome英语短句 例句大全

肝阴虚证 Deficiency of the liver-yin syndrome英语短句 例句大全

... Correlation between the Sydrome of Deficiency of Liver and Kidney Yin and Dysfunction of Vascular Endothelial Cell;肝肾阴虚证与血管内皮细胞功能障碍相关性的研究4.Theoretical and Clinical Studies on Fujian Tablet Treating Different Diseases by Regulating the Homeostasis of NEI t...




...影响3.The Improving Effect and Mechanism ofDingzhixiaowan on the Memory Dysfunction in Animals;定志小丸对动物记忆障碍的改善作用及其作用机制探讨英文短句/例句1.Studies on Dingzhixiaowan as a New Anti-AD Drug, Separation and Structure Elucidation of Polygalacic Acid and ...


05月&ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome英语短句 例句大全

05月&ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome英语短句 例句大全

...水平进一步阐明ARDS致多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, MODS)的发病机制。英文短句/例句1.The Curative Effect of Lateral Ventilation on ALI/ARDS PatientsALI/ARDS病人侧卧位通气的疗效观察2.Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilated Recruitmen...


虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome 的英语短句和例句大全

虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome 的英语短句和例句大全

...寒型1.The Clinical Study of Jiaoai Siwu Decotion in Treating Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding withAsthenia-cold Syndrome;胶艾四物汤治疗虚寒型无排卵型功能失调性子宫出血的临床研究英文短句/例句1.Clinical Research of "An Wei Ying" Decoction on Chronic Gastri...




...ct between Gestodene-Compound and Gestodene-Ethinylestradiol Used to Treat Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in Peri-menopausal Period复方孕二烯酮与去氧孕烯炔雌醇治疗围绝经期功能失调性子宫出血的临床疗效比较15.Study of Percutaneous Characteristics and Transdermal Drug...


脑性瘫痪/治疗 cerebral palsy/therapy英语短句 例句大全

脑性瘫痪/治疗 cerebral palsy/therapy英语短句 例句大全

...疗儿童痉挛型脑性瘫痪的疗效观察3.Differences of gross motor dysfunction in children with spastic and athetoidcerebral palsy;不同类型脑性瘫痪儿童粗大运动功能的差异及对策英文短句/例句1.CT of Cerebral palsy and analysis of clinical symptom脑性瘫痪CT表现...


香砂六君子汤 Xiangsha liujunzi decoction英语短句 例句大全

香砂六君子汤 Xiangsha liujunzi decoction英语短句 例句大全

...oction;香砂六君子汤的抗抑郁活性部位筛选2.Nursing to Severe Dysfunctional Gastro-intestine Treated with Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction;香砂六君子汤加减治疗危重病胃肠功能障碍的护理3.Revised Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction Treat Severe Dysfunctional Gastro-intestine;香...


综合康复治疗 comprehensive rehabilitation therapy英语短句 例句大全

综合康复治疗 comprehensive rehabilitation therapy英语短句 例句大全

...观察12.Analysis on the results of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment dysfunction after fractures around the knee综合康复治疗膝关节周围骨折术后功能障碍的疗效分析13.A logistic regression analysis on the influence of risk factors on the effect of comprehensive rehabilitati...


21复试干货 | 心血管复试名词解释+专业英语词汇 收藏速背!

21复试干货 | 心血管复试名词解释+专业英语词汇 收藏速背!

...physical examination 体格检查aropachy 杵状指心力衰竭:Cardiac dysfunction 心功能障碍Systolic insufficiency heart failure 收缩功能不全性心力衰竭Diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭Congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭心律失常...


微电刺激系统 Micro-electrical stimulation system英语短句 例句大全

微电刺激系统 Micro-electrical stimulation system英语短句 例句大全

... of Percutaneous Nerve Stimulation on the Management of Faecal and Voiding Dysfunction in Postoperative Children with Tethered Cord Syndrome;经皮神经电刺激治疗脊髓拴系综合征术后患儿尿便功能障碍的研究15.Research on the EEG Waveform Simulation System for TMS;用于经颅...


Boolean可满足性问题(SAT) Boolean satisfiability (SAT)英语短句 例句大全

Boolean可满足性问题(SAT) Boolean satisfiability (SAT)英语短句 例句大全

...们不满足的是什么? 如何处理这个“不满足”?15."Sexual dysfunction: Inability to experience arousal or achieve sexual satisfaction under ordinary circumstances, as a result of psychological or physiological problems."性功能障碍: 因生理或心理上的问题,而无法在平...
