第一句子大全 > 标签 > Decade
假面骑士:一句话毁掉一部骑士 说了这段话立刻剧终

假面骑士:一句话毁掉一部骑士 说了这段话立刻剧终



太平洋十年涛动 Pacific Decade Oscillation英语短句 例句大全

太平洋十年涛动 Pacific Decade Oscillation英语短句 例句大全

太平洋十年涛动,Pacific Decade Oscillation1)Pacific Decade Oscillation太平洋十年涛动1.The Pacific seismic belt is controlled by plate movement,Pacific Decade Oscillation,strong tides,El Nino,La Nina,sea level change,denudation and sedimentation.环太平洋地震带受板块运动、潮...


亚洲—太平洋涛动 Asian-Pacific oscillation英语短句 例句大全

亚洲—太平洋涛动 Asian-Pacific oscillation英语短句 例句大全

...会)15.Regional Programme of Action for the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年区域行动纲领16.New Delhi Action Plan on Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋发展基础设施新德里行动计划17.S...


第六届陆家嘴金融城国际咖啡文化节启动 “最受欢迎咖啡馆”新鲜出炉

第六届陆家嘴金融城国际咖啡文化节启动 “最受欢迎咖啡馆”新鲜出炉

...3”与“特邀评委票选TOP3”新鲜出炉。咖啡爱好者票选TOP3DECADE CAFE总店地址:天津市赤峰道93号DECADE CAFE是咖啡节的老面孔,更是以网红礼物盒咖啡馆出圈。稳定的咖啡出品、丰富变幻的特调、强大有品质的周边、轻松时尚又写意...




...e come under fire with accusations of various unethical acts over the past decade. They"ve wasted tons of food. They"ve underpaid their suppliers and they"ve contributed to excessive plastic waste in their packaging, which has had its impact on our environment.难度评估难度:★ ★ ★ ★ ...


英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

英语精读:即将步入5G时代 你需要知道这些

...础In 2019, a big technology shift will finally begin. It’s a once-in-a-decade upgrade to our wireless systems that will start reaching mobile phone users in a matter of months.once-in-a-decade:十年一次的;比如once-in-a-decade leadership transition 领导层换届in a matter of 左右,...




... Manila, Mount St Helen’sin the Rockies and EI Chichon in Mexico about a decade ago, not to mention world-shaking blasts like Krakatoa in the Sunda Straits in 1883.分析:破折号——后面的是一个长长的同位语,莫受地名、火山名的影响,整个结构其实就是A and B, no...




...过一年又十年的时光。Be with the worthy people year after year, decade after decade.两个人相聚一年,你是我在21世纪20年代认识的第一个人。Let"s New Year"s Eve together, you are the first person I met in the 2020s.零点之后我们就是一起走过一段时光的人...


很甜很撩的朋友圈句子 很火的爱情句子唯美短句 值得分享!

很甜很撩的朋友圈句子 很火的爱情句子唯美短句 值得分享!

...十年。I want to see the fireworks with you every year, year after year, decade after decade.我们终究是走到了一起,而且依然幸福。After all, we are together, and we are still happy.缓慢而又笨拙的路上。谢谢你陪我长大。When I meet a lovely person, I feel that my li...


超级温柔的文案 句子很短 却很暖心

超级温柔的文案 句子很短 却很暖心

...me, buy me milk tea, help me warm my bed, stay by my side year after year, decade after decade6.如果在夏天你能来到我身边 我就穿着长裙去见你 等你打完球 我们就一起喝着奶茶 走在路上吹晚风If you can come to me in summer, I"ll go to see you in my long dress. When...


温柔到爆的暖心句子|即使世界再大 我还是会遇见你

温柔到爆的暖心句子|即使世界再大 我还是会遇见你

...都有。I want to see the fireworks every year with you, year after year, decade after decade.要走多远才能进入你的心,要走多远才能接近你。How far to enter your heart, how long to get close to you.但愿我是你所偏爱的,独一无二的那种。I hope I"m your favorite, t...


官宣恋情的句子‖春天的花开满了墙 你是我的如愿以偿

官宣恋情的句子‖春天的花开满了墙 你是我的如愿以偿

...一年又一年,十年又十年。Want to be with you, year after year, decade after decade.我知道来日可期,可就是这一分这一秒,温柔宠溺包容和爱统统都想给你,你才是它们存在的意义。I know that the next day can be expected, but this is the second, gentle i...


英文书籍|这份宝藏英文书单 你可不能错过了

英文书籍|这份宝藏英文书单 你可不能错过了

...口译志愿者音频请戳此处跟传传一起来听听01.The Defining Decade | 20岁 光阴不再“30岁,将不再是新的20岁。”作者:Meg Jay豆瓣评分:8.8It explores the unknown stories from“twentysomething”—people aged from 20 to 30, and shows why work, relationship and br...


民变 mass uprising英语短句 例句大全

民变 mass uprising英语短句 例句大全

...vince from 1901 to 1911;辛亥革命前十年苏北的民变状况2.In the decade before the Revolution of 1911,themass uprising,rolling on with full force,became one of the most serious social problems.辛亥革命前十年间,民变风起云涌,成为当时最严重的社会问题之一。3.Themas...


2021年6月份大学英语六级答案 全网最新整理

2021年6月份大学英语六级答案 全网最新整理

...rt above displays the progress of urbanization in China over the last four decades. We can see that, in less than 40 years, the number of people in China who lived in cities had more than tripled. From 1980 to 2010, the share of urban population had grown from 19.39% to 49.96%, which was a record hi...


常程5句话总结5G趋势:视频将会支配下一个时代 这两点自相矛盾

常程5句话总结5G趋势:视频将会支配下一个时代 这两点自相矛盾

...tphone is Dying(智能手机正在消亡);2.Video Dominates the Next Decade(视频将会支配下一个时代);3.One More Thing Beyond 100MP Camera(1亿像素摄像头以外的一件新事物);4.5G Revives the Devices Today(5G会使今天的设备重生);5.Smartphone Everywhe...


“ 打工人”用英语怎么说?

“ 打工人”用英语怎么说?

...employee The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.这家公司的雇员数量在过去十年里增加了2倍。 He has been a hardworking and responsible employee.他是个工作努力、负责任的员工。laborer /"lebr/但是,这个词更倾向于表达“体力...


TFBOYS新书上线 这句内心独白戳人心弦 你注意到了吗?

TFBOYS新书上线 这句内心独白戳人心弦 你注意到了吗?

...中,TFBOYS组合标志的下方写着:Never leave or forsake for the decade ,long live our team spirit.翻译成中文就是:“千万不要离开或者放弃这十年,我们团队精神万岁。”这也许就是三小只的内心独白了吧!2023年时他们与四叶草的相约十周年...




...。year [j(r)] 年I"ll see you in the new year. 新的一年里再见。decade [deked] 十年The 1980s were the hottest decade on record. 20世纪80年代是有史以来最热的十年。century [sentri] 世纪The name has come down from the last century. 这名称是从上个世纪流传...


理解“后置定语”的极佳例句 每日一段3/100

理解“后置定语”的极佳例句 每日一段3/100

...容吧,最关键的是学习它的定语使用方法。今日内容For decades, there has been an assumption that the children from impoverished families living in some of the world’s biggest and best off cities such as New York, Los Angeles and London face too many challenges to learn.——www...
