第一句子大全 > 标签 > perceptual
感性解放 perceptual liberation英语短句 例句大全

感性解放 perceptual liberation英语短句 例句大全



情感矩阵 perceptual matrix英语短句 例句大全

情感矩阵 perceptual matrix英语短句 例句大全

情感矩阵,perceptual matrix1)perceptual matrix情感矩阵2)inductance matrix电感矩阵1.Mathematic model of radial suspension force for bearingless motors based oninductance matrixes基于电感矩阵的无轴承电机径向悬浮力模型2.According to the abecedarian transformer structure an...


逻辑的共通感+the+logic+of+common+sense: 英语短句和例句大全

逻辑的共通感+the+logic+of+common+sense: 英语短句和例句大全

...gic声音感觉的逻辑1.By studying Rock Music as a special existence of perceptual form, this paper further analyzes its unique feature known as "Sound Perception Logic".本篇论文以摇滚(乐)作为一个个案研究,通过研究摇滚(乐)这样一种特殊的感性样式的存在,进一步...


温柔的神仙句子 小众高级 个性十足

温柔的神仙句子 小众高级 个性十足

... enters, you are all around.感性的人,总要承受双倍的痛苦。The perceptual person always bears double the pain.你就是我的世界,我最后的思念。You are my world, my last thoughts.一个重要的成人决策An important adult decision珍惜遇见的失落。Cherish the loss that ...


那些让你意难平的句子 触动心灵 再难找到回去的路

那些让你意难平的句子 触动心灵 再难找到回去的路

...想笑就笑,所以才没有抑郁。Fortunately, I have always been a perceptual person, crying and laughing when I want to, so I have no depression.以后我不想再顾及别人的感受了,我只想把自己照顾好。I don"t want to take care of other people"s feelings any more. I just wan...


让人感悟至深的短句 清新美好 建议收藏

让人感悟至深的短句 清新美好 建议收藏

...的人看人心,知性的人看人性。Rational people see human form, perceptual people see the heart, intellectual people see human nature.我喜欢拥抱。感觉世界上只有我们两个人。即使你不说话,你也知道。I like hugging. It feels like we"re the only two people in the ...


适合做签名的情感句子 句句触动心弦!

适合做签名的情感句子 句句触动心弦!

...、感性的人过不了柴米油盐,理性的人过不了风花雪月。Perceptual people can not live through daily necessities, rational people can not live through romance.9、在懵懂时期遇见非良人,在长大后遇见的都是有故事的人。In the ignorant period, I met a bad man,...


特别暖心的晚安文案短句 温暖阳光 沁人心脾

特别暖心的晚安文案短句 温暖阳光 沁人心脾

...生的烟火,半生的诗意,过得心满意足!Some people say that perceptual people can"t live, rational people can"t live. I wish you a happy life of fireworks and poetry!无论现实多么残酷,都要顽固地相信,那只是黎明前的一次短暂的黑暗。No matter how cruel the...


看完可以喜欢很久的短句文案 干净温柔 转发点赞

看完可以喜欢很久的短句文案 干净温柔 转发点赞

...e表面上是一个感性的人,但做了理智的事On the surface is a perceptual person, but did a rational thing应该扔掉就扔放弃从今天起余生做一个俗人以自己最好的姿态生活Should throw away, give up, from today on, the rest of my life to be a layman, with their best ...


高品质的热搜文案 句句走心 不失儒雅

高品质的热搜文案 句句走心 不失儒雅

...l never let each other feel tired, the spiritual world is greater than the perceptual world.你可以计划未来的人生,但不要刻意的去完成计划的人生,没有规律才有惊喜。You can plan your life in the future, but don"t complete it deliberately. There is no rule to surprise ...


触动人心的情感文案 现实走心 值得一读!

触动人心的情感文案 现实走心 值得一读!

...去。Fortunately, I always look at all things rationally. Sadly, I am a perceptual person, and I haven"t escaped all emotions.你知道哭是解决不了问题的,但没有人哭是为了解决问题。You know crying can"t solve the problem, but no one cries to solve the problem.上天不给我...


网易云热评情句|失去分享的欲望 便是散场的开始

网易云热评情句|失去分享的欲望 便是散场的开始

...ind and brave感情用事者不能过日子,理智的人不能过日子The perceptual person can not live daily necessities, the rational person can not live romantic affairs只是各奔东西罢了,可是俗眼总是伤人Just live their own lives, but the secular eyes are always hurtful心系枷...


2024年距离知觉 Distance perception英语短句 例句大全

2024年距离知觉 Distance perception英语短句 例句大全

... of floatation浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离相关短句/例句perceptual distance知觉距离1.The article gives the definition ofperceptual distance firstly.在对知觉距离的概念和特点进行分析的基础上,着重阐述其对游客出行决策的影响,并对其现实意义...


让人感同身受的爱情短句 干净有气质 深刻走心!

让人感同身受的爱情短句 干净有气质 深刻走心!

...She does not love you will mature rational, if she loves you will be naive perceptual.她不爱你才会成熟理性,她若爱你便会幼稚感性。It"s nice to have someone you like. Sunny days are good for meeting. Rainy days are good for missing有喜欢的人真好,晴天适合见面,雨...


颠覆!英语发音不标准并不是舌头不灵活 而是耳朵听不清标准音

颠覆!英语发音不标准并不是舌头不灵活 而是耳朵听不清标准音

...发音中去寻找对应发音的现象,称为是 “感知磁石效应(Perceptual Magnet Effect)”相信很多家长当年在学习英语都实践过 “感知磁石效应”,即听到英语单词的标准读音后,用汉字来给单词注音。结果呢?时间越长,越无法意识到...


暖心文案|我要去追寻月亮 然后再坠落浩瀚银河

暖心文案|我要去追寻月亮 然后再坠落浩瀚银河

...了柴米油盐酱醋茶,理性的人无法追求琴棋书画诗酒花。Perceptual people can"t pass firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, and rational people can"t pursue music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine.你以为我是那次痛哭后才成熟的,其实我...


客观觉察阈限 Objective Awareness Threshold英语短句 例句大全

客观觉察阈限 Objective Awareness Threshold英语短句 例句大全

...发电位客观评定听阈的研究7.Hemispheric Asymmetries of Temporal Perceptual Thresholds and a New Mensuration of Thresholds;时间知觉阈限的双脑不对称性及一种新的阈限测定方法8.Objectivity from Current "Science Studies" Perspective;当代“Science Studies”视阈下的...




... the Perspective of Life;生命视域中的学校生命道德教育特征5.PERCEPTUAL SYMBOL REPRESENTATION AND PROPOSITIONAL SYMBOL REPRESENTATION IN LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION;言语理解中的知觉符号表征与命题符号表征6.Life.Soul.Expression--Monk and his 《Life》 a suite of paintings...


Pesaran边界检验 Pesaran Bound Tests英语短句 例句大全

Pesaran边界检验 Pesaran Bound Tests英语短句 例句大全

...增强图像边界检测最新算法16.Contour and Boundary Detection via Perceptual Mechanisms of Primary Visual Cortex;基于初级视皮层感知机制的轮廓与边界检测17.Method to Identify Sandstone Boundary with Edge Detection边缘检测技术砂体边界识别方法研究18.Bound of St...


初级运动皮层 primary motor cortex英语短句 例句大全

初级运动皮层 primary motor cortex英语短句 例句大全

...察脑瘤累及初级皮层运动区6.Contour and Boundary Detection via Perceptual Mechanisms of Primary Visual Cortex;基于初级视皮层感知机制的轮廓与边界检测7.Encoding of Sound Spatial Information by Neurons in The Rat Primary Auditory Cortex大鼠初级听皮层神经元对声...
