第一句子大全 > 标签 > Trends
趋势与方向 Trends and the direction of英语短句 例句大全

趋势与方向 Trends and the direction of英语短句 例句大全

趋势与方向,Trends and the direction of1)Trends and the direction of趋势与方向英文短句/例句1.The Future Development of regulatory detailed planning in China;我国控制性详细规划的发展趋势与方向2.On Tendency of Social Law in Welfare State--Also on Social Development Patt...




...庐县降水特征及变化趋势分析英文短句/例句1.Some of these trends are:其中一些变化趋势是:2.Tending to alter or produce alteration.有变化趋势的,引起改变的3.Elevational and latitudinal trends were not pronounced.海拔和纬度的变化趋势不明显。4.Water P...


政策动向 policy development trend英语短句 例句大全

政策动向 policy development trend英语短句 例句大全

...文短句/例句1.African Financial Market Situation and Financial Policy Trends非洲金融市场概况与金融政策动向2.New Changes in New Environment-Review of the New Trends of Japan s Foreign Trade Policies;新环境新变化——日本对外贸易政策动向评析3.Selection of Cost Dri...


趋势预报: Trend Prediction英语短句+例句大全

趋势预报: Trend Prediction英语短句+例句大全

...hance your understanding of this important topic. From discussing emerging trends to making predictive statements, the diverse range of phrases and examples will help you communicate with confidence and precision. Explore this valuable resource to enrich your language skills and knowledge of trend a...




...aged to dabble in the arts).Granted, within rock there are countercultural trends ss a generic entity, rock so permeates our entire culture that other styles of music - such as jazz, classical, and pure country and western-are considered to be on the fringe, admired by small subcultural groups.句...




...,应按照我国内地的冲突规范确定合同准据法。2.These new trends are significant for China s establishment ofapplicable law concerning international divorce.自20世纪后半叶以来,为了解决旧的学说存在的缺陷问题,涉外离婚的准据法选择方面出现了一些新...




...文短句/例句1.GLACIERS AND LAKES IN THE TIANSHAN MOUNTAINS AND CLIMATE TRENDS天山冰川与湖泊变化所示的气候趋势2.The tendency,causes,fffects of the climate changes and the countermeasures;气候变化的趋势、原因、影响及对策3.Research on Characteristics of Drought and C...




...ects in the development of science and technology,and the unhealthy social trends in the transition period,restrict the cultivation of college students"innovation moral.大学生创新道德的培养是高校德育的重要职责。英文短句/例句1.To Renovate Model of Moral Education,Establish ...


A Comprehensive Collection of English Sentences for Statistical Early W

A Comprehensive Collection of English Sentences for Statistical Early W

... and water levels, these models can help authorities identify patterns and trends that may lead to dam failure. This comprehensive approach allows for timely interventions and preventive measures to be put in place, ultimately reducing the likelihood of catastrophic events. The development and imple...


常程5句话总结5G趋势:视频将会支配下一个时代 这两点自相矛盾

常程5句话总结5G趋势:视频将会支配下一个时代 这两点自相矛盾

...微博上发出了一张MWC展会上正在演讲的照片,内容为“5 Trends in the Era of 5G”,翻译过来就是5G时代的5个趋势,具体内容如下:1.Smartphone is Dying(智能手机正在消亡);2.Video Dominates the Next Decade(视频将会支配下一个时代);3.One...


每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

每日打卡 | 考研英语长难句精析day69

...动,留在原地Day70预告I had not realized how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids, including our core beliefs about their psychological development.-2012年text2(英语一)




...流而行 We also seemed to be swimming against the tide of contemporary trends in fashion industry. 对于当今时尚业的趋势来说,我们似乎是逆潮流而行。Sometimes, it is better to swim against the tide. I am firmly opposed to smoking and drinking, although all my friends do. ...


环境服务 environmental services英语短句 例句大全

环境服务 environmental services英语短句 例句大全

... an introduction of theenvironmental service, include of the international trends and legal system, from that we can realize that the need for the private provision of Environmental Service.由于我国的环境服务长期以来具有非排他性和非竞争性的特点,因此一直都是以公共...


调频技术 frequency modulation technique英语短句 例句大全

调频技术 frequency modulation technique英语短句 例句大全

...trol technique of AC motor, and expounds the present situation, developing trends and applicability of the converter technique.介绍了交流电动机变频调速技术的特点,阐述了变频技术的现状和发展趋向及其应用领域。3.As a result,ACfrequency control technique finds more ...


这9句话 别再对抑郁症患者说了!

这9句话 别再对抑郁症患者说了!

...ws-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression[2]Olfson, Mark, Han, et al. National Trends in the Prevalence and Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults[J]. Pediatrics Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016.[3]Huang Y, Wang Y, Wang H, et al. Prevalence of mental diso...


荒漠化指数 Desertification index英语短句 例句大全

荒漠化指数 Desertification index英语短句 例句大全

..."ke??n][美][d?"z?t?f?"ke??n]荒漠化1.Desertification: Current State and Trends,Scenarios and Response Options;全球荒漠化的现状、未来情景及防治对策2.Progressing and problems of domestic and international desertification dynamic monitoring and evaluation;国内外荒漠化动态...


适合发朋友圈 治愈人心的经典语录

适合发朋友圈 治愈人心的经典语录

...entertainment programs to keep your mind active andkeep up with the latest trends.决定你人生高度的不是你的天赋,而是你的生活态度!Your attitude, not your gifts, will determine your height in life!渺小和无足轻重的感觉,哪怕是遍体鳞伤,都应该是假装坚...


可以摘抄下来的爱情语录 唯美文艺 你会喜欢的

可以摘抄下来的爱情语录 唯美文艺 你会喜欢的

...搭上任何船只,我拥有了自己的大海。I didn"t drive away any trends, I didn"t board any boats, I had my own sea.没有遇见过你的人是不会明白的。People who have not met you will not understand.心事独特。The mind is unique.感到不快,I don"t feel fast,人生最有意义...


归一化植被指数(NDVI) NDVI英语短句 例句大全

归一化植被指数(NDVI) NDVI英语短句 例句大全

...正的归一化植被指数(C-NDVI)1.Corrected NDVI (C-NDVI),the temporal trends in the differences between the observed NDVI and the NDVI predicted by the rainfall,was developed to evaluate the effects of human activities on vegetation change (degradation and restoration).基于陕西省1998~SPOT...




...entrations of CO2 started rising about 8000 years ago, even though natural trends indicate they should have been dropping; methane levels rose similarly about 3,000 years later. Without these rises, however, current temperatures in northern parts of North America and Europe would be cooler by three ...
