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本篇文章收集了关于电容探针(capacitance probe)的英语短句和例句大全,涵盖了电容探针在科研、工程和实际应用中的各种场景。电容探针作为一种常用的测量工具,在电子学、物理学和工程领域有着广泛的应用,因此对于相关专...


电感式腐蚀探针 electric inductance probe英语短句 例句大全

电感式腐蚀探针 electric inductance probe英语短句 例句大全

电感式腐蚀探针,electric inductance probecorrosion probe腐蚀探针3)caustic probe腐蚀药探针4)inductance microprobe电感探针1.Here described are the development of on-line electro-chemical testing process, electric-resistance microprobe technique,inductance microprobe technique, local...


月球探测 lunar exploration英语短句 例句大全

月球探测 lunar exploration英语短句 例句大全

...n Measurement and Control Technology of Earth-Moon Transfer Orbit of Lunar Probe;月球探测器地月转移轨道测控技术仿真研究2.Dynamic Modeling and Simulating Analysis of Lunar Rover月球探测车的动力学建模与仿真分析3.Fuzzy Variable Structure Control for Concerted Driving ...


浮动车 floating car英语短句 例句大全

浮动车 floating car英语短句 例句大全

...通信息采集系统研究2.A Map Matching Algorithm Based on GPS Data of Probe Car;基于浮动车数据的地图匹配算法研究3.Road Network-Oriented Minimum Coverage Model for Floating Vehicle面向道路网的浮动车最小覆盖率模型4.Research on the Velocity of the Car in the Road on...




...;研究性学习与探究学习、发现学习、自主学习的关系16.A Probe into "Investigative Study" in Chemistry Teaching in Senior High School;高中化学教学实施“研究性学习”的探究17.A probe into the application of research study in chemical teaching;中学化学教学实...


文化误译:探索cultural mistranslation的英语短句和例句大全

文化误译:探索cultural mistranslation的英语短句和例句大全

...化误译,cultural mistranslation1)cultural mistranslation文化误译1.A Probe into Cultural Mistranslation in Light of Cultural Functional Equivalence Thory;从文化功能对等理论角度剖析文化误译现象2.An Adaptation Approach to Cultural Mistranslation;从顺应论角度看文化误...


多孔光纤 holey fiber英语短句 例句大全

多孔光纤 holey fiber英语短句 例句大全

...机理研究及截面参数设计4.Studies on Porous Plastic Fiber Optical Probe for Ammonia;多孔塑料光纤氨化学传感探头的研究5.Study on the Preparation of Porous Plastic Fiber Optical Probe and Its Application;多孔塑料光纤传感探头的制备及应用研究6.A Novel Fiber Opti...


自发辐射诱导相干 spontaneously generated coherence英语短句 例句大全

自发辐射诱导相干 spontaneously generated coherence英语短句 例句大全

...3.We studied the controlling role played by the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on inversionless gain of the probe field in a closed and Doppler broadened Λ-type three-level system withspontaneously generated coherence (SGC).研究了在具有自发辐射诱导相干性的Dopple...


针板 needle plate英语短句 例句大全

针板 needle plate英语短句 例句大全

...止织物在拉幅运行时从针板上脱开)5.Leverage upper cover and probe plate for PCB easy placing and picking.省力式上盖及针板,待测板取放容易。6.For replacing part(s) of needle, presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feed dog, needle guard, folder, cloth guide etc....




...terference前摄抑制1.In this study,a new task which consisted of recent probe task and verbal n-back task was adopted to explore the disadvantageous influence ofproactive interference(PI) on the verbal working memory.ADHD和阅读障碍儿童在言语工作记忆上的缺陷得到了大量研究...




...ation;许霆案应为“民事侵权损害赔偿案”的理析及启示13.Probe into the Civil Compensation Principles for Mental Harms;对我国民事侵权精神损害赔偿适用原则的探讨14.The Studies of Applying the Punishing Compensation to the Environment Infringement in Our Country;...


英语短句大全:卧底tunnel bottom cleaning 例句

英语短句大全:卧底tunnel bottom cleaning 例句

...tion Investigation;卧底侦查与诱惑侦查的“交叉现象”探微6.Probe into the Necessity and Feasibility of Underground Criminal Investigation;实施卧底侦查的必要性及可行性初探7.On the Legal Legitimacy of Undercover Investigation and Its Regulation试论卧底侦查的法...


免疫共振散射光谱分析 Immuno-resonance Scattering Spectral Assay英语短句 例句大全

免疫共振散射光谱分析 Immuno-resonance Scattering Spectral Assay英语短句 例句大全

...的新应用研究11.A New Immuno-Nanosliver Resonance Scattering Spectral Probe for Assay of IgG一种检测痕量IgG的免疫纳米银共振散射光谱探针12.A Simple and Sensitive Immune Resonance Scattering Spectral Assay for Determination of Fibrinogen免疫复合物共振散射光谱法测...


全程服务:Whole Course Service in English Short Sentences - A Complete Compilation of Examples

全程服务:Whole Course Service in English Short Sentences - A Complete Compilation of Examples

...obalization;全球化进程中的中国政府公共服务市场化探析18.Probe into the Socialization of China Public Service in Globalization Process;全球化进程中我国政府公共服务的社会化探讨相关短句/例句Service of whole Course全过程服务3)Integrated pharmaceutical ca...


媒体组合大全:探索Media Mix的英语短句和例句

媒体组合大全:探索Media Mix的英语短句和例句

...e enterprise advertisementmedia mix application in our country, the thesis probes the applicationconcretely on the enterprise advertising media mix optimization andevaluation.本文从我国目前企业广告媒体组合的应用现状出发,探索企业广告媒体组合的优化及评估的具体...


无机及分析化学: 英语短句和例句大全

无机及分析化学: 英语短句和例句大全

...y & Analyze Chemistry;农学专业无机及分析化学课的教学探讨5.Probe into Realize Environment-friendly Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Experiments;实现无机及分析化学实验绿色化的探索6.Initial Exploration in the Teaching Reform of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Expe...


重度牙周病 periodontitis英语短句 例句大全

重度牙周病 periodontitis英语短句 例句大全

...病学杂志parison of Reproducibility of Periodontal Probing by Using Two Probes and Evaluation of Fixing Effects on Anterior Loosened Teeth with Severe Periodontitis;牙周探诊重复性比较及牙周病松动前牙夹板固定的临床疗效分析10.Anther serious disease affects the gums, the ...


05月@扩大招生 enrollment expansion英语短句 例句大全

05月@扩大招生 enrollment expansion英语短句 例句大全

...书馆和谐的网络环境等措施,来消除数字鸿沟。3.This paper probes into some apparent problems in students qualification and teachers qualification, which are produced byenrollment expansion of music educational majors in normal universities, and gives some concrete tactics in terms of...


06月@香烟主流烟雾 mainstream cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

06月@香烟主流烟雾 mainstream cigarette smoke英语短句 例句大全

...eactive oxygen species(ROS) inmainstream cigarette smoke using fluorescent probe荧光探针检测香烟主流烟雾活性氧的机理研究英文短句/例句1.Detection of reactive oxygen species(ROS) in mainstream cigarette smoke using fluorescent probe荧光探针检测香烟主流烟雾活性...


小天体 Small body英语短句 例句大全

小天体 Small body英语短句 例句大全

...all body1)Small body小天体1.An autonomous optical navigation scheme for probes landing on small body is presented.提出了一种用于探测器着陆小天体的自主光学导航方案 。2.A scheme of autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance for probes landing on small body is developed....
