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风水理论 geomantic theory英语短句 例句大全

风水理论 geomantic theory英语短句 例句大全

风水理论,geomantic theory1)geomantic theory风水理论1.The research includes these aspects such asgeomantic theory, architectural technology and inter-net intelligent technology.本文从住宅建筑的现状出发,来展开绿色生态住宅环境的深入思考,从风水理论、建筑技术...


温柔又阳光的走心文案 简单大方 超励志!

温柔又阳光的走心文案 简单大方 超励志!

...换都是假的,他现在对那个女孩来说还不错The rotation of geomantic omen is fake. He"s not bad for that girl now晚霞,君已陌路。Sunset, you have stranger.


十分可爱的精致句子 浪漫又温柔 个性十足

十分可爱的精致句子 浪漫又温柔 个性十足

...,I saw the birds and cicadas chirping, the sun was shining,风水学轮回Geomantic cycle乏味是你You are boring到那个超级梦想家去吧Go to that super dreamer现在,只有你才是动力和光明的。Now, only you are the power and the light.完全不知道I don"t know at all遗憾的是...


一看就很火的高冷霸气句子 句句精辟 令人赞不绝口!

一看就很火的高冷霸气句子 句句精辟 令人赞不绝口!

...转,你见苍天饶过谁。Do not casually spoil the hearts of others, geomantic rotation, you see who has been spared.2.我的东西,从来就不喜欢与人分享,因为我想赢,所以你必须输。My things, never like to share with people, because I want to win, so you have to lose.3....


关于情感的文案 值得一看 喜欢拿去

关于情感的文案 值得一看 喜欢拿去

...empty seat Those who don"t know how to cherish will naturally be cherished Geomantic treasure land is a place where things are right and people are wrong Don"t rely on being loved but don"t know how to cherish女孩如果不努力学习,将来只有一个不能逛完的菜市场和一个不能买...




...ash Painting: 水墨画9. Embroider: 刺绣10. Shadow Play: 皮影戏11. geomantic omen: 风水12. solar calendar: 阳历13. lunar calendar: 阴历14. leap year: 闰年15. Zodiac: 十二生肖16. the Spring Festival: 春节17. the Lantern Festival: 元宵节18. the Tomb-sweeping Day: 清明...


中国传统文化 高考英语考试中的重要话题 你重视了吗

中国传统文化 高考英语考试中的重要话题 你重视了吗

...常考文化词汇:四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle;风水 :Fengshui/Geomantic Omen;长 城 :The Great Wall;中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day;中国结:Chinese knotting;元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup);火锅:Hot Pot;《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Mansions;《西游...
