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剖面返转 profile reversal英语短句 例句大全

剖面返转 profile reversal英语短句 例句大全

剖面返转,profile reversal1)profile reversal剖面返转1.Types and changing laws ofprofile reversal during polymer flooding;聚合物驱剖面返转类型及变化规律英文短句/例句1.Laboratory reserch on section inversion mechanism of polymer flooding聚合物驱剖面返转现象形成...


可调钠透析 sodium profile hemodialysis英语短句 例句大全

可调钠透析 sodium profile hemodialysis英语短句 例句大全

This collection provides a comprehensive range of English short sentences and example sentences on the topic of "adjustable sodium dialysis + sodium + profile + hemodialysis." These sentences offer a detailed exploration of the terminology, procedures, and patient care related to adjustable sodium d...


使用explain和show profile来分析SQL语句实现优化SQL语句

使用explain和show profile来分析SQL语句实现优化SQL语句

SQL语句优化是建立在慢查询分析的基础上,通过慢查询定位有问题的SQL语句,关于慢查询的介绍及其分析工具,可以参考[mysql慢查询及慢查询日志分析工具]一、通过explain查询1 用法:explain sql2 作用:用于分析sql语句(1)、id:执行e...
