第一句子大全 > 标签 > Opportunity
社会创业机会 Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity英语短句 例句大全

社会创业机会 Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity英语短句 例句大全

社会创业机会,Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity1)Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity社会创业机会1.The Research on Discovery and Development Framework Model ofSocial Entrepreneurship Opportunity社会创业机会识别与开发框架模型研究英文短句/例句1.The Research on Discov...


「面试技巧」英文面试难题 怎么回答你的优点缺点和离职原因?

「面试技巧」英文面试难题 怎么回答你的优点缺点和离职原因?

...公司层面:The company’s mission to … speaks to me.I’d love the opportunity to work with a company that’s making a difference.Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search, and this company ranks at t...


句句是情理 每日一读 洗涤心灵

句句是情理 每日一读 洗涤心灵

...危险背后的机会。Unsuccessful people see the danger in front of the opportunity.Successful people see the opportunity behind the danger.女人要么漂亮,要么勤劳,如果他们漂亮又努力,他们可以拖一点。Women are either pretty or hard-working, if they are pretty andhard...


冲刺2022研究生!2018年考研 英语二 Text 1 长难句解析

冲刺2022研究生!2018年考研 英语二 Text 1 长难句解析

...a time … ”。b. 标点符号拆分后:c. 连接词拆分:在“the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing”中,引导词“that”引导的从句是对“the opportunity”的解释说明,故是定语从句,可以拆分,到“is vanishing”前结束。d. 连接词拆分...


深入人心的修身养性 人生感悟的句子 什么才是真正的人生?

深入人心的修身养性 人生感悟的句子 什么才是真正的人生?

...meet a good teacher; If you meet a good friend, don"t pay; Don"t seize the opportunity.聪明人能说得通,聪明人看得准,聪明人看得远。A wise man can make sense, a wise man can see accurately, and a wise man can see far.如果你想做两件事,你会成功,但如果你等待...


富有故事的情感句子 感情真挚 令人难忘

富有故事的情感句子 感情真挚 令人难忘

...我们能够做的,只是理解这个挑战。It"s not us to choose the opportunity, but it"s opportunity that decides us.When the opportunity comes, all we can do is understand the challenge.就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。——培根It is difficult for God to be wise in love.-- -- ...




...为标准:Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。-Richard Nixon 期间的英语chalice是“不懂中文什么意思”的英语“生词”对吧?“第一次见”对吧?“只有翻译成中文...


完美诠释伤心的小句子 温柔深情 暖在心里

完美诠释伤心的小句子 温柔深情 暖在心里

...可以没有开枪的机会,但机会来时,你不可以没有子弹。Opportunity is equal to everyone, you can not have the opportunity to shoot, but when the opportunity comes, you can not have the bullet.咱们要做的,就是拉着彼此的手走到最后,其他的,交给命运。We h...


充满人生感悟的句子 字字深入人心 值得收藏!

充满人生感悟的句子 字字深入人心 值得收藏!

...机会,而是面对机会把自己归零的勇气。What we lack is not opportunity, but the courage to return ourselves to zero in the face of opportunity.一个人一出生就死了,但只要你活着,你就必须以最好的方式活着。A person dies at birth, but as long as you live, you...


人生感悟的句子 句句现实透彻 送给心累的人

人生感悟的句子 句句现实透彻 送给心累的人

...认为是机会时,它就不再是机会。When a thing is considered an opportunity by everyone, it is no longer an opportunity.意志决定你的成功,进步决定你的未来。Will determines your success, progress determines your future.很多人不是不愿意接受新思想,而是抛...


高中英语常考易混词辨析 一次性带你全部扫清!(附例句 习题)

高中英语常考易混词辨析 一次性带你全部扫清!(附例句 习题)

...ongratulate 2. congratulate 3. celebrated 4. celebrate 5. celebratechance, opportunitychance 和 opportunity 这两个单词都可以表示“机会”,但含义不同。(1)chance 指侥幸的或偶然的机会,或无法解释的 “天意” 或 “命运” 所安排的时机,意为运气,...


充满失落的伤心小短句 句句真话 现实又无奈

充满失落的伤心小短句 句句真话 现实又无奈

...可以没有开枪的机会,但机会来时,你不可以没有子弹。Opportunity is equal to everyone, you can not have the opportunity to shoot, but when the opportunity comes, you can not have the bullet.今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思在谁家?Tonight month Ming wang, I do not know a...




...Some people think the most important thing about being rich is it gives an opportunity to help other people.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2018年4.7日大陆区)这一道题是我认为近两年来同类型中难度较高的一道题,也是连老师都懵圈的一道题,此题...


精巧简洁唯美小句子 简单治愈 宠溺如一

精巧简洁唯美小句子 简单治愈 宠溺如一

...我们能够做的,只是理解这个挑战。It"s not us to choose the opportunity, but it"s opportunity that decides us.When the opportunity comes, all we can do is understand the challenge.我这辈子做什么事都没成功过,唯独让你幸福这件事,我怎么也不想搞砸。I"ve ne...


让人忍不住怀念的小短句 温柔简单 治愈一切忧伤

让人忍不住怀念的小短句 温柔简单 治愈一切忧伤

...我们能够做的,只是理解这个挑战。It"s not us to choose the opportunity, but it"s opportunity that decides us.When the opportunity comes, all we can do is understand the challenge.


会理英语短句精选:从基础到高级 丰富例句带你轻松学习

会理英语短句精选:从基础到高级 丰富例句带你轻松学习

... accounting in enterprise;管理会计在企业中的应用6)understanding opportunity理解机会1.How key to the qualitative theory distinguishes the opportunity,theunderstanding opportunity through the ethnography,finally transforms the product o.重点对如何利用群体文化学等定性理...




...operation谢谢您提供给我们这样服务的机会。Thank you for the opportunity to be of service我们感谢能有这样的机会去...We appreciate this opportunity to...Thank you for this opportunity to...很高兴和你们保持贸易关系。It is always a pleasure doing business with you...


精确设计可控写作 考研英语运筹帷幄!

精确设计可控写作 考研英语运筹帷幄!

...nings.2016年英语一结尾句Parents should never turn a blind eye to an opportunity of setting a positive example to children, for young students are flowers of the motherland.英语也讲求理科的逻辑,一个人将一个句子理解得深入骨髓之后,他将能够把这个句子的“...




... us to sign.(2).比如:错过机会,多数人首先想到的会是:miss an opportunity;其实,用pass up the chance/opportunity 会更加出彩, 例句: I can"t believe she passed up the chance to go to South America. (3).比如: 经受,忍受;可以用withstand替换bear,例句:She is an artist who...


哲理英语美句:如果你继续等待 迎接你的只有衰老

哲理英语美句:如果你继续等待 迎接你的只有衰老

...它们也是你朝着梦想的方向冒险时隐藏的珍宝之一。5. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.如果机会没来,那就自己创造机会。In order to opportunity to knock there needs to be a door first, which means conditions must be right for opportunity to present itself...
