第一句子大全 > 标签 > recent


最近共同祖先株,most recent common ancestor1)most recent common ancestor最近共同祖先株2)most recent co mmon ancestor最近共同祖先3)common ancestor共同祖先1.Scientists prove the same origin orcommon ancestor for Hans and Tibetans through comparative analysis on genetic Y chromos...


和爸妈要零花钱的句子 可爱搞笑 幽默风趣 赶紧收藏备用吧

和爸妈要零花钱的句子 可爱搞笑 幽默风趣 赶紧收藏备用吧

...窘迫,您二老能施舍点孩儿吗?Parents, I"m in a bit of a mess recently. Can you give me some money?2、母后殿下,都怪孩儿不孝,最近手头紧没跟您准备准备礼物Your highness, mother and empress, all blame the child for being unfilial. I haven"t prepared a gift with y...


在英语疑问句中 不能乱用现在完成进行时 不然可能会冒犯到别人

在英语疑问句中 不能乱用现在完成进行时 不然可能会冒犯到别人

...显持续时间的句子中,此时句中常有表时间的副词,如 recently 或 lately,例如:recently:Recently, I have been feeling really tired.最近,我感到很累。Jenny"s been helping us recently.珍妮最近一直在帮助我们。lately:She has been watching too much television...


适合长期不发动态时发的句子 俏皮可爱 句句经典!

适合长期不发动态时发的句子 俏皮可爱 句句经典!

...的滋味,你们慢慢体会。I don"t want to send a circle of friends recently. I miss you very much. You"ll feel it.2、销声匿迹这么久,还不都是因为我在热爱生活。It"s not all because I love life that I"ve disappeared so long.3、最近出现的频率有点低,不知道有...


让人眼前一亮的朋友圈文案句子 沙雕有趣 可以用来调节气氛

让人眼前一亮的朋友圈文案句子 沙雕有趣 可以用来调节气氛

...会发现原来都是你自己想多了!If you feel oneself become ugly recently, there is a very good way to be able to help you solve, that is you can take out oneself id card to see, you can discover is you think so much yourself!我最近发现天上的星星可真好看啊!所以你们可...


巧用这14个句式 让你的Essay范文内容看起来更丰富

巧用这14个句式 让你的Essay范文内容看起来更丰富

...rstanding of….Establishing the importance of the topic(time frame given):Recent developments in X have heightened the need for….In recent years,there has been an increasing interest in….In the arena of X,there has been a recent surge in interest and research.Recent developments in the field of...




...upported by facts.3) Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...4) Recent studies indicate that ...5) There is sufficient evidence to show that ...6) According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that ...常用句型七、开篇1) Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...2...


考研英语89分 是因为我掌握了这个技巧

考研英语89分 是因为我掌握了这个技巧

...状句非常好用,大家都背过:Witness.怎么用?现状句式:Recent years are witnesses of …在这里,中美贸易摩擦近些年来越来越多就可以写成:Recent years are witnesses of increasing number of cases of trade frictions between America and China.从选词来说,...


暗示自己没钱的句子 沙雕幽默 简短洋气

暗示自己没钱的句子 沙雕幽默 简短洋气

1、最近不想讲话,没钱,讲话不硬气。I don"t want to talk recently. I don"t have money. I don"t speak hard.2、我刚扇了我的钱包一耳光,其实没什么,就希望它能肿起来。I"ve just slapped my wallet in the face. It"s nothing. I just hope it will swell.3、不是...


适合半夜独自看的情感文案句子 句句现实 建议收藏

适合半夜独自看的情感文案句子 句句现实 建议收藏

...tinue a relationship, ask your friends and ask them to tell you about your recent situation.以前,我朋友说你最近看起来很好,说话也活蹦乱跳的,那这个男朋友非常爱你。Before, my friend said you looked good recently. He is also lively. Then this boyfriend loves you ve...


适公布自己怀孕的句子 精致入心 远看越喜欢

适公布自己怀孕的句子 精致入心 远看越喜欢

...f lovely you.4.最近好忙,我忙着长胖,你忙着长大。I"m busy recently. I"m busy getting fat. You"re busy growing up.5.十月怀胎,有辛苦,有幸福,但一切都十分值得,期待你的到来。Pregnant in October, there is hard work, there is happiness, but everything is wo...




...趋势研究4.Pentad Average Temperature Changes of Inner Mongolia During Recent 40 Years近40年内蒙古候平均气温变化趋势5.The Precipitation Spectrum of Lanzhou: Its Climate Change and Extreme Changing Tendency兰州雨量谱的气候变化与极端化趋势6.Climate Change from 1980 to ...


高中英语填空题 不用看懂句子也能做对题目的技巧

高中英语填空题 不用看懂句子也能做对题目的技巧

...单词后面是这些字母,可以大胆地尝试在后面加ly练习1:Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks________(regular) (2016全国卷II)练习2:Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which________(gradual) turned i...




...被动。65.have reported考点:动词---时态解析:标志词:in recent years,现在完成的标志词有:1自从 since2迄今 so far; up to now/up till now3十年 since 10 years ago; for 10 years; in/over/during the last/past 10 years4最近 recently; lately; thses years; in recent year...


初中英语主要时态系列:现在完成时(讲解+练习) 建议收藏

初中英语主要时态系列:现在完成时(讲解+练习) 建议收藏

...现在完成时连用与for 、since、 already、 yet、 ever、 never、 recently、just、before、 so far、 by now、 …等连用.注意: for+一段时间 since+过去的某一个时间点I have lived in Nanning for ten years.I have lived in Nanning since ten years ago/ 2002.I haven’t eaten ...


「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

...有这件乐器已经很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前买的。 ]Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked.[可它最近被一个客人弄坏了,因为她用它来弹奏爵士...


英语作文总是写不好 别愁 这些作文写作小技巧你get到了么

英语作文总是写不好 别愁 这些作文写作小技巧你get到了么

...文中,用实际的数字来说明,更具说服力。1.According to a recent survey,...根据最近的调查,......2.A recent statistics shows that...最近的统计数据表明...3.A recent survey revealed that...最近的一项调查显示...普通的作文千篇一律,优秀的作文万...




...第一遍,能听到了一些词并写下Doctor suffer insomnia recently ,大致得出句意是:我最近遭遇失眠。第二遍,确定句意,并补充了第二遍听到的单词I been from,写出:Doctor I been suffer from insomnia recently第三遍,再仔细听,...




...时)Establishing the importance of the topic (time frame given):1. Recent developments in X have heightened the need for ….2. Inrecent years, there has been an increasing interest in ….3. In thearena of X , there has been a recent surge in interest and research.4. Recentde...




...e has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.原始为:it has served。为了强调以前从来没有过:never before,将其置于句首,部分倒装为has it served。Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millenn...
