第一句子大全 > 标签 > immersion
英文美句 核心词汇 immerse oneself in

英文美句 核心词汇 immerse oneself in

She immersed herself in her work.她全身心投入工作。immerse yourself in sth.to become completely involved in an activity 潜心于某事,专注于某事If you immerseyourself in something that you are doing, you become completely involved in it. 使专心于【例句拓展】1. They all im...


【2024年】置换镀铜 immersion copper plating英语短句 例句大全

【2024年】置换镀铜 immersion copper plating英语短句 例句大全

置换镀铜,immersion copper plating1)immersion copper plating置换镀铜1.The definition, characteristics and categories of Pollution-Free electroless copper plating and the pace of progress of its two kinds of quomodos related to this thesis,immersion copper plating and electroless copper platin...


每日句解|故宫与VR神仙联合 英文成分划分别错过

每日句解|故宫与VR神仙联合 英文成分划分别错过

.... A recent partnership with Tencent to digitize palace treasures and offer immersive virtual reality experience is part of this approach, as is the museum’s use of social media.2句子分析1.The Palace Museum’s new director, Wang Xudong, has observedthe importance of employing new technology to...




...(单位: m)Fig. 2 Longitudinal profile of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge immersed tunnel (m)由于隧道穿越人工回填砂层、全新世海相沉积层、晚更新世陆相沉积层、晚更新世海陆交互相沉积层和晚更新世陆相沉积层,为实现沉管基础刚度的平顺过渡...


浸锌和Zinc dipping 英文短语示例整理

浸锌和Zinc dipping 英文短语示例整理

...ure硫化锌精矿加压氧化酸浸动力学研究相关短句/例句zinc immersion浸锌1.Oxide can be removed effectively after activation in the solution of H_3PO_4+NH_4HF,while adhesion ability of latterzinc immersion coating to substrate can be enhanced.结果表明,采用CrO_3+Fe(NO_3)_3+KF...


初中英语 阅读表达专项训练 第4讲(附解析)

初中英语 阅读表达专项训练 第4讲(附解析)

...ng outof your room.“The most interesting part of VR is that it offers an immersive(身临其境的)experience,” saidWang Bing, leader of the Chinese entertainment company Funshow. That’s why VR movies are popular among users. According to the Report onChinese VRUsers’Behavior last month,...




1. Immersed in their experiment, they had no idea what happened just outside their lab.A. Concentrated B. Addicted C. Absorbed D. Committed【答案】C译文:他们全心投入实验,因此对实验室外发生的事情一无所知。concentrate“集中”,与介词 on 搭配,addicted “...


细胞空泡毒素 VacA英语短句 例句大全

细胞空泡毒素 VacA英语短句 例句大全

...Study of the Effect of Endotoxin on the Open Abdominal Wound with Seawater Immersion and Its Mechanism;腹部开放伤合并海水浸泡中内毒素的作用及其机制的实验研究16.Change of plasma endotoxin in rats with open abdominal seawater immersion injury大鼠腹部开放伤合并海水...


暖心文案|住在这个喧闹喧闹的世界 有时候真的需要一个人独处

暖心文案|住在这个喧闹喧闹的世界 有时候真的需要一个人独处

...rance of flowers and listen to the birds. Enjoy the fun of nature, quietly immersed in their reverie, no one accompaniedonly themselves, at this time I am the most true. Raise your head and look up at the sky. Let the heart fly with infinite thoughts. At this time, the world belongs to me, I also be...


Lucy英语- 告别脑内翻译 5步法锻炼英语思维

Lucy英语- 告别脑内翻译 5步法锻炼英语思维

...out this more in step number five, but what you"re doing here is mimicking immersion.我要在第五步里进一步谈谈这一点,你们在这里要做的就是沉浸式的模仿。By always having English going on in your head you are mimicking being in England and having English conversations o...


金/硅纳米孔柱阵列 Au/Si-NPA英语短句 例句大全

金/硅纳米孔柱阵列 Au/Si-NPA英语短句 例句大全

...cing substrate, a self-supported, nanostructured gold film was prepared by immersion technique.以一种新的硅微米/纳米结构复合体系——硅纳米孔柱阵列作为还原性衬底,采用浸渍技术制备出一种自支撑的金纳米薄膜,并对其表面形貌和结构进行了表征...




....九、溺死在纯氧中,沉浸在黄昏之时.Drowning in pure oxygen, immersed in the twilight.十、白月光爱而不得,朱砂痣得而不惜. White moonlight love but not, cinnabar mole and not at all.想要了解更多相关内容,关注文案馆阿,我们下次见。图片源于网...




...ptional sound reproduction and comfortable fit.9. These earbuds provide an immersive audio experience, with excellent noise isolation.10. The soundstage and clarity of these headphones are truly remarkable, making them a top choice for audiophiles.11. These headphones offer an unparalleled listening...


处于恋爱中的情感文案 意蕴深远 值得品鉴

处于恋爱中的情感文案 意蕴深远 值得品鉴

...没有结果的感情里,谁也不是谁的牺牲品。Be sober. Don"t immerse yourself in feelings without results. No one is a victim.轻易得到的爱情也会轻易逝去的。Easy to get love will easily die.爱你的人会越过崇山峻岭尽全力去爱你。People who love you will go ov...


走心文案语录 花店关了 花继续开

走心文案语录 花店关了 花继续开

...般,揉在幸福里。The love should be as light as the soft cloud and immersed in happiness.(10)当前面的路走不动了,尝试让自己转个弯,也许幸福就来了。When there is no road ahead,try to make a turning back, then the happiness might spring out on your ne




...晚,自己沉浸在自己的世界里(36) Stay up late at night and immerse yourself in your own world(三十七)、曾记得在一个寒冷的夜晚,我触怒了母亲(37) I remember that on a cold night, I angered my mother(三十八)、白天过去了,又到了一个黑漆漆的夜...


适合留言的温柔系文案 温暖入心 让人喜欢

适合留言的温柔系文案 温暖入心 让人喜欢

...浸在浪漫的氛围中,爱情就像一个小柠檬,酸酸甜甜的。Immersed in the romantic atmosphere, love is like a small lemon, sour and sweet.


民族文化村寨旅游 ethnic cultural village tourism英语短句 例句大全

民族文化村寨旅游 ethnic cultural village tourism英语短句 例句大全

... a unique and enriching experience that offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the diverse customs, traditions, and lifestyles of various ethnic groups. This type of tourism allows travelers to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, while also admiring the architecture,...


简短精致的温柔短句 有深度有内涵 越看越爱

简短精致的温柔短句 有深度有内涵 越看越爱

无非就是想沉浸在他的温柔里,不愿意出来。I just want to immerse myself in his tenderness and don"t want to come out.遥遥无期的期待,什么时候才是头?When is the best time to look forward to it?做梦都想跟你在一起的人,是真的爱你呀。People who dream...




...还能够让课堂更生动,学习效果更明显。沉浸式教学法(Immersive Learning)定义:沉浸式教学法,简单来说,就是给孩子创造一个英语学习环境,让孩子沉浸在其中,并通过不断的输入、输出和对话,让孩子能够在第二语言环境...
