第一句子大全 > 标签 > Mechanical
卸荷力学试验 Unloading mechanical test英语短句 例句大全

卸荷力学试验 Unloading mechanical test英语短句 例句大全

卸荷力学试验,Unloading mechanical test1)Unloading mechanical test卸荷力学试验1.Using the RMT-150B servo-controlling testing machine,unloading mechanical tests of marble under high confining pressure and high water pressure conditions were carried out.利用伺服机对大理岩进行高...


机械共混 mechanical blending英语短句 例句大全

机械共混 mechanical blending英语短句 例句大全

"机械共混"是指利用机械设备将不同物质或成分混合均匀的工艺方法,常见于化工、制药、食品等行业。在英语中,这一工艺常被称为"mechanical blending"。本文收集了关于机械共混的英语短句和例句,旨在帮助读者快速了解和掌握...


Efficient Dust Filtration with Multivortex Mechanical Collectors: A Comp

Efficient Dust Filtration with Multivortex Mechanical Collectors: A Comp

Multivortex mechanical collector is an advanced type of dust collector that uses a multi-tube design to efficiently remove dust and particles from the air. It operates on the principle of creating a high-speed vortex, which separates the dust from the air stream by centrifugal force. This innovative...


力学环境 Mechanical environment英语短句 例句大全

力学环境 Mechanical environment英语短句 例句大全

力学环境,Mechanical environment1)Mechanical environment力学环境1.The climatic and mechanical environment encountered by carrierbased materiel and their influence were analyzed.分析了舰船装备遇到的气候和力学环境及这些环境对装备的影响,指出了造成舰船装备环...


动力机械工程 power and mechanical engineering英语短句 例句大全

动力机械工程 power and mechanical engineering英语短句 例句大全

动力机械工程是研究动力传递、变换和控制的一门学科,涉及能源转换、发电、动力传动、核技术等诸多领域。本短句集合了与动力机械工程相关的英语短句和例句,旨在帮助读者更好地了解该领域的专业术语和概念。From a power...
