第一句子大全 > 标签 > wounds
纳米烧伤膏 Nano burn wounds oil英语短句 例句大全

纳米烧伤膏 Nano burn wounds oil英语短句 例句大全

纳米烧伤膏,Nano burn wounds oil1)Nano burn wounds oil纳米烧伤膏1.Nano burn wounds oil and recombinant human epidermal growth factor in the treatment of bedsore wound纳米烧伤膏与重组人表皮细胞生长因子联合治疗褥疮创面疗效观察英文短句/例句1.Nano burn wounds ...




...icacy and safety ofrecombinant human epidermal growth factor in 4 types of wounds;重组人表皮生长因子对4种创面的疗效2.Stability ofrecombinant human epidermal growth factor in artificial intestinal juice and gastric juice;重组人表皮生长因子在人工胃液和肠液中的稳定...




...I carry QuikClot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds."QuikClot这个单词大写,可知应该是专有名词,表示人名地名什么名的。她带着QuikClot 的军队级别的绷带。bandage是绷带的意思,就是我们医用纱布。bandage dressing 是那...


说到人们心中的经典句子 短 振奋人心 发人深省!

说到人们心中的经典句子 短 振奋人心 发人深省!

...,但是心痛依然。Some smiles are like band-aids. They cover up the wound, but the pain still hurts.风勾起了往事沧桑,雨泛白了爱恨情长。谁也无法抹去隐藏在最心底的那道伤。古代圣人把他们的伤融入了诗词文章,现代贤人把他们的伤写进了...


新型敷料 new-type dressing英语短句 例句大全

新型敷料 new-type dressing英语短句 例句大全

... dressing1)new-type dressing新型敷料1.Influence ofnew-type dressing on wound healing of postoperative patients;新型敷料对手术后伤口愈合的影响英文短句/例句1.Clinical study of treatment effect of Glycocell on diabetic ulcer新型敷料Glycocell促进糖尿病溃疡面愈合的...


当英文译成中文 才知道中文有多美(美句欣赏)

当英文译成中文 才知道中文有多美(美句欣赏)

...t time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.中文:我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走得最急的是最美的景色,伤得最深的是最真的感情。3.英文:Time would heal almost all wounds...


英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

...ear in "go" and "no".在这里就是双元音,是//音。这和形容词 wounded 里面是同样的音。He dove into the pool. So let"s see if we can put those two words together in a sentence, might be a little tricky.他跳入游泳池。让我们看看是否可以在一句话中把这两个词...


暖心情句|你没有经历过的苦 就不要用不理解的方式去劝告别人

暖心情句|你没有经历过的苦 就不要用不理解的方式去劝告别人

...都给别人看的话,你的伤口永远都无法治愈。Everyone has a wound, but if you show every wound to others, your wound will never be cured.温柔到骨子里的可爱句子|我想把所有的糖都给你比晚风还温柔的句子|如果你碰巧看到黄昏,那就是我们相遇...




...m a fan.It must have barely brushed it,for it made no sound.But the slight wound,biting into the crystal day by day,surely, invisibly creptslowly all around it.The clear water leaked out drop by drop.The flowers" sap was exhausted.Still no one suspected anything.Don"t touch! It"s broken.Thus often d...




...,虽然这个人被拒绝了多次,但他任然没有失去信心。)Wounded, the brave soldier continued to fight=Though he was wounded, the brave soldier continued to fight.虽然受伤了,但那个勇敢的士兵依然继续作战。(冉老师有话说:该句中的过去分词wounded...


坚强到让人心疼的句子 句句伤情 戳人心窝

坚强到让人心疼的句子 句句伤情 戳人心窝

...nt to shed tears in front of others easily, but hide and slowly lick their wounds, in front of others to show a strong side, but in fact the heart has been a barren.越长大就越学会慢慢的自己一个人默默地去承受这生活中的苦难,不想轻易的让别人看透,更不愿意在...


简短又伤感的短句 心里憋屈 凄凉悲伤

简短又伤感的短句 心里憋屈 凄凉悲伤

...ing may be a lifetime! 伤口撒盐,最后的伤口还是留给自己。 Wound salt, the last wound or to their own. 不能参与你的过去。错过了你的未来。 No part of your past. Miss your future.


11个感同身受的生活感悟句子 特别写实!

11个感同身受的生活感悟句子 特别写实!

...n happiness.5.受伤的痕迹会成为心田里的轮廓。The scars of my wounds will be the outlines of my heart.6.放过自己时,不放在心上的事情就越来越多了。When you let yourself go, there are more and more things you don"t take to heart.7.茶包会越泡越淡,就像往事...


很现实和心酸的句子 人间疾苦样样我们都没法逃过

很现实和心酸的句子 人间疾苦样样我们都没法逃过

...he night falls, and you will know what you want in your heart. It"s like a wounded wolf hiding in a corner and licking its wound.我们原本以为咬咬牙忍一忍,生活就会慢慢的变好起来,却没想到连小事都不肯放过我们。We originally thought that life would get better by...


胸腹多发伤 serious multiple thoracic abdominal injuries英语短句 例句大全

胸腹多发伤 serious multiple thoracic abdominal injuries英语短句 例句大全

...发性胸腹主、髂动脉真性动脉瘤腔内治疗1例6.The abdominal wound is subject to a considerable variety of complications.腹部伤口易引发很多种并发症。7.Damage control orthopaedics of thoracolumbar burst fracture complicated with severe polytrauma胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并...


表达舍不得放手的伤感句子 句句无奈 真情流露

表达舍不得放手的伤感句子 句句无奈 真情流露

...磨灭的伤口。The scratches in the heart eventually become indelible wound.最残酷的自然法则就是新朋友取代旧朋友。The cruelest law of nature is to replace old friends with new ones.一个人,为了寻找所谓的缘分,开始了徒步旅行。A man, in order to find the so-...


离子凝胶法 Ionotropic gelation英语短句 例句大全

离子凝胶法 Ionotropic gelation英语短句 例句大全

...uitable for various applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and wound healing. Examples of ionotropic gelation applications include the encapsulation of bioactive compounds in alginate beads for sustained release, the preparation of injectable hydrogels for cell transplantation, and the ...


悲伤的爱情语录 破碎的心 看有多少恋人哭过?

悲伤的爱情语录 破碎的心 看有多少恋人哭过?

...四,而你却只能捂着你的伤口傻傻的笑。Others point to your wound, and you can only cover your wound silly smile.哀愁的人,给他们安慰,饥饿的人,给他们食物,而我所能做的,为什么总只是后者。Comfort to the sorrowful and food to the hungry, when all ...


精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 适合置顶

精巧而高级的深情短句 简单优雅 适合置顶

...一碰就痛;有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼Some wounds, no matter how long, still a touch of pain;Some people, no matter how long, or a think of pain喝下最烈的酒忘记最深的伤口。Drink the strongest wine and forget the deepest wound.自己强,比什么都强...


很经典的人生感悟 深刻透彻 每一句都是心灵鸡汤

很经典的人生感悟 深刻透彻 每一句都是心灵鸡汤

...伤口。追求是治愈伤口的良药。The fragile heart has too many wounds. Pursuit is a good medicine to heal wounds.2.当一个人发自内心,他就是一个有价值的人。When a person comes from his heart, he is a valuable person.3.你不努力的原因是你没有受到足够的侮...
