第一句子大全 > 标签 > without
很多人都在发的情感句子 精辟深刻 值得学习

很多人都在发的情感句子 精辟深刻 值得学习

...ill give you my life没有你,天空不蓝; 没有你,月亮就不圆Without you, the sky is not blue; Without you, the moon is not round没有你,星星不亮; 没有你,花园不美丽Without you, the stars are not bright; The garden is not beautiful without you没有你,泉水不甜...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

短语“I couldn't have done it without”

短语“I couldn't have done it without”

The phrase “I couldn’t have done it without someone/something” is a polite way to say that this person or thing was necessary toyour success.短语“I couldn’t have done it withoutsomeone/something(没有某人/某事我就做不到)”,是礼貌表达该人、该事是你走上成功...

2020-01-27 #经典句子



...语表达——彻底被人遗忘, 这个短语的英文表达是:sink without (a) trace 彻底被人遗忘Since his last book five years ago, he seems to have sunk without trace. 自从5年前出了最后一本书,他好像就彻底被人遗忘,踪影全无。 Her second symphony sank withou...

2009-07-11 #经典句子

英语否定句型大全 4 含否定词但意思肯定的句型总结

英语否定句型大全 4 含否定词但意思肯定的句型总结

双重否定变肯定1. ...never/not/no... without + N说明︰此句型意为“每…必然…;没有…就没有…”。这是双重否定句。有时译成“没有…而不…”;“每一次…都…”。No gains without pains.不劳则无获。I cannot see this picture without think...

2023-08-11 #经典句子



live without it:没有它无法生活。I know smoking is not good but I cannot live without it.我知道抽烟不好,但是我没有它无法生活。I play on my phone everyday,but I can"t live without it. 我每天玩手机,但是没有手机我就活不下去了。The computer games have...

2011-07-08 #经典句子



...计们,别再说了,我都等不及要看到那个漂亮的景色了。without further ado|话不多说,不用大费周折,闲话少说。ado 可能大家不怎么熟悉,其意为“麻烦,纷扰,忙乱”,主要以两个词组的形式“without further ado”和“without more ad...

2023-11-26 #经典句子



...——消失得无踪迹可寻, 这个短语的英文表达是:vanish without (a) trace 消失得无踪迹可寻Police have been searching for two weeks to find a young girl who vanished without trace from her home in Rochester. 警方已经搜寻了两个星期,以寻找一名从罗切斯特...

2013-12-28 #经典句子



...整点就报时。——查斯特菲尔德勋爵3Seven Deadly Sins; wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, science without humanity, knowledge without character, politics without principle, commerce without morality, worship without sacrifice.——Mahatma Gandhi译文人类的七宗罪...

2023-09-25 #经典句子

三观很正的文案句子 干净文艺 值得喜欢!

三观很正的文案句子 干净文艺 值得喜欢!

...可以,所以永远不要说“她没有我不行,我依然会很好”Without your support, I totally need you, so never say "she can"t do without me, but you will still be fine."在没有你的时候,我知道我是多么的艰难。Without you, I know how difficult I am, without you.生活...

2022-12-28 #经典句子



...的旅程。The most regretful thing is that in that summer, we graduated without graduation photos, without saying goodbye, without a good party, without a deep hug, without time to say a word of treasure, so we went on our own journey.

2015-07-05 #经典句子

适合孤独时候发的爱情句子 懂你的忧伤 懂你的忧伤

适合孤独时候发的爱情句子 懂你的忧伤 懂你的忧伤

...我的世界,我居住在一个只有你的天空。You live in a world without me, I live in a sky with only you.友情再转回爱情,不是我要的,其实,我就想执子之手,与子偕老。Friendship turns back to love, is not what I want, in fact, I want to hold your hand, and son ...

2022-10-29 #经典句子

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 温柔似水 治愈内心

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 温柔似水 治愈内心

...空气,没有阳光,没有你要我怎么活下去呢?How can I live without you, without love, without air, without sunshine?时光流逝,谁的风起云涌,谁的尘埃落定,在史册里,不过是薄薄几行书,抵不过一首诗的风流。As time goes by, whose wind rises, whos...

2024-01-10 #经典句子



...介词短语,但是表示与主句相反。常用的有这几个单词:without,but for,or,otherwise. 这些连词就可以表示与主句相反的含义。without(没有)but for(要不是),or和otherwise(否则)。这样吧,我们具体地举个例子吧!要没有你,我明天就可以...

2023-12-19 #经典句子

长难句看不懂?其实是简单句 教你如何拆解长难句

长难句看不懂?其实是简单句 教你如何拆解长难句

...d0.8 per cent of economic growth, JPMorgan estimates.2. In fact, squinting without glasses puts more strain on the eyes, and may cause sight to worsen.3. For Ms. Zhou, the postgraduate officer in the student union at the University of Bath, being in Britain during the time of the vir us meant fieldi...

2023-01-20 #经典句子

英语语法想学好 天天看我第40篇:连词 and 的用法

英语语法想学好 天天看我第40篇:连词 and 的用法

...ir on the moon月球上没有水,也没有空气。3、在否定句中,without之后若有列举成分,则用and连接,构成完全否定而在肯定句中,without之后的列举成分要用or连接才能构成完全否定Man can"t live without air and water.=Man will die without air or wa...

2022-12-12 #经典句子

个性签名文案 简单大气 让别人一眼就记住你

个性签名文案 简单大气 让别人一眼就记住你

...不喜,喜而不怒。Proud and indifferent, light and do not fight; Joy without sorrow, sorrow without fear; Movement without joy, joy without anger.闪亮的星星,总是每个人期待的。Shining stars are always what everyone expects.摘不到的星星,总是会被人牵挂的。Can not ...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



...或短语的后面。例句:Books are the nutrient of whole world.A life without booksis like without sunlight.书籍给整个世界提供养分。人的一生没有书籍,就如同生活中没有阳光。例句:If we could read the secret history of our enemies,we should find in each man"s li...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

富有故事的情感句子 简单而温柔 让人难以忘怀

富有故事的情感句子 简单而温柔 让人难以忘怀

...空气,没有阳光,没有你要我怎么活下去呢?How can I live without you, without love, without air, without sunshine?不敢面对你的目光,我知道错了,你大人有大量,原谅我好吗?深爱你的人正在忏悔……Dare not face your eyes, I know wrong, you have a l...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

那些超级温柔治愈的文案 句句暖心 超级值得收藏

那些超级温柔治愈的文案 句句暖心 超级值得收藏

...见,爱而不得,终其一生,权衡利弊,满是遗憾。Thinking without words, reading without forgetting, thinking without seeing, and loving without being able to spend his whole life weighing the pros and cons, full of regret.4.大多数人的一生:好奇、天真、不甘、绝望...

2013-04-17 #经典句子

激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

... be learned2.牛不训不会耕,马不练不能骑。Cattle can"t plough without training, and horses can"t ride without training.3.光阴似箭,日月如梭。Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon flies like a shuttle.4.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。April showers brin...

2008-08-05 #经典句子