第一句子大全 > 标签 > pronounce


...续看吧The first tip is you should realize there can be a difference in pronouncing the exact same word.第一条,一个单词是有可能有不同的读音的For example,比如The reason why they are pronounced differently is that they have different meanings.之所以如此,是因为它们...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

美式语调- 如何发音GENUINE How to pronounce‘GENUINE’

美式语调- 如何发音GENUINE How to pronounce‘GENUINE’

...adar and this is the Accent"s Way. Today we are going to talk about how to pronounce the word "genuine".大家好,我是 Hadar,这是 the Accent"s Way 频道。今天我们要来讲讲怎么读“genuine”这个单词。I genuinely believe it is an important word to know how to pronounce.Genuin...

2011-02-03 #经典句子



...下”。很多老师都说 please read this word,正确说法是please pronounce this word。课堂用语是英语老师和同学们在课堂上直接互动的用语,潜移默化的作用很大。因此,使用正确的课堂英语对英语教学起到一个非常重要的作用。今天,著...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME  Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

英语中的同形异义词 Spelled the SAME Pronounced DIFFERENTLY

...f these different words and learn some cool tricks so that you know how to pronounce them correctly so you ready to dive in? So let"s start nice and simple with this word.我的意思是这真的很烦人,但我们要看看其中一些不同的单词,并学习一些很酷的技巧,这样你就...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

...什么时候会发/r/音,字母“r”。So first of all, Americans they pronounce the "r". they have a rhotic R whereas in British English, it"s a little bit more complicated. So, when words finish with the letter "r", we do not pronounce it, "better/bet/", we use the schwa.首先,美国人发...

2023-06-30 #经典句子

英语教案怎么写?来看看这个教案模板 手把手教你写

英语教案怎么写?来看看这个教案模板 手把手教你写

...icult PointsThe key point of this lesson is to get students to know how to pronounce the words correctly and understand the meaning of the sentences.The difficult point is to improve student’s speaking and listening ability.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-upReview a chant with students: “Red...

2012-05-28 #经典句子

被别人用英文叫错名字的你 该如何用英文回复他?

被别人用英文叫错名字的你 该如何用英文回复他?

...为对方虽然知道你的名字,但“发音”出现问题。Hey, you pronounced my name wrong.嘿,你把我的名字念错了。pronounce:发音,尤其指准确发出词、音节等的音。它的反义词是mispronounce,表示发错音、读错,所以这句话也可以表达为:Yo...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

Emma英语- 不要再念错数字啦 STOP saying numbers wrong

...语的时候就已经学过数字了,对吧?But did you learn how to pronounce them correctly too?English numbers can be difficult to pronounce.但是你知道如何正确发音吗?英语数字可能会很难发音的。Some of them have some pretty crazy consonant clusters.In today"s pronunci...

2008-01-01 #经典句子

唯壹汉语干货|实用汉教课堂英语 收藏收藏

唯壹汉语干货|实用汉教课堂英语 收藏收藏

...人一组/小组练习Who can help him out? 谁能帮他解决这个问题Pronounce correctly/loudly/clearly 准确/大声/清晰地发音夸赞表扬Good/Great Job!/ Nice going. 做得好!Excellent!/ Well done!/Fantastic!/Amazing! 很棒,超级棒!Unbelievable! 难以置信!Don’t worry....

2023-06-02 #经典句子

英语中的不发音字母 Silent Letters in English

英语中的不发音字母 Silent Letters in English

...lish words that have silent letters in them? Especially ones that you keep pronouncing incorrectly.你能想到一些带有不发音字母的英语单词吗?尤其是你的发音一直不对的那些。Let me know about it down in the comments and hopefully, fingers crossed, we"re gonna get some p...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

这个冬天惊艳你的句子‖冬天来临会发生很多美妙的事情 敬请期待

这个冬天惊艳你的句子‖冬天来临会发生很多美妙的事情 敬请期待

...气,当你发“ha”的音的时候,发出来的是热气。When you pronounce "Fu", you send out air conditioning; when you pronounce "ha", you emit hot air.要是拥有爱情, 人就能像冬眠的熊一样, 心满意足了。If you have love, you can be as contented as a hibernating bear...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

用英式英语道别的不同方式 Different ways to say Goodbye

用英式英语道别的不同方式 Different ways to say Goodbye

...he best ways to say goodbye in modern British English and of course how to pronounce all of these words. Hi, everybody. It"s me, Elliott from ETJ English, and yes, today, I"m helping you with goodbyes.在今天的课程中,我们将学习现代英式英语中说再见的最佳方法,当然还有...

2016-07-20 #经典句子

带pop的动词短语 Phrasal verbs with pop

带pop的动词短语 Phrasal verbs with pop

...he // sound because most of the time when my students join my course, they pronounce this // sound in words like "hot", "knots", "pots" with more of an American pronunciation.如果我告诉你 I"m just going to pop out,通常意味着我要出去,离开大楼,离开房间,到外面去,但...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

新一期英语笔记出来了 这次词汇的意思你都知道吗?

新一期英语笔记出来了 这次词汇的意思你都知道吗?

...疑问则为肯定。79) 反义疑问句怎么读?If a tag question is pronounced in raising tone, it means hat I am waiting your reply, while a tag question is pronounced in a downing tone, it means that I am sure about it.【如果是升调,则表明说话人期待对方的回答,如果是...

2013-04-28 #经典句子

每日英语:这10个用连词串联起来的句子 让你看了又看

每日英语:这10个用连词串联起来的句子 让你看了又看

...can"t imagine how delicious the dishes are.5. If you have trouble pronouncing these words,you can repeat them over and over again unti you are comfortable with them.6. I still remember my first teacher though we haven’t seen each other for many years.7. Please hold on to your dream...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

...lso have the IPA spelling of this word and it will show you exactly how to pronounce it. So, it would be silly not to learn the IPA.学习这些是非常有用的,因为在每一本字典里,举例来说,如果你学习新单词,它们也会有这个单词的国际音标拼写,它会告诉...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...as posted on the noticeboard. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。 24pronounce 熟义:v 发音 例句:Very few people can pronounce my name correctly. 很少有人能把我的名字念正确。 生义:v 正式宣布(或公布、授予等) 例句:She was pronounced dead on arrival a...

2012-06-13 #经典句子

如何用英语请求帮助 How to ask for help in English

如何用英语请求帮助 How to ask for help in English

...我们看看 help 这个词。I think it"s important that we know how to pronounce it. The first thing we need to look at is the letter H, so the /h/ sound at the beginning.我认为我们知道它如何发音很重要。首先我们要看看字母 H,开头的/h/音。It depends what country you"r...

2019-04-24 #经典句子

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

双语丨音位学-音位规则 Phonological rules in phonology

... good example.否定前缀“in-”就是一个很好的例子。It may be pronounced as [in], [i] or [im]when occurring in different phonetic contexts, e. g. indiscrete [indiskri:t ] (alveolar), ink [ik] (velar), input [imput](bilabial).它可能发音发作[in], [i] or [im] 当出现在不同的...

2012-04-24 #经典句子

“中文汉字”翻译成Chinese word究竟对不对?

“中文汉字”翻译成Chinese word究竟对不对?

...来表示的3.Bopomofo 中文拼音Bopomofo is a phonetic system used for pronouncing Chinese characters.拼音是中文汉字发音的音标。这是英语罐头,每天我都会分享最实用的英语知识日积月累,你也能成为英语大神假如你想学习更多英语知识,欢迎...

2011-08-23 #经典句子