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英语习语:make the most of「充分利用 物尽其用」

英语习语:make the most of「充分利用 物尽其用」

Idiom of the Daymake the most of充分利用,物尽其用Today: Thu, 17 Sep 2020Meaning:If you make the most of something, you get as much as possible from it.如果您充分利用某些东西,则可以从中获得尽可能多的利益。For example:The warm weather won"t last long, so we should...

2007-11-06 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

「今日英语短文」The Most Expensive Fries - 最贵的薯条

今日英语短文 - The Most Expensive Fries。短文难度分为两个等级,坚持阅读,有助于英文水平的提升。Level 1:A famous restaurant in New York, US, serves the most expensive fries in the world.The potatoes are high-quality. The chef boils them quickly in French champagne....

2016-05-12 #经典句子

头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

...比较级或最高级时,则通常在其前加more变为比较级,加 most变为最高级。如:important—more important—most importantdifficult—more difficult—most difficultuseful—more useful—most useful6.少数单音节单词,特别是分词形容词,须在前面加more变为...

2018-10-20 #经典句子



世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world不是生与死 is not the way from birth to the end.而是我就站在你面前It is when I stand in front of you你却不知道我爱你 but you don't understand I love you.世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the worl...

2023-12-27 #经典句子

迎接四月的正能量句子 最美人间四月天 越努力越优秀!

迎接四月的正能量句子 最美人间四月天 越努力越优秀!

...努力越优秀!Life is not perfect, twists and turns also scenery. The most beautiful April days, the more efforts the more excellent!二、路在自己脚下,没有人可以决定你前进的方向。最美人间四月天,越努力越优秀!The road is at your feet, no one can determine th...

2023-06-21 #经典句子



...、其他双音节或多音节词(有多个元音字母),原形前加most,如:friendly— most friendly;honest— most honest;popular— most popular6、不规则变化(需牢记心中哦)good/well — best;bad/badly — worst; many/much — most二、啥时候要变最高级呢...

2024-01-20 #经典句子



...you have said nothing on this subject yet . What do you consider to be the most valuable thing in the world ?"译文:纳斯瑞丁坐着一边喝咖啡,一边和几个老朋友聊天。他们谈论的一件事情是人与人之间的价值观的不同。过了几分钟,纳斯瑞丁的一个...

2015-02-27 #经典句子

适合做签名的爱情文案 干净简单 值得收藏

适合做签名的爱情文案 干净简单 值得收藏

...很多时候,你必须学会一个人去承受所有的委屈与心酸。Most of the time, you must learn to bear all the grievances and sad.有人说,爱一个人是那样的平平淡淡,而想一个人却是那样的撕心裂肺。Some people say, love a person is so flat light, and think of...

2015-11-04 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈鼓励自己的句子 句句精辟 值得分享!

适合发朋友圈鼓励自己的句子 句句精辟 值得分享!

...生中最艰难的事,反而锻造了最坚强的你。Many times, the most difficult things in life, but forged the strongest you.没有什么事情有像热忱这般具有传染性,它能感动顽石,它是真诚的精髓。There is nothing as infectious as enthusiasm, it can move the stone,...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

英语口语和写作中常犯的错误 这几个都和“人”有关

英语口语和写作中常犯的错误 这几个都和“人”有关

... like spicy food.很多亚洲人喜欢吃辣的。二.搭配不当例子:Most of people have cellphones these days.现在大多数人都有手机。分析:删掉of,因为most后可直接跟名词。如果名词前有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词,则要用most of。另外some和most...

2010-11-13 #经典句子



The most dramatic of these is the Pacific “ring of fire” where there have been the most violent exposions——Mount Pinatubo near Manila, Mount St Helen’sin the Rockies and EI Chichon in Mexico about a decade ago, not to mention world-shaking blasts like Krakatoa in the Sunda Straits in 1883....

2023-11-26 #经典句子

心酸无奈的句子 简单精致 心累的时候看看!

心酸无奈的句子 简单精致 心累的时候看看!

...最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。The most urgent ones are the most beautiful scenery; the ones that hurt the most are always the most true feelings.做人可以不高尚,但不能无耻;为人可以不伟大,但不能卑鄙。People can not be noble, but not...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

有内涵国庆节祝福语 精致简洁 人见人爱!

有内涵国庆节祝福语 精致简洁 人见人爱!

...的是祝福,所以我送你一句祝福,祝你国庆快乐。Friends most need is concerned about, work most need is confidence, lovers most need is sincere, holiday most need is a blessing, so I send you a blessing, I wish you a happy National Day.有一种心情,每天都过去了,依然...

2013-04-03 #经典句子

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 3

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 3

.... Are you as friendly as your sister?4. Does he work as hard as you?5. The most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.6. Did you like the singing competition yesterday?7. Everyone wants to win.8. A good friend is like a mirror.9. You don"t need many friends as long as they are good....

2022-11-19 #经典句子

可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 暖心治愈

可用于表达感情的文案 优质有内涵 暖心治愈

...最苦的是等待,最幸福的是真爱,最后悔的是错过。The most beautiful life is the process, the most difficult is to know each other, the most bitter is waiting, the most happy is true love, the most regret is missing.想再躺在你怀里,想再让你为我擦干眼泪,想再...

2008-12-05 #经典句子



...r structure:嗨, 我要介绍一个复杂语法结构:The thing I like most about something is that +clause =我最喜欢的是+从句Use it whenever you saying why you like something,someone or somewhere, it will always impress the examiner.当你无论何时要说为什么喜欢某物,某...

2011-07-22 #经典句子

英语重难点题型攻略——原级 比较级 最高级

英语重难点题型攻略——原级 比较级 最高级

...— slowest2、多音节词和部分双音节词:在词前加 more 或 most。delicious —— more delicious —— most deliciousbeautiful —— more beautiful —— most beautifulboring—— more boring —— most boringeasily —— more easily —— most easily3、不规则变化(两...

2023-10-22 #经典句子

有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

...人更在乎的地方,也是他最自卑的地方。What a man shows off most shows what he lacks most in heart. The place where a person cares more is also the place where he feels most inferior.请记住,如果他或她可以说别人的坏话,他或她也可以偷偷说你的坏话!这是...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

适合写心情的句子 句句经典 令人深思!

适合写心情的句子 句句经典 令人深思!

... dispute the strength are not in the time we say nothing, but is often the most uncomfortable time.那个让你流泪的,是你最爱的人。那个懂你眼泪的,是最爱你的人。那个为你擦干眼泪的,才是最后和你相守的人。The one who makes you cry is the one you love th...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

分手后难过伤心的感伤文案 简短而高级 懂你的心

分手后难过伤心的感伤文案 简短而高级 懂你的心

...是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery;Hurt the most, is always the most real feelings.很多人不需要再见因为只是路过而已遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。Many people do not need good-bye because ...

2013-11-18 #经典句子