
让人受益终身的经典句子 言简意赅 适合收藏起来!


The ripples under the bridge float on the river at dusk, which islike the stability of this world 当桥在柱子外面断了,就没有主人了

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The ripples under the bridge float on the river at dusk, which islike the stability of this world.


When the bridge breaks outside the pillars, there is no master.Twilight came, the plum blossom helpless, already exhausted, but alsothe wind and rain.


The balcony is wet with wind and rain, and at dusk you do notmourn for yourself. Far know people to wait for fragrance.


See the dusk again, hide sadness in the sleeve. Go in, wood pearfell down, head with a light fragrance.


It"s dusk and lonely sunset, where are you?


41. The darkest night comes after the best night. Behind thehappiest is hopeless emptiness.


My feet are no longer the waters of yesterday. The wind is clearand the clouds are light. Wild lilies litter the hilltops at dusk.Who in the moonlight into a laurel tree, can escape every night ofmissing.


At dusk, you lean against the window, your eyes drooping like amagnolia. The sunset is like blood, but not as tight as your lips.


Do not see the end of the world at dusk, do not dismiss all travelcompanions at dusk!


Water on the wings of the wind, leaning against the evening,rippling gorgeous, but broke the peace in my eyes.


Screen window sunset, golden house no tears. The courtyard islonely, the spring is dying; When the pear blossoms fall, the doorcloses.


I want to watch the night with you, continue to watch the night ofour lives.

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