
58秒钟的英语 - 摩西最后的话 THE LAST WORDS OF MOSES - 37


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友情提示:本文共有 4921 个字,阅读大概需要 10 分钟。

* 本篇文章难度系数4.6,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。* 提高英语阅读水平要 “轻翻译,重分析理解”,译文仅在不得已的时候参考用,这里的译文也不求高质量,甚至有时都不一定通顺,但一定有助于提高阅读能力。* 本文选自《Child Bible》,讲述的是摩西带领族人离开埃及后发生的事情。

THE LAST WORDS OF MOSES【译】摩西最后的话【单词】LAST 原型:last [lɑst] adj. 末尾的;最后的【单词】WORDS 原型:word 名词复数形式 [wdz] n. 话语【专有名词】MOSES 原型:Moses 人名 ["mzz] n. 摩西

When Moses was old, he said to all the Israelites, "I am a hundred and twenty years old this day.【译】摩西老了,就对以色列人说:“我今日一百二十岁。【专有名词】Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ["iz,rilait] n. 以色列人

I can no longer go out and come in, and Jehovah has said to me, "You shall not go over this river Jordan." Jehovah your God is going over before you.【译】我不能再出去或进来了,Jehovah对我说,‘你不可过这约旦河。’你的神耶和华必在你之前先过去。【短语】no longer 不再;例句:They no longer had him as a friend. 他们再也不把他看成朋友了。【专有名词】Jehovah [d"hv] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)【专有名词】Jordan 名词 ["drdn] n.约旦河【专有名词】God 名词 [ɡd] n. 上帝

He will destroy these nations before you, and you shall drive them out; and Joshua is going over to lead you as Jehovah has commanded.【译】他要在你们面前除灭这些民族,把他们赶出去。Joshua将照Jehovah所吩咐的去引领你们。【短语】drive out 逐出,驱逐;例句:They conspired to drive him out of the country. 他们共谋把他逐出国外。【单词】destroy 动词 [d"str] v. 破坏;杀死;消灭;摧毁【单词】nations 原型:nation 名词复数形式 ["nen] n. 国家;民族【单词】lead 动词 [lid] v. 引领;带领;领导【单词】commanded 原型:command 动词过去分词 [k"mɑnd] v. 命令;指挥

Be brave and strong, do not be afraid of them, for Jehovah your God is leading you; he will not fail you nor forsake you."【译】你们要勇敢坚强,不要怕他们,因为你的神Jehovah将引导你们,他不会让你们失败,也不会丢弃你们。【短语】be afraid of 害怕;例句:I used to be afraid of the dark. However, I am not now. 我以前怕黑,然而我现在不怕了。【单词】brave 形容词 [brev] adj. 勇敢的;英勇的【单词】strong 形容词 [str] adj. 强壮的;坚强的【单词】fail 动词 [fel] v. 失败【单词】forsake 动词 [f"sek] v. 放弃;抛弃

Moses also called Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, "Be brave and strong, for you shall bring this people into the land which Jehovah has promised to their fathers to give them; and you shall give it to them.【译】摩西又叫Joshua来,在以色列众人面前对他说:“你要勇敢坚强,因为你将领这百姓到Jehovah曾许诺给他们列祖们的地,你要把这地给他们。【短语】in the presence of 当着某人, 有某人在场;例句:Speak out in the presence of everyone. 当着大家的面说出来。【单词】promised 原型:promise 动词过去分词 ["prms] v. 允诺;发誓;答应【专有名词】Israel 名词 ["zrel] n. 以色列人

Jehovah is going before you; he will be with you, he will not fail nor forsake you; fear not, nor be frightened."【译】耶和华必行在你前面,他必与你同在,他不会让你们失败,也不会丢弃你们,不要害怕恐惧。【单词】fear 动词 [f] v. 害怕;恐惧【单词】frightened 原型:frighten 动词过去分词 ["fratn] vt. 惊吓;害怕

Then Moses went up on the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo to the summit of Pisgah opposite Jericho.【译】然后,摩西去了Moab平原上的尼泊山,到了耶利哥城对面的毗斯迦山山顶。【单词】plains 原型:plain 名词复数形式 [plen] n. 平原;广阔的区域【单词】summit 名词 ["smt] n. 顶点;最高【单词】opposite 形容词 ["pzt] adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的【专有名词】Mount Nebo n. 尼泊山【专有名词】Pisgah [圣经]毗斯迦山(在死海东北方)【专有名词】Jericho n. 耶利哥(巴勒斯坦古城)

And Jehovah showed him all the land, and said to him, "This is the land which I have solemnly promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, "I will give it to your children." I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not go over there."【译】Jehovah向他展示了全地,对他说:“这是我曾郑重许诺给亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各布的地,我对他们说,‘我要把这地赐给你的儿女。’我使你亲眼看见,但你不能到那里去。【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don"t let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。【单词】solemnly 副词 ["slmli] adv. 严肃地;庄严地【单词】own 形容词 [n] adj. 自己的【专有名词】Abraham ["ebrhm] n. 亚伯拉罕【专有名词】Isaac 人名 [圣经]以撒(亚伯拉罕之子)【专有名词】Jacob n. 雅各布(男子名)

So Moses, the servant of Jehovah, died there in the land of Moab as Jehovah had said.【译】耶和华的仆人摩西就在Jehovah所说的Moab那地死了。【单词】servant 名词 ["svnt] n. 仆人【单词】died 原型:die 动词过去式 [da] v. 死

And Jehovah buried him in the deep valley in the land of Moab; but to this day no man knows the place where he was buried.【译】Jehovah将他葬在Moab地的深谷中,直到今日,无人知道他埋葬的地方。【单词】buried 原型:bury 动词过去式 ["beri] v. 埋葬【单词】deep 形容词 [dip] adj. 深的【单词】valley 名词 ["vli] n. 山谷;溪谷;流域

Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, but his eye was not dim nor had he lost his strength.【译】摩西死的时候是一百二十岁,但他的眼睛并不模糊,也没有失去力气。【单词】dim 形容词 [dm] adj. 暗淡的;模糊的【单词】lost 原型:lose 动词过去式 [luz] v. 丢失;丧失【单词】strength 名词 [streθ] n. 力量;力气

The Israelites wept for Moses on the plain of Moab thirty days, and then the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.【译】以色列人在Moab平原上为摩西哀哭了三十天,哀哭摩西的日子就结束了。【单词】wept 原型:weep 动词过去式 [wip] v. 流泪;哭泣;悲叹【单词】mourning 原型:mourn 动词动名词形式 [mn] v. 哀悼;忧伤;服丧

Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him; and the Israelites listened to him and did as Jehovah commanded Moses.【译】Nun的儿子Joshua充满智慧,因为摩西曾把手放置在他身上,以色列人就听从他,照耶和华吩咐摩西的去做。【短语】was filled with 原型:be filled with 充满;例句:He was filled with horror at the bad news.听到这个坏消息,他心里充满恐怖。【单词】spirit 名词 ["sprt] n. 精神;心灵【单词】wisdom 名词 ["wzdm] n. 智慧;明智;才智;聪明【单词】laid 原型:lay 动词过去式 [le] v. 放置【单词】commanded 原型:command 动词过去式 [k"mɑnd] v. 命令;指挥

But in Israel no prophet had yet arisen whom Jehovah knew as well as he did Moses.【译】但在以色列,没有一个先知像摩西那样被Jehovah了解。【短语】as… as 与...一样;例句:This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。【单词】prophet 名词 ["prft] n. 预言者;先知【单词】arisen 原型:arise 动词过去分词 ["raz] v. 出现


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  1. 凝神2024-01-10 00:05凝神[内蒙古网友]
  2. 雨夜静思2024-01-02 01:29雨夜静思[香港网友]
  3. 回莔【】迅灭2023-12-25 02:54回莔【】迅灭[火星网友]


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