
市场制度 market system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-06 20:31:19


市场制度 market system英语短句 例句大全

市场制度,market system

1)market system市场制度

1.The effects ofmarket system on industrialized and urbanized tourism;市场制度对工业化、城市化与旅游事业关系的影响

2.The development of high-tech industry relies on the promotion of themarket system.高新技术产业发展需要市场制度的推动。

3.In view of the system flaw on the development of Science and Technology Park of University in China,such asmarket system flaw,property rights institution system flaw,venture investment system flaw,industry-university-research system flaw and informal system flaw,this article carries on the analysis.针对我国大学科技园区在发展过程中所暴露出来的市场制度缺陷、产权制度缺陷、风险投资制度缺陷、产学研合作制度缺陷以及非正式制度缺陷进行分析。


1.Research on Electricity Market Institutions Part Two Transaction Cost Analysis of Electricity Market电力市场制度研究 (二)电力市场交易费用分析

2.The Value of Market System and Its Economic Structure Adjust;市场制度的价值取向与经济结构的市场调整

3.Interactive Mechanism for Market Institution and Technology Innovation;市场制度创新、技术创新及其互动机制

4.On Chinese Capital Market System Design and Construction;我国资本市场制度设计与制度建设研究

5.We will improve the market management system and strengthen market oversight.完善市场管理制度,强化市场监管。

parison of Market Making in Equities and Fixed Income Markets;做市商制度选择:股票市场与国债市场差异分析

7.The Study of Regulation of OTC Derivatives Markets场外金融衍生品市场的监管制度研究

8.NASDAQ Market-maker System and Its Referential Experiencesnasdaq市场的做市商制度及其经验借鉴

9.The Consideration on Introducing the Market-maker into Our Securities Market;我国证券市场引入做市商制度之思考

10.Analysis and Comparison of Market Making System in Europe and US;欧美国债市场做市商制度分析与比较

11.On Initiating Marking Making in Corporate Bonds Trading;在企业债市场推行做市商制度的探讨

12.Reflection on Introducing Market Making System in China Securities Market;我国证券市场引入做市商制度的思考

13.Market making in bond market:Performance and prospects;债券市场做市商制度:运行与发展建议

14.On the development of China s bond market market-maker system;关于发展债券市场做市商制度的思考

15.The Development of the Market maker and Bond Market Among Banks;做市商制度与银行间债券市场的发展

16.The Effect of QS System on Beverage Market;食品质量安全市场准入制度对冷饮市场的影响

17.Perfect the Market Economic Legal System to Protect the Healthy Operation of the Market Economy完善市场经济法律制度 保障市场经济健康运行

mercial Bank Compulsory Market Withdrawal Legal System;论商业银行强制性市场退出法律制度


market institution市场制度

1.The stages ofmarket institution and the consociations of the means ofinstitution evolution;市场制度的层次与制度变迁方式的组合

2.This paper divides the environmental protection institutions of Chinese circular economy into three levels,including state institutions,market institutions and enterprise institutions;Among them,state institutions are in their initial stage of development and relevant education systems lag behind,and themarket institutions are not clear,and the enterprise development institutions are imperfect.本文将我国循环经济中环保制度区分为国家制度、市场制度、企业制度三个层次,其中,国家制度处于初级发展阶段,相关宣传教育体制滞后,市场制度不明确,企业发展制度不完善;针对上述问题提出相关制度建议。

3.The main reason why agricultural technique progress slow in China is the lack of competitivemarket institution.中国农业科技进步缓慢的主要原因就在于缺乏竞争性的市场制度,致使农业的科技资源难以得到合理配置。

3)market mechanism市场制度

1.The focus of economic institution allocation is to make property relations andmarket mechanism to match with each other and push forward concordantly in the sense of structure and function.市场制度是与产权制度并列的经济制度子系统,二者的相互配合、协调推进是经济增长得以实现的关键。

4)quasi-market system准市场制度

1.To establishquasi-market system in education is one of the main institution arrangements of privatization of education.教育领域中的市场机制应该是一种准市场制度环境,其特征是追求公共教育供给者的多样化,在教育领域引入公平竞争机制和自由选择机制,并保持政府对教育准市场的有力规制。

5)market trade system市场交易制度

1.Considering this problem from the angle of institution,we can find that the defect or insufficient supply of system are important factors causing environmental condition of our country deteriorating,which are owner-ship system,market trade system,basic control system of environmental resource.从制度的角度审视这一问题便可发现环境资源的产权制度、市场交易制度、基本控制制度等方面的制度缺陷或制度供给不足是造成我国环境状况恶化的重要症结之所在。

6)market admittance system市场准入制度

1.The main reason of this problem is that the currentmarket admittance system does not fit to the development of highway transportation.通过四川省道路客运市场准入制度的改革,根据道路客运行业的特点,按照产业组织政策的要求,建立和完善一整套客运线路经营权招标投标制度,规范市场秩序,实现有序竞争。

2.As the enterprises being the most important parts in the market,the rationality ofmarket admittance system of enterprises has great effect to the economic development.企业是最重要的市场主体,企业市场准入制度的合理与否对经济发展具有重要的影响,我国企业市场准入制度是从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变过程中确立的,有滞后性,存在许多法律问题,为适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求,加快我国经济发展,有必要完善之,构建与我国当前经济发展相适应的企业市场准入制度,文章认为企业市场准入制度的完善应从主体资格与经营资格两方面进行努力。

3.The perfection of foodmarket admittance system concerns greatly people"s health and safety.民以食为天,食品市场准入制度完善与否关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,目前我国这方面制度还存在缺陷,需要通过修订法律法规、提高市场准入门槛、健全执法机制等方面加以完善。


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。

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