
载波跟踪环 carrier tracking loop英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-06 04:44:22


载波跟踪环 carrier tracking loop英语短句 例句大全

载波跟踪环,carrier tracking loop

1)carrier tracking loop载波跟踪环

1.Dual modecarrier tracking loop was designed to suit high dynamic and other critical conditions.为了适应于高动态或其他恶劣条件,设计了双模态的载波跟踪环路:一种是适用于高动态的FLL辅助的PLL;另一种是适用于低动态的PLL。

2.Here the bit tracking loop,code tracking loop andcarrier tracking loop work simultaneously to complete synchronization of data,code and carrier phase.该方法采用位同步环、码跟踪环和载波跟踪环同时工作,协同完成数据位、伪码和载波相位的同步。


1.The Simulation of Carrier-track Loop on the Basis of the TDDM Signals基于TDDM调制信号载波跟踪环路仿真

2.The Anti-jamming capability Study of Carrier Tracking Loop for High Dynamic GPS Receiver高动态GPS接收机载波跟踪环路抗干扰性能研究

3.A Study on Carrier Tracking FLL for Extremely-low-CNR Highly-dynamic Signals极低载噪比高动态信号的载波跟踪锁频环研究

4.Research on High Dynamic INS Aided GPS Carrier Tracking Algorithm高动态环境INS辅助GPS载波跟踪算法研究

5.Carrier Synchronize s Design and Implement of WLAN;WLAN中载波跟踪系统的设计与实现

6.The Study of Carrier Tracking Based on FLL and PLL基于FLL和PLL的载波跟踪技术研究

7.Analysis of a carrier tracking scheme for high-dynamic signals一种高动态载波跟踪方案的仿真分析

8.A Hybrid Carrier Tracking Algorithm Based on FQFD,FLL and PLL一种基于FQFD/FLL/PLL的混合载波跟踪算法

9.Carrier-reversed Current tracking PWM Control载波反相三角波比较电流跟踪PWM控制法

10.Tracking Closely Spaced Maneuvering Targets in Clutter with PCIMM-UKF Algorithm杂波环境密集机动目标跟踪PCIMM-UKF算法

11.Kalman Filtering Tracking Location Algorithm for NLOS ConditionNLOS环境下的卡夫曼滤波跟踪定位算法

12.Research and Implementation about Carrier Tracking Technology of DS/SS Receiver Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的DS/SS接收机载波跟踪技术研究与实现

13.Correction Method of Tracking Pointing Inconsistency Using GPS Carrie Phase利用GPS载波相位的跟踪部位不一致修正方法

14.Carrier Recovery of DS-SS Signal with Large Frequency Offset Based on Dual PLL基于双PLL的大频偏直扩信号的载波跟踪

15.Design and realization of carrier tracking for GNSS receiver卫星定位接收机载波跟踪的设计与实现

16.Implementation of Carrier Acquisition and Track in HDHI Situation in Near Space临近空间高动态高速载波捕获跟踪的实现方法

17.Technology of carrier tracking for high dynamic signals based on FLL and PLL cascade基于FLL与PLL级联的高动态载波跟踪技术

18.Target Tracking Based on Fusion of Un-congeneric Information in Clutter杂波环境下基于异类信息融合的目标跟踪


carrier tracking loop载波跟踪环路

1.Design intelligentcarrier tracking loop based on software GPS receiver;智能GPS软件接收机载波跟踪环路设计

3)phase locked carrier tracking loop锁相载波跟踪环

1.Thephase locked carrier tracking loop of receiver system completes the prevention of improper locking on the basis of carrier spectrum analysis using DDS frequency scaning.介绍了在采用DDS扫频来完成航天器下行载波频谱分析的基础上,实现航天测控接收系统的锁相载波跟踪环的全自动防错锁功能,对提高锁相接收系统载波捕获的适应能力具有很高的应用价值。

4)tracking loop of PN code-carrier码/载波跟踪环

1.In the light of the characteristics that the signal of GPS satellites is easily losing lock under the condition of high dynamic or low signal-to-noise ratio,this paper analyzes the principle of GPS receivers with the assistance of INS and its influence on anti-jamming capability of receivers according to the characteristics oftracking loop of PN code-carrier of GPS receivers.针对高动态或低信噪比条件下GPS卫星信号容易失锁的特点,根据GPS接收机码/载波跟踪环特性,研究分析了惯性导航(INS)辅助GPS接收机原理及其对接收机抗干扰能力的影响。

5)carrier tracking载波跟踪

1.Design and realization ofcarrier tracking for GNSS receiver卫星定位接收机载波跟踪的设计与实现

2.Technology ofcarrier tracking for high dynamic signals based on FLL and PLL cascade基于FLL与PLL级联的高动态载波跟踪技术

3.This paper introduces the principles of code acquisition andcarrier tracking for high dynamic GPS receivers,and gives a technical method to realize the digital dynamiccarrier tracking with the PLL+FLL based on DSP.介绍了高动态GPS接收机的码捕获与载波跟踪的原理,设计了一种基于高速数字信号处理(DSP)技术的PLL+FLL环混合全数字高动态载波跟踪技术方案,同时给出了一种在连续高动态下载波跟踪算法即基于交叠离散傅里叶变换的频率跟踪算法(ODAFC),并对此算法进行了仿真验证。


1.Analysis ofDLL/PLL of GPS Receiver and Its Anti-jamming Capability;GPS接收机码/载波跟踪环技术及其抗干扰能力分析


电力线载波保护复用载波机电力线载波保护复用载波机multi purpose PLC equipment for teleprotection systemd一onl一x一on zolbo boohu fuyong 20一boJ-电力线载波保护复用载波机(multi purposePLC equiPment for teleProteetion system)见电力线载波机。

  1. 方圆2024-08-06 05:30方圆[新疆网友]
  2. 尘缘轻烟2024-08-06 05:07尘缘轻烟[云南省网友]
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