
高平之战 Campaign of Gaoping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-05 07:05:26


高平之战 Campaign of Gaoping英语短句 例句大全

高平之战,Campaign of Gaoping

1)Campaign of Gaoping高平之战

1.From theCampaign of Gaoping to recapturing Guannan area:A Stady of the Northward Fighting by Emperor Shizong in Late Zhou Dynasty从高平之战到复地关南——后周世宗北边经略史实考略


1.From the Campaign of Gaoping to recapturing Guannan area:A Stady of the Northward Fighting by Emperor Shizong in Late Zhou Dynasty从高平之战到复地关南——后周世宗北边经略史实考略

2.the dichotomy between peace and war和平与战争之一分为二

3.The Dilemma of Educational Equity: Evolution of the Policy on Distributing Access Opportunities to American Postsecondary Institutions;公平之困——二战后美国高等教育入学机会分配政策的历史变迁

4.Seeking Balance Between the New Challenges of Higher Education and the Traditional Faculty Values;寻求高等教育的新挑战与大学教师传统价值观之间的平衡

5.To Inquire into Quantity of Zhao s War Prisoners Killed by Qin after Campaign of Changping During Warring States;战国长平之战赵降卒被秦坑杀数新探

6.The war ended and a long peace succeeded.战争结束之後紧接着是长期的和平。

7.The football game between Britain and Argentina finally ended up as a draw.英阿之间的足球大战最后以平局告终。

8.Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约

9.After Battle at the Red Wall, assists Liu Bei to still Jing Nan.赤壁之战后,协助刘备平定荆南。

10.To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace维护和平最有效的办法之一是备战

11.Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty.和平条约签定以後, 战事随之结束.

12.War started again after eight years of peace.八年的和平之后,战争又开始了。

13.a brief interlude of peace between two wars两场战争之间的短暂的和平.

14.Week of Balance: Morale and luck negated during battles.平衡之周:士气与运气在战斗中被忽略。

15.To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.维护和平最有效的办法之一是备战。

16.the Gallic Wars (Julius Caesar)征服高卢之) 高卢战役 (58-51 B.C.)

17.Press Close to the Actual Combat Further Improve Policing Tactics Level;贴近实战 进一步提高公安民警警务技战术水平

18.we must not overestimate our existing level.对我们指挥作战的水平不能估计高了。


Campaign of Changping长平之战

1.To Inquire into Quantity of Zhao s War Prisoners Killed by Qin afterCampaign of Changping During Warring States;战国长平之战赵降卒被秦坑杀数新探

3)the War of Gaoyou高邮之战

4)Gɑoliɑnghe zhi Zhɑn高梁河之战

5)Gɑolouzhɑi zhi Zhɑn高楼寨之战

6)Tɑng Ping Xiɑo Xiɑn zhi Zhɑn唐平萧铣之战


《高卢战记》《高卢战记》Commentaries on the Gallic WarGaolu Zhanii((高卢战记》(coomentarie、0。,人‘lic认/Qr;Commentarii de bello Gallieo古罗马著名军事历史著作。作者G.J.(约公元前100一前44),古罗马统帅、家。关于该书的写作过程,一说是作灌元前58~前52年历年向罗马元老院和议会作的书面报告,因此每年1卷;一作者在公元前52一前51年间一次写感译本由任炳湘根据1957年德意志民主国莱比锡出版的托伊布纳尔丛书拉本,并参考洛布古典丛书英文、拉丁乡本和朋氏丛书英译本翻译,1982年泊书馆出版。全书共8卷,前7卷依次花58一前52年凯撒统率罗马军队在高广的经历,第8卷由凯撒的幕僚伊尔少写。该书虽有凯撒为自己歌功颂德之剑反映了古罗马军队征服山北高卢的品程,记述了高卢和日耳曼尼亚的政汇会、风俗和宗教等情况,在西方国家翻广。恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家源》一书中,曾大量引用其中的材料凯撒的军事思想)(查金孙咪姚松眠提中切故明脚鲡撇撇但附社椒伙视。

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