
竹节间距 Slub Space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-04 19:22:35


竹节间距 Slub Space英语短句 例句大全

竹节间距,Slub Space

1)Slub Space竹节间距


1.In this paper, the measuring of the main parameters as slub length, slub multiple and slub pitch and their imitative design method are described.介绍了竹节纱竹节长度、粗度、竹节间距等主要规格参数的测定与仿样设计方法。

2.The logical distance between two nodes.One hop is the distance from one node to an adjacent node.两个节点间的逻辑距离,即一个跃距为从一个节点到邻近一个节点的距离。

3.Distance between fibular head and articular surface of tibial plateau and its clinical significance in total knee arthroplasty腓骨头与关节面间距在全膝关节置换中的意义

4.Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether we can let off fireworks on Spring Festival or not.最近我们就是否可以在春节期间燃放烟花爆竹举行了讨论。

5.Analysis And Discussion Of Rhythm Among Railings In Short Distance Hurdles;对短距离跨栏栏间节奏技术特点的分析与探讨

6.Seasonal Correlation of Well Contamination and Septic Tank Distance;水井污染与井到化粪池间距的季节相关性

7.Cause Analysis and Government Regulation on China"s Income Gap of Different Industries中国行业间收入差距原因分析及政府调节

8.Research on the Node Space of Fastening at End of Bridge Beam for Intercity Rail Transit城际轨道交通桥梁梁端扣件节点间距研究

9.Influence of the Slub-yarn Parameters to the Slub-yarn Strength and the Slub Distribution in the Slub-yarn Fabric;竹节纱竹节参数对纱线强力及布面竹节分布的影响

10.Canopy Arthropod Community in Moso Bamboo Forest, Biology and Ecology of Schizotetranychus Bambusae Reek (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Typhlodromus Bambusae Ehara (Acari: Phytoseiidae);毛竹竹冠节肢动物群落及竹裂爪螨、竹盲走螨生物学生态学研究

11.From head to tail, the dragon consisted of nine sections, made of paper pasted over bamboo frames and painted to resemble scales.这条龙从头到尾一共有九节,是用竹条编扎成的,每一节,中间插着蜡烛,外面糊了纸,画上鳞甲。

12.It can be adjusted according to size of different patient"s head, such as the distane between malor holder, distance between superciliary ridge and lower jaw, and fix both tempora to prevent head from swaying.使用时根据病人头颅大小,适当调节颧骨支架间距,眉弓—下颌间距,双颞部固定防止头颅晃动。

13.By standard dose schemes,the slice thickness,reconstruction interval,pitch,nodule size and position all influence the defection of the lung nodules.常规剂量扫描条件下 ,扫描层厚、重建间隔、螺距、结节大小、结节位置均可影响结节的检出。

14.traumatic arthritis of talonavicular joint距舟关节创伤性关节炎;距舟关节创伤性关节炎

15.Settings you chose for the left and right margins, column spacing, or paragraph indents are too large for the page width in some sections.在某些节中,您为左右边距、栏间距或段落缩进选择的设置相对于页面宽度过大。

16.For optimum wear life, centre distance between two sprockets should normally be within the range30 to50 times the chain pitch.为了获得最佳磨损寿命,2个链轮间的中心距通常应是链条节距的30至50倍。

17.Green or brown flexible petiole, variable internode length. Large trailer.绿色或咖啡色的柔软叶柄,节间距离易变。大的悬垂型。

18.Hip Arthroplasty with Cerclage Cable Technique for the Restoration of Femoral for Intetrochanteric Fracture钢丝捆绑恢复股骨距结构在粗隆间骨折髋关节置换中应用


Slub Distance竹节节距

3)Bamboo internodes竹节间材

4)pitch spread节距,间距

5)nodal pitch节点间距

1.The resonance frequency andnodal pitch of symmetrical three step flexural vibration holder have been calculated precisely based on Timoshenko beams theory, and the 3D curved surfaces displaying the variations of the resonance frequency andnodal pitch with the tool holder sizes have been drawn by a computer.由Timoshenko理论推导出对称三阶梯超声频弯曲振动刀杆的振幅分布解和谐振频率方程,并通过编制的计算机程序绘制了表示阶梯刀杆尺寸对谐振频率和节点间距影响的三维曲面。

6)joint spacing节理间距

1.An unstable stochastic process is used to simulate thejoint spacing, and an artificial joint network is generated by means of Monte-Carlo method.该方法考虑了节理分布的不均匀性、方向性和成带性特点,采用非平稳态随机过程模拟节理间距,并通过Monte-Carlo方法产生仿真的节理网络,还给出了模拟实例。


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