
饶河高腔 Rao River Gaoqiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-03 19:28:28


饶河高腔 Rao River Gaoqiang英语短句 例句大全

饶河高腔,Rao River Gaoqiang

1)Rao River Gaoqiang饶河高腔

1.Jiangxi Drama Gaoqiang is an important branch in China,which is made up of two Gaoqiang groups formed in the northern Jiangxi Province,namely,Rao River Gaoqiang in the East of Boyang Lake and Hu Kou Gaoqiang polular in the North of Boyang Lake.赣剧高腔是我国高腔剧种当中的一个重要分支,其声腔音乐由形成于江西省北部的两路高腔分支组成,它们分别是流行于鄱阳湖以东的饶河高腔和流行于鄱阳湖以北的湖口高腔,本文选择这两路高腔曲牌结构为研究对象,通过对它们的曲牌文词结构和音乐结构的分析,试图说明赣剧高腔曲牌结构的变化规律,同时也希望能对高腔曲牌结构的研究起到推进作用。

2)Rao River饶河

1.The sources of the five major rivers(Gan River,Xiu River,Rao River,Xin River,Fu River)of Jiangxi have been described previously.江西五大河流(赣江、修水、饶河、信江和抚河)之源,都已有成说,但一般资料所载大都不够具体和正确。


1.Investigations on mosquitoes at Raohe port in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省饶河口岸地区蚊虫调查研究

2.Research on Copper Adsorption and Desorption for Sediments in Raohe Estuary;饶河口沉积物对铜吸附与释放特性的研究

3.Spatial Variations and Pollution Characteristic of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Poyang Lake at the Inlet of Raohe River and Le"an River;饶河乐安江段及入鄱阳湖口处沉积物中重金属的空间变化和污染特征

4.Numerical Simulation of Flow Around Submerged Body and Coupled Bay-river System;水下饶流和河流—海湾耦合问题的数值模拟

5.Ecological compensation research on Raofeng River watershed of the water source protection areas in south-to-north water diversion南水北调水源区饶峰河小流域生态补偿研究

6.Sedimentary characteristics and reservoir properties of the Shahejie Formation braided river delta in Raoyang Sag饶阳凹陷沙河街组辫状河三角洲沉积特征及储集性

7.Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary system of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Raoyang subbasin饶阳凹陷古近系沙河街组层序地层分析及沉积体系研究

8.Wetlands are critical to any ecological system, but particularly one which is as extensive and diverse as the Mekong River Basin.湿地是不可或缺的生态系统,尤其是广泛富饶的湄公河流域。

9.Sedimentary facies and favorable area of hydrocarbon accumulation of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in northern Lixian Slope of Raoyang Sag in central Hebei Province冀中饶阳凹陷蠡县斜坡北段古近系沙河街组沉积相及成藏有利区带

10."Heaven pardon me," cried Edmond, falling on his knees before his father.“噢,上帝饶恕我吧

11."She is cowardly," said Villefort.“噢,饶了我吧,阁下!

12.we shall let him off this time. "这次我们饶了它。”

13.Holler "[email protected] said he.“挨够了吗?求饶吧

14.Take our jewellery and money, but don"t--"饶了命罢!首饰,钱……

15."Please spare us, your honour!“大王!大王!饶命罢!

16.Please spare (ie don"t kill) me!请饶了我(一命)吧!

17.He that talks much lies much.[谚]饶舌者多扯谎。

18.Please spare my life, and the lives of my people.请饶了我的命,也饶了我的同胞们吧。


Rao River饶河

1.The sources of the five major rivers(Gan River,Xiu River,Rao River,Xin River,Fu River)of Jiangxi have been described previously.江西五大河流(赣江、修水、饶河、信江和抚河)之源,都已有成说,但一般资料所载大都不够具体和正确。

3)Chenhe high cavity辰河高腔

4)Raohe River饶河段

1.Characteristics of heavy metals contaminant status and migration inRaohe River of Lake Poyang;鄱阳湖饶河段重金属污染水平与迁移特性

5)Raohe County饶河县

1.On the Causes of the Bank Collapse of the Main Course of Wusulijiang River in Section of theRaohe County and Protective Measures;乌苏里江干流饶河县段塌岸原因及防护措施

2.This paper states the current status of collectively owned forest circulation of Raohe county,points out the problems that should be strengthened in the circulation course.阐述了饶河县集体林的现状,并概括论述了其流转过程中所必需应该明确和加强管理的问题。




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