
散瞳检影验光 retinophotoscopy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-01 13:30:23


散瞳检影验光 retinophotoscopy英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective: To investigate the dependability between the astigmatism of corneal topography andretinophotoscopy.00DC)以上患者的角膜地形图,散瞳检影验光,记录角膜地形图(Astigmatism)散光度,轴和验光的球镜度、柱镜度和轴,以及按球镜度分低、中、高3组,将结果进行统计分析。

2)mydriatic refractometry散瞳验光

parison of tropicamide and atropine ophthalmic solution inmydriatic refractometry for juvenile hyperopia;应用托吡卡胺与阿托品眼液对青少年远视散瞳验光的对比研究


1.The Differences on Astigmatiosm in Corneal Toopography and Mydriatic Optometry角膜地形图与散瞳验光散光差异分析

parative analysis of the refractive states between Suresight hand-held refractometer and retinoscopySuresight自动屈光筛选仪散瞳前后与散瞳验光结果比较分析

3.The Feasibility Study of Screening Refractive Error in 3~15 Year-old Children without Cycloplegia;非散瞳验光对3~15岁儿童屈光不正筛查的可行性研究

parison of tropicamide and atropine for refraction test in children托吡卡胺和阿托品对儿童散瞳验光应用价值的对比研究

5.Objective To survey the accordance rates of mydriasis optometry and call-back examination after the application of mydrin-P and atropin eye drops in children with ametropia.目的了解对屈光不正儿童应用托品酰胺或阿托品滴眼液后,散瞳验光及复验结果的符合率。

6.Clinical objective evaluation of compound tropicamide eye drops in objective opto-metry of juvenile myopes复方托吡卡胺滴眼液在青少年近视患者散瞳验光中的临床客观评价

7.Experimental Validation and Phase Retrieval Algorithm of Complicated Pupil Wavefront复杂光瞳波前相位恢复算法与实验验证

parative study of tropicamide and atropine in mydriatic refractometry托吡卡胺与阿托品扩瞳验光结果对比研究

9.D: It"s necessary to dilate the pupils for the eyetest. In this way we can get the exact dioptre.医生:验光需要放大瞳孔,这样我们可以得到准确的屈光度。

10.Light passes into the eye through the pupil.光通过瞳孔进入人眼.

parison of ocular biomeasurement before and after mydriasis in cataract patients and analysis of precise selection of intraocular lens diopter白内障患者散瞳前后眼部生物测量比较及人工晶状体屈光度的精确选择分析

12.Prolonged, abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug.瞳孔扩散由于疾病或者药物引起的眼睛瞳孔变长、不正常的扩大

13.The reformation of pupil can decrease photophobia and improve of outlook of eye.瞳孔成形还有利于减少畏光 ,改善外观

14.The pupil of the eye responds to change of light intensity.瞳孔随着光线强度的变化而放大或缩

15.Automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eyes in strong light.强光下瞳孔不由自主的缩小

16.automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eyes in strong light.See Synonyms at spontaneous强光下瞳孔不由自主的缩小参见

17.A pupillometer measures how the patient"s pupils react to light.瞳孔仪测试病人对光如何反应。

18.In bright light,the pupil shrinks.在太亮的光线里(看东西),瞳孔会收缩。


mydriatic refractometry散瞳验光

parison of tropicamide and atropine ophthalmic solution inmydriatic refractometry for juvenile hyperopia;应用托吡卡胺与阿托品眼液对青少年远视散瞳验光的对比研究

3)non cycloplegic retinoscopy小瞳检影

1.Objective To determine the sensitivity and specificity of using the computer photoscreener andnon cycloplegic retinoscopy in the detection of amblyopiogenic factors in nine to fifty months old infants.目的确定计算机折射摄影法与小瞳检影在对 9~ 5 0 mo的婴幼儿进行弱视危险因素筛查中的敏感性和特异性。

4)mydriasis test散瞳试验


1.· AIM: To examine the effects ofretinoscopy and computer optometry on adolescent mypia and to compare these effects with those of final glass prescription.使用日本生产的NIDEKAR—800型自动验光仪先作电脑验光,再用复方托品酰胺散瞳检影验光,次日瞳孔恢复正常后,再次复验,基于检影验光的结果进行主观验光,以确定配镜处方度数。

6)retinoscopy optometry检影验光

parison and analysis between computer optometry andretinoscopy optometry before and after children s pupil scatter;儿童散瞳前后电脑验光与检影验光对比分析

2.Objective Through comparing the result of computer optometry with that ofretinoscopy optometry,trp to known if the latter could be replace by the former.方法随机选择眼科门诊50岁以上眼底清晰可见的老年性屈光不正患者53例103眼,分别进行在小瞳状态下电脑验光和散瞳状态下电脑验光及检影验光,比较三种方法测得的球镜度、等效球镜度、散光度和散光轴位差异有无显著性及有无统计学意义。


瞳神散大瞳神散大 瞳神散大 病证名。系指瞳孔扩大而不缩回复的病证。又名瞳子散大、瞳人散杳、瞳神阔大、瞳人开大。本病的病因主要有以下三方面: ①由风热、郁怒、肝胆实火所致者,其发病迅速、头眼胀痛、风轮红赤、黑睛雾状混浊、眼珠变硬、视力下降。证治参见绿风内障条。 ②肝肾不足,精血亏虚所致者,常外眼无特殊改变而视物昏渺。治宜滋阴益气。方用益阴肾气丸加减。 ③因外伤引起者,常有气滞血瘀之症状。治宜活血化瘀,用桃红四物汤加减。

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