
仔猪 piglet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 16:38:10


仔猪 piglet英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of metallothionein on anti-oxidative function and SOD gene expression inpiglets;金属硫蛋白对仔猪抗氧化功能及SOD基因表达的影响

2.Effects of Phytase on Growth Performance and Digestibility of Piglets;植酸酶对仔猪生长性能和消化率的影响

3.Effects of radix berberidis extract on performance,intestinal bacteria and volatile acids ofpiglets;三颗针提取物对仔猪生长及肠道菌群和挥发性脂肪酸的影响


1.340 copies of ablactation pigs, positive percentage was 53%;断乳仔猪340份,阳性率53%;

2.183 copies of suckling pigs, positive percentage was 75%;哺乳仔猪183份,阳性率75%;

3.The Relationship Between the Reproductive Performance of Hyperprolific Primiparous Sows and the Nutrient Cost of the Piglet;高产仔母猪繁殖力与仔猪营养成本的关系研究

4.Studies on the Immune Ability of Zailikang on Pig;仔痢康调节新生仔猪免疫机能的研究

5.Selection for litter size at day five to improve litter size at weaning and piglet survival rate五日龄窝活仔数对窝断奶仔猪数及仔猪成活率的影响

6.Formula feed for starter and finisher swineGB/T5915-1993仔猪、生长肥育猪配合饲料

7.Sows eat their young because they need the phosphorous.大母猪吃仔猪,因为它们缺少磷质。

8.Effects of Eperythrozoon Suis on Immune Level in Piglets;猪附红细胞体对仔猪免疫水平的影响

9.Effects of varying creep feeding duration on proportion of pigs consuming creep feed and pre-weaning performance仔猪教槽(一):不同教槽持续时间对窝采食仔猪比例及仔猪断奶前生长性能的影响

10.The sows and litters were kept in the farrowing house until the pigs were about 9 to 14 days of age.母猪和它的窝仔都被关在产房里直到仔猪9-14天年龄时。

11.study on heating and heat preserving equipment for new born piglets Ⅱ. Comparison between fhe infrared heaters for new born piglets仔猪采暖保温设备的研究 Ⅱ.初生仔猪红外线采暖设备的比较

12.Origin,weight add to variation,mortality仔猪的胎次、断奶体重对仔猪断奶后生长和死亡率的影响

13.Effect of Transport Stress on the Muscle Fibres Characteristic of Erhualian and Pietrain Pigs;运输应激对二花脸仔猪与皮特兰仔猪肌纤维的影响

14.Research and Application Sow Mastitis and Piglet Diarrhea by Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation "Mu Zi Kang";中草药制剂“母仔康”防治母猪乳房炎与仔猪下痢的研究及推广应用

15.Study on the Relationship of Swine Litter Size Alive and Uniformity of Newborn Piglets母猪窝产活仔数与初生仔猪整齐度的相关性研究

16.Objective To assess the influence of cysticercus cellulosae cell vaccine on immunization in pregnant sows, piglets with maternal antibody and normal piglets.目的观察猪囊尾蚴细胞疫苗对妊娠母猪、有母源抗体的仔猪和正常仔猪的影响。

17.Studies on Diarrhea of Piglets and Production Traits and Their Relationships with NRAMP1 Gene;猪NRAMP1基因与仔猪腹泻及其生产性状关系的研究

18.Influence of Soybean on Sows and Piglets Immunoreaction and Performance;大豆对母猪和仔猪生产性能及免疫反应的影响



1.Effects of Early Weaning on Intestinal Permeability and Tight Junction Protein Occludin mRNA Expression Levels ofPiglets;早期断奶对仔猪肠通透性和肠上皮紧密连接蛋白Occludin mRNA表达的影响

parative Test on the Immune Effects onPiglets of Inactivated PRRS Vaccines (NVDC-JXA1 Strain) from 3 Manufacturers;不同来源PRRS灭活疫苗(NVCD-JXA1株)对仔猪免疫效果比较

3.Effects of Maxus in Feed on Performance and Economical Efficiency ofPiglets;饲料中效美素对仔猪生产性能和经济效益的影响


1.Regulatory Effects of Zinc on Immune Response in Weanling Pigs and Intestinal Epithelial Cell锌对仔猪及小肠上皮细胞免疫功能的调节作用

2.According to the growth potential of the sows in the period of lactation,the article fully digs the prophase effect and shortens the period of becoming a grownpig.加强仔猪的管理,能提高其生长速度,缩短肥猪出栏时间,直接或间接的提高经济经益。

3.Test Ⅰ,test Ⅱ and comparison ofpig feed intakes are 27.结果表明:调味剂对断奶仔猪有明显的诱食作用,而小茴香有抑制采食作用。

4)weanling pig仔猪

1.Effects of high level copper on growth performance, digestion and carcass composition ofweanling pigs;高剂量铜对仔猪生长及消化和胴体组成的影响

2.Effect of high level zinc in diet upon diarrhea and growth performance inweanling pigs;高剂量锌及抗生素对预防断奶仔猪腹泻和促生长的影响

3.The effect of NSP enzyme supplemented to corn soybean dieton growth and digestibility ofweanling pigs;玉米-豆粕型日粮添加非淀粉多糖酶对仔猪早期生长和消化性能的影响


1.Effects of Immunological Stress on Immune Parameter and Endocrine Hormones in WeanlingPigs;免疫应激对断奶仔猪免疫和神经内分泌激素的影响

2.The experiment studied the out antibacterial effect against colibacillosis in pigs.该制剂对仔猪黄白痢的治疗效果显著,总治愈率为94。

3.Four experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of bovine colostrum on performance, nutrient metabolism, development in segregated early-weaned pigs.本研究用含高产仔血缘的杂交仔猪实施早期隔离断奶,分四个试验,研究了牛初乳对早期隔离断奶仔猪生产性能、营养代谢、生长发育的影响。

6)a porkling; a piglet猪仔



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...on of OB-Rb mRNA and LHRH in the Forebrain and Distribution of Orexin A in Piglets;仔猪OB-Rb mRNA与LHRH在前脑内共存及orexin A的分布定位4.Study on Hsiakuan Point Topography and the Neurons Location;下关穴的局部解剖学及神经元分布定位5.Study on the Distributed MDS-MAP Al...


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