
农村报道 countryside reporting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-27 19:28:45


农村报道 countryside reporting英语短句 例句大全

农村报道,countryside reporting

1)countryside reporting农村报道

1.The essential interview styles to improve thecountryside reporting;搞好农村报道应当具备的采访作风


1.The Framing Analysis on the Paper Media How to Report New Socialist Countryside;我国报纸媒体新农村报道的框架分析

2.On How to Carry out "Three Dose-Touches" in the Reports about the New Countryside;新农村报道如何贯彻“三贴近”原则

3.The Status Quo and Strategy of Chinese Rural Econnomic News Report我国报纸之农村经济报道现状与改良建议

4.Carying out Rural Media Reports from Parmers" Curent Demand从农民现实需求出发做好农村媒体报道工作

5.The Research of the Ethics of the Teenagers in Rural Areas--A Case Study in ZhaoWaxi Village,Yuanling County;农村青少年伦理道德现状研究——关于沅陵县朝瓦溪村青少年伦理道德现状的报告

6.Developing Rural Area Market in "Blue Sea";开发农村蓝海市场,做强做宽农村渠道

7.Report on the Development of Rural China Villager Self-government in 2001;2001年中国农村村民自治发展报告

8.Analysis on Health Status,Health Knowledge and Needs Assessment of Rural People--A Survey Finding Report on Rural Residents of Daozhen and Leishan in Guizhou Province;农民的健康状况、健康知识及需求分析——贵州省道真县、雷山县农村居民调查报告

9.An Income Report of Investigation into Rural Farmers Planting Fruit Tree Industry in Gongnong Village;工农村农户种植果木业收入调查报告

10.The Investigation and Research Report of the Rural Compulsory Education Serving the Construction of New Rural of Jiangxi;江西省农村教育服务新农村建设问题调研报告

11.A roundup report in that Business weekly emphasized the importance of strengthening the construction of commercial networks and facilities in rural areas那份商业周刊发表的一篇综合报道强调说,加强农村地区的商业网及配套设施非常重要

12.In some rural areas girl babies have been reported to be killed immediately after birth- strangled, suffocated or buried alive.椐报道,在一些农村地区女婴儿在生下后马上被杀害-勒死、死或活活烧死。

13.The Empirical Analysis of "People s Daily" Reports on Migrant Workers;对《人民日报》农民工报道的实证分析

14.Analysis and Ponder of Agricultural Reports of Our Party Newspaper in the New Time;新时期我国党报农业报道分析与思考

15.The Study on the Reports about Peasant Workers of People s Daily;《人民日报》农民工报道研究(1988-)

16.A Study of Nanfang Daily s Reports on the Farm Production Responsibility System;《南方日报》农业生产责任制报道研究

17.On the Tratfic Security for Rural;加强农机监管 确保农村道路交通安全

18.Enlarge Farmer Revenue Increasing Approach and Promote Country Economy Growth;拓宽农民增收渠道大力促进农村发展


new countryside report新农村报道

1.This thesis chooses thenew countryside reports of "People sDaily", "Economics Daily", "Agrarian Daily", Shanghai "WenhuiDaily" and "Guangxi Daily" from October12, to October12th, as the research objects.文章选取《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《农民日报》、上海《文汇报》及《广西日报》,以它们在10月12日至10月12日所刊登的新农村报道为研究对象,通过定量分析和内容分析的方法,分别从报道总量、报道密度、报道内容、投放版次、报道体裁这五个方面,分析国内报纸如何处理建设社会主义新农村这个全新的报道主题。


1.On the Problems and Countermeasures ofReport of the New Rural Construction;浅析新农村建设报道的问题与对策

4)rural newspapers农村报

5)rural road农村道路

1.Gradually emphasizing on economic and practical forrural roads,and comparing and analyzing on the skeleton structural features and formation of asphalt pavement and cement pavement,a conclusion obtained that structure concrete is more suitable forrural road construction and it is a referenced significance for the choice of low-grade road type.在农村道路建设讲求经济性、实用性的形势下,经过对沥青路面与水泥路面的骨架结构特点、形成等进行比较分析,可得出架构混凝土更适合农村道路建设的结论,这对低等级路面类型的选择具有一定的借鉴意义。

2.The dissertation is an empirical study on the impact ofrural road program upon poverty reduction.本文属于社会科学领域、农业经济管理范畴内的有关贫困问题的研究,是一项关于农村道路项目对减缓贫困影响的实证研究。

6)country road农村道路

1.Influence of thecountry road on country modernization;农村道路对农业现代化发展的影响分析


《美国新闻与世界报道》美国综合性报道和评论的英文周刊。1948年由《美国新闻》和《世界报道》两种杂志合并而成。创办人D.劳伦斯。在华盛顿出版。原属美国新闻与世界报道出版公司,1984年为波士顿地产商兼出版商 M.朱克曼所有。它是美国仅次于《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》的第3大新闻杂志。除着重报道国际国内新闻外,侧重政治、经济、军事方面的报道,关于军事力量和战略动向的报道、分析,颇受各方重视。内容较严肃,注重专题评述。在世界许多城市设有办事处。期发行量207万份(1986)。

报业发展:the newspapering development 的英语短句和例句大全

报业发展:the newspapering development 的英语短句和例句大全



经济新闻源 economic news resource英语短句 例句大全

经济新闻源 economic news resource英语短句 例句大全



时事新闻 current news英语短句 例句大全

时事新闻 current news英语短句 例句大全



新闻周刊 News Weekly英语短句 例句大全

新闻周刊 News Weekly英语短句 例句大全

...ed in 1990s in China.新闻周刊是以时政新闻和社会生活为主要报道内容,以周为出版周期、连续出版的刊物。英文短句/例句1.--Excerpts from Newsweek——节译自《新闻周刊》2.Publishing News英国《出版新闻周刊》3.She reports for Newsweek.她是《...
