
舰船电力推进 marine electric propulsion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-25 18:42:06


舰船电力推进 marine electric propulsion英语短句 例句大全

舰船电力推进,marine electric propulsion

1)marine electric propulsion舰船电力推进


1.Control Technology for High-voltage Rectifier for Ship Electric Propulsion System;舰船电力推进系统高压整流控制技术研究

2.Digital Design of Marine Electric Propulsion System舰船电力推进系统数字化开发环境浅析

3.Research on Standards of Marine Integrated Full Electrical Propulsion System舰船综合全电力推进系统相关标准的研究

4.The Theoretical Research and Research on EMC for AC Power Propulsion System of Warship;舰船交流电力推进系统理论研究及其电磁兼容性研究

5.The Hydrodynamic Capability Research on the Propulsive System of the Ship with Twin-propellers and Twin-rudders;舰船双桨双舵推进系统的水动力研究

6.Controlling Technology And Power Electrics Technology In Ship Electric Propulsion System舰艇电力推进控制技术及电力电子技术

7.Spacecraft Impacts with Advanced Power and Electric Propulsion宇宙飞船用上先进动力和电推进

8.Simulation of Harmonic Suppression for Power System of Marine Electric Propulsion;电力推进船舶电网谐波抑制仿真研究

9.Specification for electric propulsion plant in shipGB/T13030-1991船舶电力推进系统技术条件

10.The Research on Principle and Operation Simulation of Marine Electrical Propulsion System;船舶电力推进原理与操作仿真的研究

11.The Simulation and Study of Characteristic and Control of Ship Electrical Propulsion;船舶电力推进特性与控制的仿真研究

12.Optimum Design of Central Cooling System of Electric Propulsion Ship;电力推进船舶中央冷却系统优化设计

13.Application of Web Database in Electrical Propulsion Ship;Web数据库在电力推进船舶中的应用

14.Research on Control Methods of Harmonic in Power System of Electric Propulsion Ship船舶电力推进系统谐波控制方法研究

15.Development and application in marine integrated power system船舶综合电力推进系统的发展及应用

16.Application of PLC in Marine Electric Propulsion Control SystemPLC在船用电力推进控制系统中的应用

17.Coordination among Vessel, Engine and Propeller of Electrical Propulsion Ship and Economic Analysis;电力推进船舶船机桨工况配合及经济性分析

18.Chaos Forecasting of Electric Propulsion Ship Power Load Based on Dead Weight load Influence载重量影响的电力推进船舶电力负荷混沌预测


electric propulsion warship电力推进舰船

1.Overview of central cooling system and control technology ofelectric propulsion warship;电力推进舰船中央冷却系统及其控制技术综述

3)ship electric propulsion equipment舰船电力推进装置

4)Power Propulsion System of Warship舰船交流电力推进系统

1.The Theoretical Research and Research on EMC for ACPower Propulsion System of Warship;舰船交流电力推进系统理论研究及其电磁兼容性研究

5)warship propulsion motor舰船推进电机

6)electromagnetic ship propulsion舰船电磁推进


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