
德国表现主义 German Expressionism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-27 13:00:10


德国表现主义 German Expressionism英语短句 例句大全

德国表现主义,German Expressionism

1)German Expressionism德国表现主义

1.German Expressionism in the Early 20th Century;20世纪初的德国表现主义

2.The pattern ofGerman Expressionism in 20 century came into being through suspecting and abandoning purposely the western artistic traditions and contemporary paintings .20世纪德国表现主义的图式是对西方艺术传统和同时代的绘画的不断怀疑和有意地摆脱、割舍中产生的。


1.The Appearance and Development of Expressionism Painting in Germany in the Early 20th Century论20世纪初德国表现主义绘画的产生与发展

2.Ecstatic Body--On Cultural Origin of German Expressive Dance迷狂的身体——论德国表现主义舞蹈的文化根源

3.A Call for a New Man and a New World: Ernst Bloch and the German Expressionism对新人、新世界的呼唤——恩斯特·布洛赫与德国表现主义

4.German expressionist literature & Lao Zi und Zhuang Zi s philosophy: Analysis on the psychology of chauvinistic culture in cultural exchange;德国表现主义文学与老庄哲学——试论文化交流中的本位文化心理

5.The Background and Artistic Style of Germany New-Expressionism Painting;德国新表现主义绘画产生的背景及其艺术风格

6.An American Tragedy (1925) was the masterpiece of the American novelist Theodore Dreiser.小说《美国的悲剧》是美国现实主义小说家德莱塞的代表作。

7.Immensee? is the representative work by Teodor Storm, a German poetic realistic writer in19 th century.茵梦湖》是德国19世纪诗意现实主义作家特奥多尔·托姆的代表作。

8.Sherwood Anderson and the Modernism in American Small Town Literature;舍伍德·安德森与美国小城文学中的现代主义

9.The Neorealism Trend of German Film and the Self-identity of East Germany;德国电影新现实主义潮流与东德身份认同

10.Translation and Representation:Reading Qian Zhaoming s Ezra Pound and China;翻译与表现:读钱兆明主编《庞德与中国》

11.On the Development and Modern Manifestation of American Conservatism;论美国保守主义的发展及其现代表现

12.The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响

13.The first Expressionist group gathered at Dresden in 1905.第一个表现主义团体于1905年在德累斯顿成立。

14.Retrospect the origin of the Expressionism:Dürer & Grunewald追溯表现主义渊源:丢勒与格吕内瓦尔德

15.The Analysis of Atwood s Novels from an Ecological Perspective;阿特伍德小说的生态主义解读:表现、原因和出路

parative Studies of Moral Consciousness in American Neo-realism and Post-Modernism Novels美国新现实主义与后现代小说中的道德意识

17.Brahms was one of the greatest representative of German classicalism.勃拉姆斯是德国古典主义最伟大的代表之一。

18.Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism.德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。


Germany New-Expressionism德国新表现主义

1.The Background and Artistic Style ofGermany New-Expressionism Painting;德国新表现主义绘画产生的背景及其艺术风格


1.Brief analysis onexpressionism feature of Gao Xiaosong s movie Blooming Time;浅议高晓松电影《那时花开》的表现主义特点

4)The Chinese Neo-Expressionism painting中国新表现主义绘画


1.Half a century later,Neo-Expressionismarchitecture appeared from the critical thinking of themachine-made modern architecture after the WorldWar Ⅱ Both of them emphasized the psychic meaningin architecture and expressed subjective ideas.表现主义建筑是20世纪初受到西方新艺术运动影响而出现的一种建筑风格,试图通过外部形式和内部空间来表达人的内心情感;新表现主义建筑产生于二战以后,出于对千篇一律的现代主义建筑的批判性反思而出现。

2.Its style and spirit were both basically the same asNeo-Expressionism.意大利超前卫产生于20世纪70年代末80年代初,其风格语言及其精神内涵都与新表现主义基本相同。




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