
进度款 progress fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 13:30:55


进度款 progress fund英语短句 例句大全

进度款,progress fund

1)progress fund进度款

1.On the control ofprogress fund of construction projects and its checkup;谈建设工程进度款的控制与审核


1.Experientail Analysis in Settling Progress Payment for the Project 0n Niyazov Orphan Center;尼亚佐夫孤儿中心工程月进度款结算过程经验分析

2.progress payments and advances received按进度付款和实收垫款

3.The fifth progress payment is due in May .第五期按进度付款于五月到期。

4.Set up the Accounting Insurance System and Improve the Smooth Carrying Out of the Finance;建立存款保险制度,促进金融平稳运行

5.A Study on the Blemishes of Deposit-Insurance System and the Improvement Countermeasures;存款保险制度缺陷及其改进对策研究

6.The Institutional Defect of China s National Student Loan Policy and Its Improvement;国家助学贷款政策的制度性缺陷及其改进

7.Reforming the System of Higher Education Finance Guided by Scientific View of Development;以科学发展观为指导 改进高等教育拨款制度

8.Establish Credit Insurance System and Promote the Safe Financial Operation;建立银行存款保险制度,促进金融安全稳健运行

9.Improvement of the National Student Loan System and Development of Higher Education;完善国家助学贷款制度 推进高等教育发展

10.An Analysis of the Problems Resulting from the Contractor sApplying the Provisions of Construction Program in FIDIC;承包商应用FIDIC进度计划条款时应注意的问题

11.On the Establishment of Personal Credit System for College Students and Promotion to the State-financed Student Loan;建立大学生个人信用制度,促进国家助学贷款

12.Exploring the Method of Valuing Project s Risk in the Respect of loan;从贷款角度对项目进行风险评估的探索

13.On the Historical Evolution and Revelationof the Bank s Reserves for Deposits of the United States;美国存款准备金制度的历史演进及启示

14.Thought on How to Improve Reloading System for Supporting Peasants during New Period新时期进一步完善支农再贷款制度的思考

15.The Improvement Research on the Insurance System of Bank Deposit Under the Unified Tax System;基于统一税收制度下的银行存款保险制度改进研究

16.The amortizations and maturities of medium and long-term debt due in the late eighties and early nineties have been restructured.对于80年代末和90年代初到期的中长期债务的还款进度和还款日已被重组。

17.At least thirteen have fully repaid them. Lenders receive emails with progress reports about the businesses they supported.至少有13人已全部偿还。放款人用邮件接收支持的企业的进度报告。

18.To further promote gifted education, $10 million has been set aside in 2000-01 for this purpose.政府在二零零零至零一年度拨款1,000万元,进一步推广资优教育。


payment schedule付款进度

3)progress payment工程进度款

1.Settlement ofprogress payment pIays an extremely important role in con-struction management of overseas projects, which will be carried out completelythrougout the construction life of a project.工程进度款结算贯穿于实施工程项目的始终,在涉外承包工程的项目经营管理工作中占有相当重要的地位。

4)progress payments按进度付款

5)appropriation of progressing payment进度款拨付

6)progressive payment for works进度款支付方法



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