
*2024年*哲学史 history of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-24 12:01:42


*2024年*哲学史 history of philosophy英语短句 例句大全

哲学史,history of philosophy

1)history of philosophy哲学史

1.It has several interpretations: philosophy is equal to its history;thehistory of philosophy is a part of philosophy;and we learn philosophy by means of learning its history."哲学是哲学史"是哲学界、特别是哲学史界广为传播的一个命题。

2.Systematizing and comparing the prophesying views of Hu Shi, Liang Shumin, Feng Youlan and Feng Qi on philosophy,history of philosophy and future philosophy of the world, this philosophical study finds that Feng Qi s views --- the joining and complementarities of Chinese and western philosophies is instructively significant for predicting the future tendency of the develo.梳理、比较胡适、梁漱溟、冯友兰、冯契等人关于哲学、哲学史以及世界未来哲学瞻望的观点,可以发现,冯契的中西哲学结合互补的思想,对于深入把握世界未来哲学的走向,极具启发性意义。

3.Professor Li Jinquan has probed into the relationship between thehistory of philosophy and history of thought for over twenty years from the perspective of methodology.在过去20多年间,李锦全教授对于哲学史与思想史的关系问题从方法论上进行了探讨,并通过自己的哲学史研究和思想史研究来贯彻和阐发这些方法论原则,从而成为中国学术界在这一问题上进行探讨的有代表性的人物。


1.The History of European Philosophy欧洲哲学史(西方哲学史)

2.Philosophy Is the History of Philosophy?--A Kind of Philosophical Historical Reading;哲学就是哲学史吗?——一种哲学史观的解读

3.To See Feng Youlan"s Outlook on Philosophy and Philosophical History from"Brief History of Chinese Philosophy"从《中国哲学简史》看冯友兰的哲学观和哲学史观

4.Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History;西方哲学“语言学转向”的哲学史意义

5.The Ambiguity of "History of Chinese Philosophy" and the Future of Chinese Philosophy;“中国哲学史”的歧义与中国哲学的未来

6.Status of “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” in Chinese philosophical history;《内经》哲学在中国哲学史上的地位

7.The Great Historian of Philosophy Must Be the Philosopher;优秀的哲学史家必定是哲学家——《中国哲学大纲》与张岱年哲学

8.Philosophic History on Knowledgeand Philosophic History on" Tao"--Talk on the Legitimacy about Chinese Philosophy;知识性的哲学史与存在性的哲学史——兼谈中国哲学的合法性问题

9.Between Philosophy and Jingxue(经学);哲学与经学之间——朱伯崑先生《易学哲学史》的贡献

10.The foundation of Marxist philosophy is a great revolution in the history of philosophy.马克思哲学的创立是哲学史上的伟大革命。

11.History of Philosophical Language is the Developing Process of Philosophical Thought;哲学语言的历史是哲学思维的发展史

12.Philosophical Connotation and Value of Chemical Development History;化学发展史中的哲学内涵和哲学价值

13.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

14."Human body philosphy" as the philosophical history of China;作为“身体哲学”的中国哲学的历史

15.Sima Qian s Physical Philosophy and the Social Philosophy inShi Ji (Records of the Historian);司马迁自然哲学与《史记》社会哲学

16.He dipped into ancient history and philosophy他涉猎古代史和哲学。

17.History of Marxism Philosophy Development马克思主义哲学发展史

18.The Nature of Historical Explanation The Difference between Speculative Philosophy of History and Analytical Philosophy of History on Historical Explanation;历史解释的性质——思辨历史哲学和分析历史哲学不同的历史解释


philosophy history哲学史

1.Such enquiries into the objectivity of truths are in accordance with the cognition theme of legislating for cognition inphilosophy history.这种对真理客观性的追问与哲学史上为认识立法的认识主题相一致。

2.They make up a vivid,rich and colorful landscape inphilosophy history and provide the internal grounds and the direct motive force for the existence and development of philosophy.这三个层次的争论,相互联系、相互交织、相互作用,绘成了哲学史的生动的、丰富的、多彩的画卷,给哲学的存在和发展提供了内在概括和直接动

3)the history of philosophy哲学史

1.Secondly,the relation between philosophy andthe history of philosophy should be dealt with well,so that the cultural background of Marxist philosophy and Marxism can be comprehended and mastered by students in a comprehensive and profound manner.要处理好哲学和哲学史的关系,以便使学生了解马克思主义哲学的文化背景,全面深刻地把握马克思主义理论。

2.HU Shi was the pioneer in researchingthe history of philosophy in China.胡适是中国哲学史研究的开山者。

3.Philosophy comes fromthe history of philosophy, andthe history of philosophy is the development of philosophy.哲学是哲学史的总结,哲学史是哲学的展开。

4)philosophical history哲学史

1.Throgh analysizing the exploration of ideology in the Chinese and the Westernphilosophical history.通过分析中西方哲学史上对意识问题的探讨 ,旨在为思考哲学的奥秘提供一些有益的启

2.In the research about the history of the Chinese philosophy in the 1980s, it became accepted thatphilosophical history could not be represented by the mere distinction of materialism and idealism and that of dialecticity and metaphysics, but rather by the acknowledgement of epistemology.20世纪80年代初 ,在中国哲学史研究中 ,摈弃了把哲学史简单化为唯物和唯心、辩证法和形而上学两军对阵的教条公式 ,以“哲学史是认识史”取而代之。

3.After the New Cultural Movement,philosophical history springs up.20世纪初年的中国“新史学”中有一个倾向,即将学术与思想合 而并论;到新文化运动之后哲学史兴起,1949年后受 苏联(前)影响,思想史研究中哲学色 彩甚重。

5)historical philosophy历史哲学

1.The World History of the Spirit s Development——on the logistic core of Hegel shistorical philosophy;“精神”发展的世界历史——论黑格尔历史哲学的逻辑内核

2.Brief analysis of Sun Yat-sen shistorical philosophy idealogy;论孙中山的历史哲学思想

6)the philosophy of history历史哲学

1.The Study on the Philosophy of History in Vico s "the New Science";维柯《新科学》的历史哲学思想研究

2.This paper compares the four issues inthe philosophy of history with their counterparts in the philosophy of science,and furthermore,dissects the basic common questions in the modern philosophy of history and ph.沃尔什《历史哲学导论》主要探讨所谓分析的历史哲学。

3.In the development of Eastern Zhejiang School andthe philosophy of history of ancient China,Chen Liang s thinking is of historic and far-reaching importance.陈亮的历史哲学对于浙东学派以及中国古代历史哲学的发展均有重要的意义。



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