
市场操纵 market manipulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-30 09:59:39


市场操纵 market manipulation英语短句 例句大全

Market manipulation refers to the deliberate attempt to interfere with the free and fair operation of the market, usually for unlawful gain. It involves activities such as spreading false information, engaging in price manipulation, and creating artificial demand or supply. This deceptive practice undermines the integrity of financial markets and erodes investor confidence. In English, market manipulation is often expressed as "market manipulation," and it is a widespread concern in the global financial industry. For example, "The company was fined for engaging in market manipulation by artificially inflating its stock price." This collection of short sentences and example uses in English provides a comprehensive resource for understanding and discussing the issue of market manipulation in various contexts.

市场操纵,market manipulation

1)market manipulation市场操纵

1.International comparison ofmarket manipulation proof;各国市场操纵证明问题的横向比较

2.Study on Market Manipulation and Defensive Mechanism of Stock Market of China;我国证券市场操纵行为及防范机制研究

3.An Empirical Analysis and Discrimination Research on Insider Trading and Market Manipulation in Chinese Security Market;中国证券市场内幕交易和市场操纵的实证分析与判别研究


1.Evaluation of Manipulation Cost and Benefits on Futures Market;商品期货市场操纵成本以及操纵收益评价

2.Insider Information, Market Manipulation and Security Market Regulation;内幕信息、市场操纵与证券市场监管

3.The Study on the Manipulation of the Securities Market and the Legal Regulation;证券市场操纵行为及其法律规制研究

4.Legal Research on Manipulation of Stock Exchange Market;证券交易市场操纵行为法律问题研究

5.Judicial Definition, Enforcement and Enlightenment;市场操纵司法界定、惩治比较及其启示

6.The Civil Liability System Against Manipulation of the Securities Market;试论证券市场操纵行为民事责任制度

7.Interpretation of Articles on Market Abuse in Chinese SecuritiesAct;解读《证券法》关于市场操纵的法律规范

8.Research on Generation-side Market Power in Regional Power Market;区域电力市场中发电侧市场操纵力研究

9.He is one of those who manipulate the market.他是操纵市场者之一。

10.Analysis: Who is behind the market prices of building materials?分析:谁在幕后操纵建材市场价格?

11.He made a lot of money by manipulating the Stock Market.他通过操纵股票市场赚了大钱。

12.They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market.他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。

13.milk the market [street][美俚]操纵有价证券市场从中牟利

14.Market s Reaction and Discrimination on Insider Manipulation in Chinese Stock Market;我国内幕信息操纵的市场反应及识别

15.Trading-based Market Manipulation in China s Stock Market;中国股票市场交易型的价格操纵研究

16.Manipulation and Regulation of the Chinese Stock Market: A Simulation Analysis;中国股票市场的操纵与监管:模拟分析

17.Analysis of China A-stock Price Manipulation Nature;对中国A股市场股价操纵的必然性分析

18.Discussion about a Number of Issues of the Crime of Manipulating Securities and Futures Market from the Case of "ZhongKe Corporation"操纵证券、期货市场犯罪若干问题探讨



1.It is a key premise for actualizing effective supervision on SIFM(Stock Index Futures Market) to clearly define manipulation of SIFM legally which comprises identifying its conception and constitutive requirements,and differing it from other kinds of stock market manipulation or commodity market manipulation.在法律上明确界定股指期货市场操纵行为,是实现有效监管的重要前提。

3)market manipulation操纵市场

1.Based on insider trading and manipulations in China securities market during 1993 to 2000,using event studies,adjusted model proposed by Meulbroek(1992)and cross section test,the paper compares information content of insider trading withmarket manipulation.基于1993~2000年中国证券市场内幕交易和操纵行为事件,采用事件研究、修正的Meulbroek(1992)模型和横截面检验,同时比较内幕交易、操纵市场的信息含量,发现事件研究中,内幕交易的信息含量总合计量结果与字样本结果并不一致,Meulbroek(1992)存在对内幕交易信息含量高估的现象,而操纵市场信息含量是明显显著的。

2.The thesis is aimed to deliver a basic research on how to identify themarket manipulation activities in China s stock market.论文首先对操纵市场行为的基础理论进行研究,探讨了操纵市场行为的基本含义,操纵市场行为的特征和法律性质,以及操纵市场与虚假陈述、内幕交易的联系和区别。

3.As the existence of the non-efficiency of the securities market, Market manipulation will not be eliminated.非强式有效市场的存在使操纵市场行为的存在具有其必然性。

4)market power市场操纵力

1.Analysis ofmarket power in liberalized electricity markets;电力市场操纵力问题探析

2.Research on Generation-side Market Power in Regional Power Market;区域电力市场中发电侧市场操纵力研究

5)market manipulation操纵市场行为

1.The issues of definition, legal attribute and classification ofmarket manipulation are the basis for adequately regulating, effectively punishing and efficiently preventingmarket manipulation.操纵市场行为的定义、法律性质与分类等基本问题是充分监管、有力处罚和有效预防操纵市场行为的基础性问题。

2.This study is for the purpose of studying how to consummate the system of our civil liability in securitiesmarket manipulation under the background of intemationalization, and to protect the investors benefit.从各国证券法制发展的实践来看,操纵市场行为对于证券市场的健康发展具有极大的危害,它与内幕交易行为、虚假陈述行为共同构成证券法制重点制裁的三大证券违法行为。

6)Manipulation of securities market操纵市场行为

1.In Chapter l,it points out that the manipulation of securities market is intrinsically a sort of fraudulent torts, by analyzing the legal nature of the manipulation in light of such basic theories as jurisprudence, civil law and commercial law.第一章利用法理学、民商法学等基本理论分析了操纵市场行为在商法上的性质,指出操纵市场行为实质是一种欺诈性的侵权行为。


电传操纵系统(见飞机人工飞行操纵系统)电传操纵系统(见飞机人工飞行操纵系统)fly-by-wire control systemdianehuan cuozongx认ong电传操纵系统(fzy一by一wir。。。n:r。,system)见飞机人工飞行操纵系统。

  1. 犀羽2024-04-07 20:18犀羽[西藏网友]
  2. 浪。2024-04-03 15:08浪。[重庆市网友]
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