
旱育抛秧 arid rice seedling bed and transplanting in a throwing way英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-23 15:23:29


旱育抛秧 arid rice seedling bed and transplanting in a throwing way英语短句 例句大全

"旱育抛秧"是指在干旱条件下进行水稻育苗和移栽的一种种植方法。本文将收集一些关于旱育抛秧的英语短句和例句,以便读者更好地了解和掌握相关知识。关键词包括arid(干旱的)、rice seedling bed(水稻育苗床)、transplanting(移栽)和throwing way(抛秧方式)。这些例句将展示旱育抛秧技术的操作步骤、优势特点和应用场景,帮助读者深入理解这一种植方法的实际操作和效果。通过阅读本文,读者将能够了解到旱育抛秧的种种好处,以及如何运用这项技术来应对干旱条件下的水稻种植挑战。

旱育抛秧,arid rice seedling bed and transplanting in a throwing way

1)arid rice seedling bed and transplanting in a throwing way旱育抛秧

1.A 5 years experiment showed that in comparison with the tranditional practice in late-rice growing,the new way witharid rice seedling bed and transplanting in a throwing way increased the yield 1465 5 kg per hm 2,saved man-power, reduced energy consume, shortened working time and reduced production cost A set of growing techniques has beed worked out at the same tim5年的试验研究表明 ,晚稻采用旱育抛秧比水育秧手插不仅增加产量 ,每公顷理论增产 1 4 65 5kg ,而且省工、省力、省时、降低生产成本 ,每公顷理论增收1 80 0元。

2)plastic-plate dry-raised and scattered-transplantation seedling塑盘旱育抛秧

3)dry diskless throwing旱育无盘抛秧


1.The Entire Volume of Straw to Field Dry Diskless Throwing Yield 700kg/667m~2 Groups of Indicators and Precise Quantitative Cultivation Techniques麦秸全量还田旱育无盘抛秧单产700kg/667m~2群体指标及精确定量栽培技术

2.The Study and Application in Diskless Dry Nursery No-tillage Throwing of Rice水稻无盘旱育免耕抛秧技术研究及应用

3.The Effects of Non-plate Seedling-throwing Agents "Han-yu-bao-mu" on Seedling Character and Rice Output抛秧剂“旱育保姆”对秧苗素质和产量的影响

4.Research on the Design on Rice Seeder of Plant Nursery for Casting Rice Seedlings;水稻抛秧苗盘式育秧播种机的设计研究

5.Study and Application of a New Seed-coating Regulator in Rice Seedling Raising for Scattering Transplanting Without Seeding Tray;新型水稻种衣剂“无盘抛秧剂”的研究与应用

6.Different rice seedling growth modes’impacts on no-tillage & seedling broadcasting (NTSB) cultivation水稻不同育秧方式对免耕抛秧栽培的影响

7.Influence of Drought Seed Density on Quality of Hybrid Rice Seedlings旱育秧密度对杂交水稻秧苗素质的影响

8.A comparison experiment of two paddy field seedling growth modes旱育保姆剂拌种编织布隔层与塑料软盘两种水田育秧方式对比试验

9.The research primarily validated the correctness of the formulas of the DPT with scattered-planting in double-season rice.本研究初步验证了所拟合出的塑盘旱育抛栽基本苗公式的正确性。

10.Experimental Study on Control of Pests in Rice Seedlings Bred on Wet Seedbed and Dry Plate-seedbed by 25% Thiamethoxam SC25%噻虫嗪SC防治盘育秧和水育秧害虫试验研究

11.Experimental Research in Different Types of Dry-growed Rice Seedlings水稻旱育秧不同方式的试验研究报告

12.The Effect of Soil Application with Calcium Oxide on Control of Damping-off and Quality of Rice Seedling;土壤施用氧化钙防治水稻旱育秧立枯病作用及对育秧质量的影响

13.A comparison experiment of different dosages of dry-cultivation "nurse"旱育保姆不同剂量拌种育秧对比试验初报

14.Study of Fungi Causing Blight of Rice Seedlings on Dry Seedbed in Ningxia宁夏水稻旱育秧立枯病病原菌的初步研究

15.Research and Application on Key Technologies of Precision Seeder for Tray Nursing Seedlings of Rice水稻秧盘育秧精密播种机的关键技术研究与应用

16.Seeding cavity detection in tray nursing seedlings of super rice based on computer vision technology基于机器视觉的超级稻秧盘育秧播种空穴检测技术

17.Water-saving Cultural Techniques of Upland and Sparse Seedling Raising and Drought-avoiding Transplanting in Hybrid Rice杂交水稻旱稀育壮秧避旱移栽节水丰产栽培技术

18.A Design of Aspirating Precision Seeder for Sowing Rice in Cupulate Compartment Tray;气吸式水稻钵育秧盘精量播种机的设计


plastic-plate dry-raised and scattered-transplantation seedling塑盘旱育抛秧

3)dry diskless throwing旱育无盘抛秧

4)dryland seedings transplanted旱秧抛栽

5)long-age seedlings associated with scattered-planting in rice水稻旱育长秧龄抛秧栽培

6)dry-raised rice seedling旱育秧苗

1.Coating seeds with a certain seed coating developed in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Lixiahe District of Jiangsu province is the key technology in cast-transplantation of no-platedry-raised rice seedlings.本研究采用无盘抛秧剂包衣种子,分析无盘旱育秧苗与塑盘旱育秧苗、常规旱育秧苗生理机能的差异。



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