
田基黄+Hypericum+Japonicum+Thunb英语短句+例句大全 Reorganized into: A Compre

时间:2024-03-22 09:20:12


田基黄+Hypericum+Japonicum+Thunb英语短句+例句大全 Reorganized into: A Compre

The "田基黄+Hypericum+Japonicum+Thunb 英语短句+例句大全" is a comprehensive collection of English short phrases and example sentences related to the plants with the scientific names "田基黄," "Hypericum," "Japonicum," and "Thunb." This collection provides a wide range of English expressions that can be used to describe, discuss, and showcase these plants, making it a valuable resource for English learners, botany enthusiasts, and researchers. Whether one is looking to learn the English terminology for these plants, seeking inspiration for creative writing, or simply exploring different ways to describe their characteristics, this collection offers a diverse array of phrases and example sentences to cater to various linguistic and educational needs. With its extensive coverage and rich linguistic content, this compilation serves as an indispensable tool for anyone interested in delving into the English language associated with these plants.

田基黄,Hypericum Japonicum Thunb

1)Hypericum Japonicum Thunb田基黄

1.Inhibiting effect ofHypericum Japonicum Thunb on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma line CNE-2 in vitro;田基黄对人鼻咽癌细胞株CNE-2细胞生长抑制的体外实验

2.Effects ofHypericum Japonicum Thunb on growth inhibition and apoptosis of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE-2 in vitro;田基黄对人鼻咽癌细胞CNE-2生长和凋亡的影响

3.Hypericum japonicum Thunb. in the Treatment of Gout:An Empirical Study;田基黄抗痛风的实验研究


1.Study on the Purification of Total Flavonoids from Hypericum Japonicum Thumb. and the Preparation of Solid Dispersion;田基黄总黄酮的富集及固体分散体的制备研究

2.Content of Rare Earth Elements in Wild Hypericum Japonicum Thunb野生中药田基黄中稀土元素含量分析

3.Experimental study on resistance of hypericum japonicum Thunb.to helicobacter pylori中药田基黄抗幽门螺杆菌的实验研究

4.Study on the Purification and Antihypertension of Polysaccharides from Lysimachia Fortunei Maxim;大田基黄多糖的分离及其抗高血压活性研究

5.Study on the Common Pattern of the High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Fingerprint of Hypericum Japonicum Thumb;田基黄高效液相色谱指纹图谱共有模式的研究

6.Isolation,identification and activity determination on the anti-hypoxic components of Hypericum japonicum Thunb.田基黄抗缺氧活性成分的分离鉴定与活性测定

7.Effect of Polysaccharides from Lysimachia fortunei Maxim on Blood Pressure in SD Animals大田基黄多糖降血压作用的动物实验研究

8.Determination of Flavonoids in Different Parts and Different Harvesting Seasons of Hypericum japonicum不同采收季节及部位田基黄药材中黄酮类成分的含量测定

9.Experimental Study on Anti-hepatitis B and Anti-hepatoma Effect of Different Extracts in Serum of Hypericum japonicum Thunb.in Vitro田基黄不同提取物含药血清体外抗乙肝和抗肝癌作用的实验研究

10.Effect of combination of hypericum japonicum thunb and low dose Hormone by point therapy on cholestasis hepatitis田基黄联合小剂量激素足三里穴封治疗胆汁淤积性肝炎的疗效观察

11.Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution Evaluation of Basic Farmland Rice in Huangshi黄石市基本农田水稻中重金属污染评价分析

12.Study on the Conditions of Heavy Metal Contamination of Basic Farmland Soil of Huangshi City黄石市基本农田土壤重金属污染调查研究

13.Dandelions yellow the field.蒲公英使田野变成黄色。

14.On Performance Analysis of Terrace Construction Regarded as Fundamental Project of Developing Modern Agriculture in Loess Plateau--Taking Longde County of Ningxia as a Case;黄土高原发展现代农业的基础工程——梯田绩效分析——以宁夏隆德县为例

15.The weasel feeds off field voles, snakes, and other small animals.黄鼠狼吃田鼠、蛇和其它小动物。

16.Fields are full of golden corn and green plants.田野长满了金黄色的玉米和绿色植物。

17.Rape flowers were yellowing the fields.油菜花使田野变得黄灿灿。

18.Study on Environment Effect of the Level Terrace in Southern of Loess Plateau;黄土高原南部水平梯田环境效应研究


Hypericum japonicum田基黄

1.The Protective Effect ofHypericum japonicum against Acute Liver Injury in Mice;田基黄对小鼠急性肝损伤的防治作用

2.Studies on the Flavonoids ofHypericum japonicum Thunb.ex Murray;田基黄黄酮类化学成分的研究

3)hypericum japonicum thumb田基黄

1.The highperformance liquid chromatography fingerprint ofhypericum japonicum thumb is introduced to demonstrate a good method to build the common pattern.以田基黄的高效液相色谱指纹图谱为例,说明了一种建立共有模式行之有效的方法。

2.Hypericum japonicum Thumb.田基黄(Hypericum japonicum Thumb。

4)Lysimachia fortunei Maxim大田基黄

1.Effect of Polysaccharides fromLysimachia fortunei Maxim on Blood Pressure in SD Animals大田基黄多糖降血压作用的动物实验研究

2.The Antihypertension constitutent fromLysimachia fortunei Maxim had been extracted and purified.本实验进行了大田基黄抗高血压有效成分的分离,以大鼠常规动脉插管方法监测血压变化,静脉给药的方式进行活性检测,从结果确定了大田基黄中抗高血压成分为多糖类物质。


6)Hypericum japonicm Thunb Capusules田基黄胶囊



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