
杉木林 Chinese fir英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-14 21:49:21



杉木林,Chinese fir

1)Chinese fir杉木林

1.Soil samples were collected in Nanping,Fujian Province(117°57′E,26°28′N)and characteristics of soil inorganic nitrogen were investigated for differentChinese fir plantations of 11-,21-,28-,40-,88-year-old,compared with a mixed broad-leaved forest and a 2-year-old cleared area from an 86-agedChinese fir plantation,which were both adjacent to the 88-agedChinese fir stand.在福建南平杉木林中心产区,选取11、21、28、40、88年生杉木人工林以及采伐迹地、杂木林为研究对象,研究不同年龄杉木林土壤无机氮的差异。

2.The carbon stock and carbon sequestration ofChinese fir in different generations were investigated in Ancaoxia and Denke of Xihou Village, Nanping City, Fujian Province.对福建南平市王台镇溪后村安曹下及邓窠的不同代数杉木林C库和C吸存的研究结果表明,1代杉木林C库总量为251。

3.Based on the observed date, the efficiency of temperature and humidity ofChinese fir plantation has been analyzed.结果表明:由于杉木林冠层的作用,使杉木林内形成了温度变化平缓,林冠层对地表温和土温的调节作用远大于气温;由于冠层的阻滞作用,使林内风速很小,乱流交换较弱,林木蒸腾蒸发的水气不易散失,造就了林内水气充沛、空气湿润的特征;杉木林内显热能的日平均波动在2%,杉木林内环境的潜热能占总温湿能的8%左右;杉木林具有这样的温湿特征是杉木林的结构特征、杉木林生理功能与环境相互作用的结果。


parison on litterfall character of Phoebe bournei and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in the field of successive planting Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木连栽地上闽楠与杉木林分凋落物特征比较

2.Ecological Response on Regeneration of Different Tree Species in the Harvest Site of Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木林迹地不同树种更新的生态效应

3.Evaluation of the Chinese Fir Forest Ecosystem Services Value中国杉木林的生态系统服务价值评估

4.Effect of temperature on soil respiration in a Chinese fir forest温度对杉木林土壤呼吸的影响(英文)

5.Effects of Clear-cutting and Slash Burning on Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen in Chinese Fir and Castanopsis Fargesii Forests;皆伐火烧对杉木林和栲树林碳、氮动态的影响

6.Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Cunning hamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.GB/T8822.2-1988中国林木种子区杉木种子区

7.Carbon Sequestration and Balance in Pure Plantations of Cunninghamia Lanceolata and Schima Superba;杉木、木荷人工林碳吸存与碳平衡研究

8.Carbon Storage and Allocation in 26-Year-Old Phobe bournei and Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations26年生楠木人工林和杉木人工林C库及分配

9.Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Picea asperata Mast.GB/T8822.12-1988中国林木种子区云杉种子区

10.China fir from mainland China are used here in reforestation work.该地用中国大陆的杉木以更新森林。

11.Growth Characteristics of the Mixed Plantation of Chinese-fir with Huangshan Mountain Pine杉木、黄山松人工混交林的生长特性

12.Studies on Species Diversity of Chinese Fir Plantation in South of Jiangxi Province;赣南杉木人工林群落物种多样性研究

13.Impact of Management on Series Silviculture Measure of Second Generation of Chinese Fir;系列育林措施对杉木二代经营的影响

14.A Comparative Test of Several Renewal Tree Species in the Land after Cunninghamia Lanceolata Trees Are Cut;杉木采伐迹地造林更新树种比较试验

15.Study on the Drying Characteristic of Resin-impregnated Chinese Fir浸渍处理人工林杉木干燥特性的研究

16.Effects of Different Tending Methods on Growth of Young Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation不同抚育方式对杉木幼林生长的影响

17.The Compilation of Site Index Table of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Guangnan County广南县杉木人工林立地指数表的编制

18.Study on Nutrient Use Efficiency in the Mixed Forest with Betula luminifera and Cunninghamia lanceolata光皮桦杉木混交林养分利用效率研究


Chinese fir plantation杉木林

1.Soil active organic matter in broadleaved forest andChinese fir plantation in subtropical region of China亚热带地区阔叶林与杉木林土壤活性有机质比较

2.Chinese fir plantation and Masson pine plantation are two fire-prone fuel types distributed in Zhangping city,their fuel loadings determine fire behavior.杉木林和马尾松是分布于漳平市的两种易燃的可燃物类型。

3.Based on the data collected from located observation in successive years, comparative analyses were made inChinese fir plantation at Huitong, Hunan.多年定位观测的数据对比分析结果表明:湖南会同生杉木林采伐前,林地土壤(0~60cm)层中的C储量为160。

3)Cunninghamia lanceolata forest杉木林

1.Based on a field investigation, the early recovery vegetation characteristics of Pinus massoniana forest,Cunninghamia lanceolata forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest, which had been burned severely one year before, in Maoan Forestry Centre of Chongqing were analyzed.通过对重庆市北碚区茅庵林场马尾松林,杉木林和常绿阔叶林3种群落火烧1年后的迹地以及未火烧林地的群落学调查,研究了高强度火干扰后不同群落早期恢复植被特征。

2.And all the 30 plots were divided into four types of landscape forests: broad-leaved forest,coniferous and broad-leaved forest,Pinus massoniana forest andCunninghamia lanceolata forest.杉木林物种数量明显偏少,林分密度大,达到3 967株。

3.Based on the data of gaps inCunninghamia lanceolata forest in Ancaoxia,China,the size and formation pattern of gaps as well as the quantitative characteristics of gap makers were studied.根据安曹下杉木丰产林全林林窗样地调查资料,分析了杉木林林窗的大小结构、形成方式及林窗形成木的数量特征。

4)Chinese fir forest杉木林

1.Forest resources inventories materials and data from China Forest Ecosystem Location Research Network(CFERN) were prepared for estimating 4 periods of carbon storage ofChinese fir forest ecosystem from 1977 to .利用中国4次森林资源清查资料以及中国森林生态系统定位观测研究站(CFERN)的实测数据,估算了中国1977-4个时期杉木林生态系统的碳储量,分析了其年龄结构特征、垂直分配结构特征、时空动态格局和贮碳潜力。

2.A comparative study was conducted for 2 a on soil biological activities of a 70-year-old fact-growingand high-yieldChinese fir forest (hillside), and a 32-year-old"young forest" of Chinese fir (hillside), whichwere originally occupied by broadleaved forests in Ancaoxia, Xihou, Nanping.32a生杉木“青年林”土壤生物学活性下降则更为明显,说明从杉木取代阔叶林(头耕土)起,土壤生化活性及土壤肥力就存在明显下降现象,轮伐期缩短或林地连栽杉木代数增加,而不采取恢复地力措施,杉木林地地力衰退将更为明显。

5)Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木林

1.The Natural Thinning and Structural Pattern of the Intermediate Cutting Intensity in theCunninghamia lanceolata Stand;杉木林间伐强度自然稀疏与结构规律研究

2.Ecological Response on Regeneration of Different Tree Species in the Harvest Site ofCunninghamia lanceolata杉木林迹地不同树种更新的生态效应

3.Concentration and distribution of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in a 11 year old artificialCunninghamia lanceolata stand on a poor soil were studied.杉木林生态系统中 ,土壤的各种养分储存量达到生态系统相应养分总量的 99%以上 。

6)Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation杉木林

1.Litterfall production and dynamic for twenty years of a successive replantingCunninghamia lanceolata plantation at Huitong,Hunan湖南会同连作杉木林凋落物量动态特征


德昌杉木德昌杉木介绍 德昌杉木科属: 杉科 别名: 形态特征: 常绿乔木,高达50米,胸径可达3米,具轮生或不规则轮笺枝,枝端下垂;树皮暗灰色,深纵裂,片状剥落。叶螺旋状排列,辐射伸展,在侧枝上列成二列,线状披针形,质地较坚硬,维管束下方有1个树脂道,偶有1-2个边生树脂道,长0.8-3厘米,宽2-3.8毫米,先端渐尖,基部宽而下延,边缘有细锯齿,上面深绿色,有光泽,具2条窄气孔带,下面有两条宽白色气孔带。雌雄同株;雄球花约40簇生枝顶,圆柱状长圆形;雌球花单个顶生,近球形;苞鳞大,与珠鳞结合而生;珠鳞先端3裂,腹面具有3胚珠。球果近球开或卵圆形,长2.5-3.2厘米,直径2.5-3厘米,成熟前灰绿色,成熟时淡黄褐色;苞鳞革质,扁平宽三角状卵形,先端尖,边缘有不则细齿,被白粉,种子脱落后宿存;种鳞小;种子卵圆形,扁,长5-6毫米,暗褐色,两侧个膜质翅。分布与习性:分布于四川西南疗德昌、米易、盐源等地海拔1300-2800米地带。分布区位于四川低纬度地区,河谷南北向;北朋小相崔、燕萨岗为屏障,南有干燥气流长驱直入。因而气候暖和,冬春干旱,秋我影响湿度较大,降雨量多,形成的干湿交替气候。年平均温13-18,最冷月平均温约10,最热月平均温;年降水量1000-1400毫米,多集中在6-10月,占全年90%以上,年蒸发量2000毫米以上,全年无霜期达240-300天。土壤为山地红棕壤或红壤,PH值5-5.5。德昌杉木喜生于阴坡或半阴坡,但也能在半阳坡或阳坡与云南松伴生,表现出对周期性干旱的适应性,德旱杉森生长快,林木4龄地入速生期,20龄前年平均高生长1米左右,以后较缓慢,50龄前年平均戏生长1厘米左右,最大的睡长量达3.5厘米,百龄大树仍生机旺盛。生理发育成期较迟,树龄前少有结实,实大小年明显。芽2月下旬萌动,生长旺期6-9月,11月停止生长;花期2月中、下旬、球果11月中旬成熟。繁殖与栽培:天然更新多利用根部萌或实生苗繁殖。人工栽培常用种子育苗,也可截枝扦插。选林地应选择酸性砂壤土。林木喜光怕寒,在长江流域以北易受低温和早霜的冻害。应用:濒危种。德昌杉木耐旱,生长快,易培育大径材;冠幅小,单位面积产材量高;材质优良,为优质带生用材树种。是培育杉木良种的种质资源。图片:

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  1. 海风旋律2024-03-14 21:59海风旋律[海南省网友]
  2. anglefree2024-03-14 21:54anglefree[辽宁省网友]
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