
能量现存量 standing crop of energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-11 19:38:53



能量现存量,standing crop of energy

1)standing crop of energy能量现存量

1.Study on above-groundstanding crop of energy of Quercus acutissima plantation in Jianghuai hilly region江淮丘陵地区麻栎人工林地上部分能量现存量研究

2.Thestanding crop of energy was 167 141.对鼎湖山马尾松群落各组分热值、能量现存量、能量净生产量及群落太阳能转化效率进行了研究。

3.The characteristics ofstanding crop of energy among different compartments for the forest ecosystem was systematically analyzed.分析了南亚热带常绿阔叶林生态系统各分室能量现存量的特征。


1.Study on above-ground standing crop of energy of Quercus acutissima plantation in Jianghuai hilly region江淮丘陵地区麻栎人工林地上部分能量现存量研究

2.cash holdings现金存量,见 cash Balance

3.Energy can exist in a variety of modes.能量能以各种形式存在。

4.The Reasons of Severe Energy Depreciation in Current ICE现在使用的内燃机为什么存在严重能量贬值

5.Control Modeling of Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter for Energy Storage System and Its Rapid Implementation能量存储系统双向变换器控制建模及快速实现

6.An energy crisis compels fuel conservation.能量危机迫使保存燃料

7.electrostatic energy storage spot welder静电能量贮存式点焊机

8.mass-storage executive capability大容量存储管理能力

9.Development of Modern Exchange Rate Determination Theory: From Flow Approach to Stock Approach then to Stoch-Flow Approach;现代汇率决定理论的发展:从“流量”到“存量”再到“存量—流量”分析

10.But though these powers and forces are only now being revealed, they have existed since before the foundation of the world.虽然这些能量、力量现在才被人发现,但它们早在世界奠基之前即已存在。

11.This nonvolatile memo has the advantage of large storage simple interlace and easy changing, which can realize the function of data backup and expansion of interlace.由于存储器的存储量大、接口简单、更换存储芯片方便,实现了数据备份和接口扩展的功能。

12.As a calculation standard,money can measure,express,realize and preserve the value of commodities.货币作为计量标准 ,衡量、表现、实现、保存商品价值 ;

13.Under the existing slight rotator situation,this method still could effectively realize the image smoothly stitching.在图像间存在小的旋转量情形下,仍能有效地实现图像的平滑镶嵌。

14.make investment risk decentralization,and realize the role of financing lever through absorbing mass capital.使存量资产流动化,投资风险分散化以及实现杠杆融资效应等功能。

15.Start with the system"s basic functions.The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory.从系统的基本功能入手,关键是始终监视货单中每种商品的现存量。

16.The energy body expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy.能量身体扩张和打开以积聚和储存能量。

17.an ester of adenosine that is converted to ATP for energy storage.一种腺苷酯,能转化为ATP以储存能量。

18.Discussion About Problems of Present Maximized Demand Measure Pay Rules;现行最大需量计量收费规定存在的问题


existent energy value能量现存量

1.In order to protect and restore wetland ecosystem, and improve the amount of production of the wetland, the caloric,existent energy value, annual net primary productivity and efficiency for solar energy utilization were measured in a dominant plant community at Binjiang wetland, Zhenjiang in the year .为了对镇江市滨江湿地生态系统进行保护与修复,改善湿地功能与效益,提高湿地生产量,于3月起,在长江中下游镇江内江南岸北固山-大东沟湿地,对优势植物种群芦苇和虉草及其各器官的热值、能量现存量、年净初级生产力及光能利用效率动态进行研究。

3)standing energy能量现存量

1.The dynamic curves of above-groundstanding energy of these two communities appeared the same shape as the above-ground biomass dynamic curves,whose peak value was 3 637.羊草+大针茅群落和矮嵩草草甸的地上部分能量现存量动态曲线基本与地上现存生物量动态曲线一致,2个群落地上部分的能量现存量积累速率都与地上现存生物量积累速率呈显著的相关性。

2.Gross caloric value,standing energy and released amounts were investigated during fine roots decomposition of bamboos in coastal sandy sites.对沿海沙地竹林细根在分解过程中的干质量热值和能量现存量以及释放量进行了研究。

4)Relative energy standing crop相对能量现存量


1.Studies on the bottom fauna and biomass in Nishina Sanko;仁科三湖底栖动物及其现存量的研究

6)standing crop现存量

1.By means of simulating the regressions of biomass, volume, leaf- area of each organs of the forests,allometric rules of the five main forest communities at the Hueditang forest region were quantitavely studied, The averagestanding crop, average stocked volume,average produc-tion, average volume increment and thestanding crop of dead ground - stratum of the forests were 133- 42t/hm2, 166.火地塘林区5个森林类型的平均现存量为133。

2.According to the annual variations (May 1990 - April 1991) of species composition ,standing crop and productions of phytoplankton in Houhu Lake, Wuhan, it is found that the dominant taxa are no other than Chloropgyta, Bacillatiophyta and Cyanophyta in the lake with theirstanding crop and production being highest in autumn and lowest in spring.根据1990年5月—1991年4月武汉后湖浮游植物种类组成、现存量和生产量的周年资料分析,绿藻、硅藻、蓝藻为优势类群;现存量和生产量高低次序依次为:秋、冬、夏、春。

3.According to the investigation on zoobenthos of Donghu Lake in , this paper deals with calculating whole zoobenthicstanding crop, and analyzing thestanding crop of 6 dominant species and their distributive patterns, and evaluating environmental quality using bio-index.根据对武汉东湖底栖动物的调查,估算了全湖底栖动物现存量,分析了6个优势种在现存量中的意义及其分布型式,并对环境质量进行了生物学评价。


能量原理与能量法能量原理与能量法energy principles and energy methodsnengliang yuanli yu nengliangfa能量原理与能量法(energy prineiple、and energy methods)根据能量来分析结构在外来作用下的反应的力学原理和方法。能量原理是力学中的机械能守恒定律或虚功原理在变形固体力学中的具体体现,它是能量法的理论基础,也是用能量法解题时必须满足的条件。这些条件是与平衡条件或位移协调条件等价的。能量原理和能量法与先进的计算技术相结合,显示出优越性。应变能、余能和势能在单向应力状态下,弹性体的应变能密度(单位体积的应变能)怂可用一下式计算: ,‘一站O。凌它相当于图l中用阴影线表示的面积。另外,在单向应力状态下的余能(应力能)密度万可用下式计算:万一俨:而它相当于图2中阴影部分的面积。由图1.21;r知2,+万=JO‘’)。‘。~J茸祥一言一一£d£图J应变能密度图2余能密度图3线弹性情尤下的应变能密度与余能密度由图3可知,线弹性体的余能密度与应变能密度在数值上相等。在简单应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度经过总加后,可得到复杂应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度。把它们在整个弹性体的体积内积分就得出整个弹性体的应变能或余能。对于线弹性体,应变能或余能可表示为位移或应力(内力)的二次式。弹性体的应变能与外力势能的总和称为总势能。外力势能在数值上等于各个外力在施力点位移上所做功的总和冠以负号。能量原理在给定的外力作用下,在满足位移边界条件的所有各组位移中.实际存在的一组位移应使总势能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,上述能量原理称为极小势能原理。它等价于平衡条件(含应力边界条件)。在满足平衡条件(含应力边界条件)的所有各组应力(内力)中,实际存在的一组应力‘内力)应使弹性体的余能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,这个能量原理称为极小余能原理。它等价于位移协调条件。上述两个能量原理实际上就是数学中求泛函极值的变分原理,应变能和余能分别是以位移或应力(内力夕为自变函数的泛函。所以能量原理也称变分原理,是工程力学的电要组成部分。在变分原理中,位移的变分就是虚位移,应力(内力)的变分就是虚应力(虚力)。因此,能量原理中的极小势能原理又相当于虚位移原理,极小余能原理又相当于虚应力(虚力)原理。

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  1. 信吗2024-03-11 19:52信吗[云南省网友]
  2. Paper2024-03-11 19:45Paper[内蒙古网友]
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