
译林版|9A各单元话题及优秀范文 考试满分必备!(可下载电子版)


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1Unit 1 Know yourself.




Dear Mr Wang,

We are writing to recommend Cheng Lan as our new monitor. We think she would be an excellent monitor because she has many strong qualities for this position.

Cheng Lan is active and confident. She is never shy and likes talking to people. She is not afraid of speaking in front of a lot of people either. This is an important quality for a good monitor.

Cheng Lan is also hard-working. She always finishes all her homework early and does some extra work, so she would have the time and energy to be a monitor.

Besides, Cheng Lan is an organized person. She can plan all her things well. She always pays attention to every detail when organizing class activities.

We think Cheng Lan is the right person to be our monitor. We hope that you agree with us.

Yours sincerely

Li Yan Wang Dawei

2Unit 2 Colours.




The girl in the advertisement is wearing a green T-shirt and a yellow skirt. Green represents energy and nature. Maybe she feels tired and thinks green can make her feel more energetic. Yellow represents warmth and wisdom and can also remind people of a warm sunny day. Maybe she likes yellow because it is the colour of the sun.

The girl is also wearing a hat with an orange flower on it. Orange brings people joy and warmth. The girl s blue shoes show that she is relaxed.

I think this girl is cheerful and friendly. She prefers warm, energetic and calm colours to strong colours.

3Unit 3 Teenagers problems.




Dear Patrick,

Thank you for sharing your problems with me.

You stay up late every day. It is a common problem for a Grade 9 student. I think the best way to solve it is to manage your time carefully. Try to finish some homework during lunchtime at school instead of playing basketball, and then you can go to bed earlier at night.

Maybe too much noise at home is another reason that makes you stay up late, because you cannot focus on your work. Your grandfather keeps the TV very loud because his hearing is not very good. How about closing your bedroom door when you study inside? Or perhaps you can tell him about your problem. I am sure he loves you so much that he will listen to you.

I hope you think my advice is worth taking.

Best wishes,


4Unit 4 Growing up.



● Who has influenced you most in your life?

● What does he/she look like?

● What is special about him/her?

● What has he/she done? Dive one or two examples.

● What do you think of him/her?


My grandfather died many years ago, but I still cannot stop thinking of him from time to time. My grandfather was born in the 1940s. He was an ordinary person, but he made the people around him happy and comfortable.

My grandfather was always willing to help others. He used to grow a lot of flowers in pots and sent them to neighbours to decorate their houses.

My grandfather loved writing. He always told me that writing could make people feel calm and bring people pleasure as well. He also taught me how to write a good article. There were many books in his study. He said that reading good books could help us learn more about the world.

I have learnt a lot from my grandfather. I will never forget him.

5Unit 5 Art world.



● What art form do you like best?

● Are you good at this art form?

● What do you think of this art form?

● When did you become interested in this art form?

● How important is this art form to you?


Of all the things that make me happy, I like singing best. Many of my friends praise me when they hear me singing. However, I once did not like singing because I felt nervous when singing or speaking in front of many people.

I became interested in singing when I was ten years old. One day, my friends and I were celebrating my tenth birthday. My friends wanted me to sing a song for them. I had never sung in front of many people. But all my friends encouraged me. I finally sang a song and all my friends cheered me for my singing. They said that I had a real gift for singing. Since then, I have been crazy about singing songs.

I often sing when I feel relaxed. Sometimes I also sing for my family. I enjoy myself in the world of songs every time I sing.

6Unit 6 TV programmers.




● Two best friends, Tina and Katie.

● They work in a supermarket.

● Their boss, Mr Green, is strict and always shouts at them.

● Mr Green likes playing tennis very much, but he never won any tennis titles.


● Mr Green won his first title in a local competition.

● He gave Tina and Katie two big boxes of chocolates each.

● Tina and Katie were shocked.

● They found out the reason at the end of the day.


Tina and Katie both work in a supermarket. They are best friends and they enjoy working together. Tina and Katie are young and always happy. However, they do not like their boss, Mr Green, because he is very strict and always shouts at them. Once, Mr Green shouted so loudly at Tina that he made her cry.

Mr Green likes playing tennis very much. He plays tennis three times a week and takes part in many tennis matches, but he never won any tennis titles. One day, Mr Green arrived at work as usual and smiled at Tina and Katie as he gave them two big boxes of chocolates each. The girls were shocked. At the end of the day, they found out the reason why Mr Green was so happy. He won his first title in a local competition. Tina and Katie thought that life would be much better working at the supermarket from then on.

7Unit 7 Films




My favourite film star is Maggie Cheung. She is famous all over the world.

Maggie Cheung was born in Hong Kong on 20 September 1964. She studied at St. Paul s Convent School.

At first, Maggie Cheung worked as a model in Hong Kong. Later she became an actress. Her 1984 film Prince Charming made her famous in Hong Kong. She won the Best Actress Award at the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival for her 1992 film Centre Stage. Then her 2004 film Clean made her more popular all over the world. She won the Best Actress Award at the 57th Cannes Film Festival for this film. She was the first Asian actress to win a prize at this famous French film festival. So far, Maggie Cheung has acted in more than 80 films and has won many awards.

Maggie Cheung is considered internationally as a beautiful and talented actress.

8Unit 8 Detective stories.




● A description of the crime

● Any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime

● A description of the suspect

● How the detective finds the criminal


Mr Wang was an old man. He lived alone and went to the park every day topractise t ai chi.

One day, Mr Wang s neighbours, Mr and Mrs Zhang, noticed that Mr Wanghad not gone to the park that morning as usual. Mrs Zhang became worried. Sotogether with her husband, she went to knock on Mr Wang s door. As theyknocked, they noticed the door was not locked. They pushed the door open andsaw Mr Wang. He was dead on the ground.

Mr and Mrs Zhang called the police. Detective Li arrived in fiveminutes. He asked the Zhangs whether they had seen anything unusualthe night before. They said that they had not because they were having a party.

Detective Li also interviewed another neighbour, Zhou Ming. He was acook. He said that he was working at his restaurant the night before and didnot know anything about the case.

At the crime scene, Detective Li found a knife and a gun. He noticed thatthere was some white powder on the gun. Detective Li checked the knife and thegun for fingerprints. The powder on the gun turned out to be cookingflour, and the fingerprints were left by Zhou Ming. Detective Li returned tothe flats and arrested the cook for murder. Later, Zhou Mingadmitted that he killed Mr Wang so that he could steal 200,000 yuan from him.







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