
久久不能忘怀的句子说说 现实又精辟 让人看完受益匪浅!

时间:2023-10-04 04:26:01


久久不能忘怀的句子说说 现实又精辟 让人看完受益匪浅!


In fact, childish, there is nothing wrong with it. People will grow up one day. Why mature too early and lose too early? The way ahead is not afraid of being blocked by tens of thousands of people, but of surrendering by oneself; the sail of life is not afraid of storms and waves, but afraid of not having courage! If you have a way, go boldly; if you have a dream, fly boldly.

二、时间使人去忘记朋友。有些朋友,我们已经很久没联络了,我们曾经是很要好的。时间使人忘记梦想、原则和朋友,偏偏有些事情我们又记得很清楚,我们记得自己曾经有梦想、有原则和有朋友。Time makes people forget their friends. Some friends, we have not contacted for a long time, we used to be very good. Time makes people forget their dreams, principles and friends. But there are some things we remember very clearly. We remember that we had dreams, principles and friends.

三、从现在开始,不沉溺幻想,不庸人自扰,踏实工作,好好生活,做一个接近幸福的人。听过很多道理,依然过不好这一生。一个人说喜欢你一辈子也许会让你悸动。可那个能给你家的人不是更应该值得和你在一起吗?From now on, don"t indulge in fantasy, don"t bother others, work steadfastly, live a good life and be a person close to happiness. Having heard a lot of truth, I still have a bad life. A person who says he likes you all his life may make you palpitate. But shouldn"t that person who can give you a home be worth staying with you?

四、你对一个人有欲望,那叫喜欢,你为一个人忍住欲望,那叫爱。有时候,失望到一定程度后,反而会开出一朵花来,那朵花的名字叫,无所谓。路是自己的,不必用别人的标准来框定自己的人生。You have a desire for a person, that is like, you suppress the desire for a person, that is love. Sometimes, disappointment to a certain extent, but will open a flower, the name of the flower, it does not matter. The road is one"s own. You don"t have to use other people"s standards to frame your own life.

五、成人社会,往往就是这样,做任何事,先考虑它的功用,考虑可行性,兴趣反倒被放在了次要的位置。我们为了生活摸爬滚打,日夜奔忙,似乎从来没问过自己喜不喜欢。这,难道不令人悲哀吗?In adult society, this is often the case. To do anything, we should first consider its function and feasibility, and instead, interest is placed in a secondary position. We"ve been running around day and night for life, and we never seem to ask ourselves whether we like it or not. Isn"t that sad?

六、 人的行动离不开思考。如果只是机械的行动而失去了思想的指引,渐渐人会变得机械而盲目。我们需要思考的时间,而不是一味地奔走。有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样。人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。成熟,就是用微笑来面对一切小事。Human action is inseparable from thinking. If only mechanical action loses the guidance of thought, people will gradually become mechanical and blind. We need time to think, not to run. Some things, not care about, but care about what can be. Life has no if, only consequences and results. Maturity is to face all trifles with a smile.

七、 失望到极致,是想说一长串证明自己的话,可是话到嘴边却又变成了苦笑,觉得再没有任何必要,说一个字都觉得多余。可我们终究会明白,不爱我们的人,不管我们付出多少,都没有办法让他爱我们一点,儿爱着我们的人,也不会一直站在我们身后承受我们给的伤害和辜负,心冷了热不起来,爱走了也要不回来。Despair to the extreme, is to say a long list of proven words, but words to the mouth but turned into a bitter smile, feel no longer necessary, say a word feel redundant. But eventually we will understand that no matter how much we pay, the people who do not love us can not let him love us a little, love our people, and will not always stand behind us to bear the harm and disappointment we have given, cold heart can not warm up, love will not come back.

八、没有什么人能一路单纯到底,但是要记住,别忘了最初的自己。你不是一个天生的赢家, 也不是一个天生的失败者; 你是你自己创造的你!愿你放下执着,放下不甘心, 从今以后,只负责精彩自己的人生。No one can go all the way to the end, but remember, don"t forget your original self. You are not a natural winner, nor a natural loser; you are the one you created yourself! May you put down your persistence and unwillingness, and from now on, only be responsible for the wonderful life of yourself.

九、温暖,是心里的一种感受;感动,是生命的一种柔情。身在天涯外,心在咫尺间。路过风和雨,才知道不弃的是深爱。走过一段路,经历一些事,才能真正看清一些人。Warmth is a feeling in the heart; touching is a tenderness in life. Outside the horizon, the heart is within reach. Passing through the wind and rain, we know that love is what we do not abandon. Only by going through some things can we really see some people.

十、渐渐的知道了,很多东西可遇而不可求,不属于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。你在意什么,什么就会折磨你。“期待”是所有心痛的根源。记性太好,有时候是一种负担,容易忘记往事的人,是幸福的。Gradually, I learned that many things can be met but can not be sought. They do not belong to me. Why do you care about them desperately? Whatever you care about will torment you. "Expectation" is the root of all heartache. Memory is too good, sometimes a burden, easy to forget the past, is happy.

十一、 从此抽烟喝酒,闭口不谈天长地久,从此撩猫逗狗,再不说曾经拥有。自在这片土壤中生出,问什么是从来学习爱学的事就是,我可唱所有的歌却说不出一丁点的兴趣好像生命寸寸的埋没进水里窒息,又压抑。From then on, he smoked and drank, kept his mouth shut and never talked about the eternity. From then on, he pulled the cat and teased the dog, not to mention the ownership. Since I was born in this soil, asking what I have always learned to love learning is that I can sing all the songs but can not say a little bit of interest like life inches buried in the water suffocated, and depressed.

十二、人的精神有三种境界:骆驼、狮子和婴儿。第一境界骆驼,忍辱负重,被动地听命于别人或命运的安排;第二境界狮子,把被动变成主动,由“你应该”到“我要”,一切由我主动争取,主动负起人生责任;第三境界婴儿,这是一种“我是”的状态,活在当下,享受现在的一切。There are three realms of human spirit: camel, lion and baby. The first realm of camel, bear humiliation and burden, passively obey the arrangement of others or fate; the second realm of lion, passive into active, from "you should" to "I want", all by me to actively strive for, take the responsibility of life; the third realm of infants, this is a "I am" state, living in the present, enjoy everything now.

十三、但愿你从不缺乏重新开始的勇气,心存善念,定会途遇天使。天气越来越冷,愿你对生活依然热情;世界偶尔薄情,愿你一如既往深情。心有阳光,把生活过成诗,找到温暖自己的方式。I hope you never lack the courage to start afresh, have a good heart, and meet an angel in the future. The weather is getting colder and colder. May you still be enthusiastic about life. The world is occasionally tender. May you remain as deep as ever. Heart has sunshine, live life into a poem, find a way to warm themselves.

十四、得不到的永远在骚动,被渴望的都有恃无恐。你喜欢的未必适合你,在你身边的永远才是最好的,深情不及久伴,厚爱无需多言,陪伴是最长情的告白!What you can"t get is always in turmoil, and what you are longing for is fearless. What you like may not be suitable for you. It"s always the best one around you. It"s not as affectionate as a long-term companion. It"s not necessary to say much about love. Accompaniment is the longest-term confession.

十五、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。这个世界已经够为难你了,就不要再为难自己了,更不要让不爱你的人给你添堵了,好好爱自己。 没有哪段感情是在浪费时间,如果它没有给你想要的,那它至少教会了你什么是你不想要的。Where will some people like loneliness, but do not like disappointment. The world has been difficult enough for you, so don"t embarrass yourself any more, let"s not let those who don"t love you block you up, love yourself well. No relationship is a waste of time. If it doesn"t give you what you want, it at least teaches you what you don"t want.

十六、命的价值在于自己看得起自己,人生的意义在于努力进取。人生就是这样,选择什么你就会遇到什么,没有对错之分,只有承受与否。学会放下令自己不悦的事,学会放手令自己卑微的人。昨天的欢乐与悲伤都是今天的回忆,只要还有明天,今天永远都是起点。早安!!The value of life lies in self-esteem, and the meaning of life lies in striving for progress. Life is like this, choose what you will encounter, there is no right or wrong, only bear or not. Learn to let go of things that make you unhappy, learn to let go of people who make you humble. Yesterday"s joy and sorrow are today"s memories, as long as there is tomorrow, today is always the starting point. Good morning!!

十七、有人说,喜欢一个人就要让对方知道,这样你们之间才会有可能有结局。可是我选择隐藏对他的喜欢,因为我不想让我的喜欢变成一种打扰,打扰他宁静的生活。Some people say that if you like someone, you have to let them know, so that there will be an end between you. But I chose to hide my liking for him, because I didn"t want my liking to become an interruption to his quiet life.

十八、人生就像孩子手中的铅笔,看起来好像够长,可是用起来不知不觉就嫌短了。曾经有很多事情,我们总想等到将来的某一天,或是某一段时间再去做,到最后却始终没有做成。人这一辈子,其实做不了几件事,所以想做的事就赶紧去做,并且尽量把它做到最好,这样才不会留下太多的遗憾和悔恨。Life is like a pencil in a child"s hand. It looks like it"s long enough, but it"s too short to use unconsciously. There were many things that we always wanted to do one day or some time in the future, but in the end we never made it. In fact, we can"t do a few things in our life, so we should do what we want to do and try our best to do it, so that we won"t leave too much regret and regret.

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久久不能忘怀的句子 犀利深刻 看完受益匪浅!

久久不能忘怀的句子 犀利深刻 看完受益匪浅!



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