

时间:2023-09-16 05:10:01





1.(10分)When I was in junior high school,I was not good at sports because I was overweight (超重).I was often laughed at by some of my classmates in my PE.class.That made me(1) .Gradually,I came to believe that I did not have the(2) for sports.

One day,I was playing ping﹣pong with a classmate in my PE.class.My teacher said I was playing (3) and asked me to show the other students how to play.I was very happy (4) it was the first time I was praised by my PE.teacher.I tried my best to do it with my classmates.To my surprise,I did better than I had thought.

From then on,I made up my mind to (5) every day.My teacher encouraged me to join the school sports club.(6) a lot of practice,I became one of the best ping﹣pong players in my school.I started to enjoy(7) and took part in many different kinds of activities:running,swimming and playing basketball.

One year later,I not only did well in my PE.Class but also(8) 10 kg and even became a star in the school sports games.

Now,I have made many good friends (9) I"m getting on well with them.Doing sports makes me outgoing and confident.

The experience of going from failure to success has taught me that(10) is impossible.Everyone can be successful if he or she works hard.


2.(10分)Everyone knows that China is changing and developing very quickly at the moment.Many young people from home and abroad thought about the changes.The following are some comments which young people made on a website message board.

阅读以上微博评论,根据其内容判断下列各小题的正误。正确的填(涂) A(涂) B。

(1) Jiayu will go back to China after training in Canada.

(2) Some people in Zihan"s hometown now have enough money to buy cars.

(3) Jackson spent two years in Beijing as a student in the late 1980s.

(4) Sean from Oxford thinks Chinese people can overcome challenges and difficulties.

(5) China is changing and developing very fast now.

3.(10分)Sometimes animals can do strange things.Here are two true stories about people and animals.A pet lizard was kept in a biology classroom.The students looked after it well and loved having it in the classroom.However,large lizards like being alone and don"t really like lots of people around them all the time,especially noisy girls and boys at school.

The large lizard noticed that whenever the alarm bell rang during the school"s practice fire drills (消防演练),leaving the lizard behind,in peace and quiet for a while.Over several weeks(假的) fire alarms.Someone noticed that every time the alarms went off,the lizard was out of its cage (笼子),the children decided to watch the lizard.To their surprise,they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall and set it off (弄响)!The lizard just wanted to be left alone.

A tourist was driving along a road one evening,he accidentally ran over a kangaroo.The tourist thought that no one would believe him,so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo with his mobile phone.He picked the dead kangaroo up and put it next to the car.He then took off his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photo more interesting.

All went well,suddenly,the kangaroo woke up!It had only been knocked out but not actually dead!As soon as the kangaroo woke up,wearing a jacket,which kangaroo also included three credit cards (信用卡),000 in cash!What a lucky kangaroo!


(1)Where did the students keep the lizard?

A.In the school library.

B.In the biology classroom.

C.On the playground.

D.In the dining hall.

(2)Why did the lizard set the fire alarm off?

A.Because it just wanted to be left alone.

B.Because it wanted to surprise the students.

C.Because it liked the noisy boys and girls.

D.Because it wanted to ask people for help.

(3)The underlined word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to .

A.the jacket and the mobile phone

B.the mobile phone and the passport

C.the jacket and the sunglasses

D.the sunglasses and the passport

(4)What happened to the kangaroo finally?

A.It died.

B.It was caught by the tourist.

C.It was saved by the tourist.

D.It woke up and ran away.

(5)How many kinds of animals does the passage talk about?





4.(10分)Six weeks before his 97th birthday,Giuseppe Paterno made his dream of a lifetime come true:He got a university degree.

Mr.Paterno"s story has been reported around the world,and draws wide attention,partly because of his age(新冠疫情).

Born in Palermo in 1923,the first of seven children in a very poor family,Mr.Paterno began working soon after finishing primary school.It was only after he retired in the mid﹣1980s that he returned to his books.

"His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain young一not in age but in spirit ﹣ if you develop interests," said Rosella Cancila,his teacher of history at the University of Palermo.

Italy"s university system is based on a three﹣year degree,then a two﹣year master"s course.University officials are hoping that Mr.Paterno will continue his studies.

But he isn"t so sure."I have to say that in this moment,I don"t know whether I would keep on studying with the same spirit," he said,Mr.Paterno said that he would probably try to get his master"s degree but he hadn"t decided yet.


(1)Giuseppe Paterno"s dream of a lifetime is to .

A.return to his hometown

B.get a university degree

C.draw people"s attention

D.encourage the children in his country

(2)Why did Mr.Paterno go to work soon after he finished his primary school?

A.Because he was not good at study.

B.Because he disliked his teachers.

C.Because his family was poor.

D.Because his job was interesting.

(3)According to Rossella Cancila,developing interests can help people stay .

A.young in age

B.young in spirit

C.healthy in body

D.healthy in mind

(4)From the passage,we know that all the attention makes Mr.Paterno a little .





(5)What is the best title for the passage?

A.Seeing Is Believing.

B.Practice Makes Perfect.

C.Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

D.It"s Never Too Late to Follow a Dream.



We need to know how much of what food to eat to be healthy.Here is a picture about food groups and why they are good for our health.

It is important to understand how food is used.When we eat food,our bodies(1) the food to make energy.(2) we are eating the correct food and the correct amount of the food,we will have enough energy for our bodies and minds to work properly.

It is necessary to read the labels (标签) on the foods in a shop as well.The labels tell(3) what the food has in it.They give us(4) about how healthy the food is.

There are many people who do not eat enough right food.This could be because they are too poor to buy the right food.These people may have what we call malnutrition (营养不良).Children (5) have malnutrition do not grow properly and they can not concentrate (集中精力) at school.

If things are very bad,they can become(6) and even die.Malnutrition is a great problem in

some poor parts of Asia and Africa.

It is also important to drink lots of water.Our bodies are(7) up of about 76% water.We need to drink six to eight(8) of water a day.Water keeps our skin healthy It also makes sure that our bodies work properly.If we do not drink(9) water,we can get headaches,stomachaches and our kidneys (肾脏)

If we want to have minds and bodies that work(10) ,we need to make sure that we eat correctly.


6.(10分)My dad is very interested in history and the Silk Road attracts him.He told me that the Silk Road had been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years.①it from,was,kilometers,6500、to、Rome(.) It played an important role in the development of the world.

My family went to some famous places along the road for a holiday last summer.We started from Lanzhou to Wuwei.In ancient times,Wuwei was also a capital.Although it"s now a modern city,you can still get a strong feeling of history here.②People are proud of its history.

The next stop was Jiayuguan,an important city on the edge of the desert.It was a busy place with a lot of business people coming and going.The western end of Ming Great Wall was built here.Even today,it"s a city that many people travel through.Along the road,which reminded me of the famous poem written by Wang Zhihuan.

Finally,we arrived in Dunhuang.It is a city with a long history and colorful culture.Ancient people created fantastic artworks,such is Mogao Grottoes.It was influenced by many different cultures over time.It was also the center of trade between China and its western neighbors.Today

The trip helped me know about the history and culture of the special road.Besides,I can better understand how people from different places influenced each other.




Ancient people built the of Ming Great Wall in Jiayuguan.


Lanzhou→ Wuwei → Jiayuguan→ →Dunhuang

(5)After reading the passage,would you like to advise your friends to travel along the Silk Road?Why or why not? (List one reason)


7.(1分)There are a lot of (tree) along the road to our village.

8.(1分)Aunt Li (ask) me to help her feed the chickens last week.

9.(1分)Xiaoming,can you come to (I) birthday party?

10.(1分)Some children are (play) soccer on the playground now.

11.(1分)I (usual) watch movies to make me relaxed.

12.(1分)Let"s (go)to the old people" s home to do some cleaning tomorrow.

13.(1分)Peter is much (tall) than he used to be.

14.(1分)Should teenagers be (allow) to choose their own clothes?

15.(1分)June is the (six) month of a year.

16.(1分)Although Yuan Longping was a great scientist,he considered himself a (farm).







Dear Richard,

I"m glad to know you. .


Li Hua


1.解析:(1)A 形容词辨析,B开心的,D困的 was laughed by of classmates my ,我经常被一些同学嘲笑,故答案是A。

(2)B 名词辨析,B天赋,D能量,我经常被一些同学嘲笑,故答案是B。

(3)D 副词辨析,B粗心地,D好地 me show other how play.让我教其他学生怎么玩,故答案是D。

(4)D 连词辨析,B所以,D因为,因为这是我第一次受到体育老师的表扬,故答案是D。

(5)C 短语辨析,B跑,D游泳,这里应该是从那时起,故答案是C。

(6)C 介词辨析,B关于,D在...里 became of best players my 。可知在经过大量的练习后,故答案是C。

(7)B 名词辨析,B运动,D科学 part n different of ,swimming playing ,参加了许多不同的活动:跑步,可知作者开始喜欢运动并参加了不同种类的活动。

(8)A 动词辨析,B得到,D收到、游泳和打篮球,故答案是A。

(9)B 连词辨析,B和,D如果,我交了很多好朋友。表并列关系。

(10)D 代词辨析,B一些,D没有什么 impossible和上文的故事,故答案是D。


(1)A.根据When I finish my training in Canada,I will go back to China and start a business,我将回到中国创业。所以嘉玉在加拿大受训后将返回中国。故答案为:A.

(2)A.根据Most people in my hometown have a good standard of living and some can now afford cars.可知我家乡的大多数人都有很好的生活水平,有些人现在买得起汽车,表达正确

(3)B.根据I spent a year in Beijing as a student in the late 1990s.可知上世纪90年代末。所以上世纪80年代末,表达错误.

(4)B.根据There is still a long way to go.There are many challenges and difficulties ahead。前面有许多挑战和困难,如果我们共同努力。这是来自香港的肖恩说的,表达错误.

(5)A.根据Everyone knows that China is changing and developing very quickly at the moment.可知大家都知道,中国目前正在迅速变化和发展,表达正确

3.解析:(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段"A lizard kept a biology 。可知。故选B。

(2)A.细节理解题。根据第一段"To their surprise!The lizard just wanted to be left alone"令他们惊讶的是,并把报警器拉响了。可知,是因为它只想一个人待着。

(3)C.代词指代题。根据画线词所在句"He then took off his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photo more interesting"然后,把它们戴在袋鼠身上。可知。故选C。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据"It only knocked but actually !As as kangaroo up ran ,但并不是真的死了。可知。故选D。

(5)A.细节推理题。根据"Here two stories people animals"这里有两个关于人和动物的真实故事,这篇文章讨论了蜥蜴和袋鼠两种动物。

4.解析:(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段"Giuseppe made dream a lifetime true:He a university 。可知。故选B。

(2)C.细节推理题。根据第三段" Born Palermo 1923 first seven in a poor ,Mr.Paterno working after primary ,在家里七个孩子中排行老大。可推知,是因为他的家庭贫穷。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据第四段 "His shows dreams come and you remain in but spirit ﹣ you interests," Rosella ,梦想可以成真," Rosella 。可知 Cancila认为发展兴趣可以帮助人们在精神上保持年轻。

(4)A.细节理解题。根据最后一段"adding all attention made a bit ,所有的关注让他有点累,所有的关注都让帕特诺先生有点累。

(5)D.最佳标题题。根据第一段"Six weeks before his 97th birthday,朱塞佩帕特诺实现了他一生的梦想:他获得了大学学位,本文主要讲述了97岁高龄的朱塞佩帕特诺实现了他一生的梦想:获得了大学学位。故选D。

5.解析:(1)use,考查动词。固定短语use...to do用来制作...。

(2)If ,考查连词,我们将有足够的能量让我们的身体和思想正常工作,引导后面的条件状语从句。

(3)us ,考查代词。tell告诉,后面要加代词宾格。

(4)informatiaon ,考查名词。information信息。故填写:information。


(6)sick ,考查形容词,sick生病的,放在系动词become后作表语。

(7)made,考查动词。固定短语be made up of由...组成。


(9)enough ,考查形容词。enough足够的,修饰名词放在名词前。


6.解析:(1)It is 6500 kilometers from Xi"an to Rome.连词成句。根据it from,kilometers,6500、Rome(.) 可知由标点符号可知是陈述句。句子应是It is 6500 kilometers from Xi"an to Rome.句意为从西安到罗马有6500公里

(2)人们为它的历史感到骄傲。英译汉。固定短语be proud of ...表示以……自豪;故答案为:人们为它的历史感到骄傲。

(3)part.单词填空题。根据The next stop was Jiayuguan,这是沙漠边缘的一个重要城市,有很多商人来来往往。所以可推测句子应为Ancient people built the ,the part of Ming Great Wall 表示明长城的一部分。故答案为:part.

(4)Yumenguan.单词填空题。根据The next stop was Jiayuguan,we also visited Yumenguan,沙漠边缘的一个重要城市,我们还参观了玉门关。所以根据文章内容,应是玉门关Yumenguan。故答案为:Yumenguan.

(5)Yes.Because the Silk Road had been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years.推理表达题,000 years.可知我爸爸对历史很感兴趣。他告诉我。所以读完这篇文章后。因为丝绸之路在两千多年的时间里一直是东西方之间的桥梁,000 years.

7.解析:a lot of"很多"修饰名词tree的复数trees"树"。


8.解析:根据last week"上周"可知,一般过去时态。








12.解析:Let"s=Let us让我们。Let sb do sth"让某人做某事"固定搭配。










17.解析:Dear Richard,

I"m to you.Iamwritingtotellyousomethingaboutmyself.(点题)

I"m 13 years old.I am outgoing and friendly.(性格)I like playing to music.I play basketball with my classmates for half an hour after school every day.(爱好)I have a happy and warm family.My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher.They love me very much.(家庭)I want to be a teacher when I grow up.I am 打算)I hope you


Li Hua

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