
高级又走心的情感文案 既扎心又现实 句句虐心!

时间:2023-08-11 05:41:01


高级又走心的情感文案 既扎心又现实 句句虐心!


That night, I listened to Sanskrit singing all night, not to understand, but to find your breath. In January, I turned all the meridian wheels, not to cross, but to touch your fingerprints. That year, I kowtowed and embraced the dust, not for Buddha, but for your warmth. At that time, I searched all the mountains, not for the afterlife, but for meeting you on the road. At that moment, I ascended into heaven and became immortal, not for immortality, but for your peace and joy.


He has a place to die, a way to return to his soul, one foot in it, no flowers and leaves, yellow sand everywhere, flowing and flowing, hence the name Yellow Spring. There is a demon inside, named Meng Po. They are all female bodies, intelligent and resourceful, special in color, good at eating ghosts, good at cooking soup and Meng Po soup, guided by eight tears, which can be achieved over time, and extraordinary fragrance can pass nine miles.


If you want to go to the world, I can go with you to see the flowers bloom and go all over the mountains and rivers. If you think this place is deserted, I can plant Schumann Shahua all over the Yellow River. Every day when you get up and push the window, you can see the flowers in the sea, and you will continue to linger. There is only one place in heaven and earth.


In fact, a master has a lonely heart, because his creation is accumulated by loneliness. If you want to be happy, wonderful and carefree, don"t be a master.


How much we love life! Just like cherishing the bright stars in the sky and infatuating with the gorgeous flowers in the garden.


Love is like multiplication, one of which is zero, and the result is destined to be zero forever.


Just because I don"t want to be savage doesn"t mean I have no fighting power.


Will one day, you will take me to see the beautiful mountain flowers, and will one day, you will take me across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the world?


People who haven"t seen each other for a long time will lose their minds slowly.


Don"t alienate friends who are rich in spirit for the sake of friends who are rich in economy. You will gradually understand that friends who are rich in economy can eat, drink and have fun, and can also bring complicated and chaotic worldly troubles. Until one day, when you are tired, you find that you have forgotten how to laugh loudly, and no one even wants to look into your tearful eyes. A spirited friend may only take you to fields, streams, food and wine, champagne coffee and dance floor, but he can run with you and laugh like a fool.

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高级又走心的情感文案 既扎心又现实 抚慰伤痛

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