
全套高效实用的小学英语四年级教案 有需要的赶快拿走!

时间:2023-08-04 06:18:01


全套高效实用的小学英语四年级教案 有需要的赶快拿走!

Module 1

Unit 1 Go straight on




2.通过学习 go straight on ,turn left, turn right等词组为他人指路,培养学生助人为乐的情感。


Excuse me. Where is the school, please? Go straight on .Turn left. Turn right.





1.能听懂会说、理解并掌握句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”。

2. 学会运用句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”来解决指路问题。


学会运用句子“Turn left.”, “Turn right.” 和“Go straight on.”来解决指路问题。


Step 1 Warm up


2.Play a game


(复习上个学期学过的表示方位的词:behind, left, right.)

3. Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue in activity 1Step 2 Presentation


2.left, left, right, right, turn around, go, go, go.

然后询问:What’s the meaning of turn around?

接着以同样方式学习turn left, turn right。


4.引出词组go straight on,分层次操练该词组。

5. Play a game:


go straight on, turn left, turn right.Do as I say:

go straight on, turn left, turn right.

Step 3 Listen and say

1Listen carefully and answer the questions. a. Did Doudou find its home?

b. Who help it find its home?

c. Which road does Doudou live in?

2.Listen to the tape, pause after each sentence and have the students repeat the sentence.

3.Listen to the tape for the third times.


I live in No.2 Park Street.

讲授live in( 居住), No.=number。

4. 板书超市supermarket,并引出It’s next to a supermarket.让学生领会next to的含义,并会读。

5. 画出学校附近的地图课件,课件中有一位小女孩站在家门口,她想去学校但不知道该怎么走,接着老师点击课件上的小喇叭,引出句型Where’s the ___, please?老师领读句型,然后分层次操练句型。最后让学生用go straight on, turn left, turn righ来为小女孩指路。

Step 4 Practice

Read the dialogue.




4. 带头饰情景表演:A扮演Amy, B 扮演Sam,C扮演老爷爷, D扮演女主人。

5.出示一幅地图,让学生跟同桌相互询问路线,练习对话 A: Excuse me. Where’

s the …, please? B: Go straight on…

Step 5 Summary

1. 总结本节课所学内容。

2. 给获胜小组发放小奖品,肯定和表扬表现好的每一个小组。

Step 6 Homework




Module 1

Unit 1 Go straight on.

left turn left

right turn right

A: Excuse me. Where’s the …, please?

B: Go straight on .Then Turn left… street

excuse me supermarket next to besides cinema

unit 2 It’s at the station




1.学习单词station/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near

2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hill.

(二) 能力目标:

1.能听说认读单词station/ houses /hill/ train/ up /down

2. 能运用句子It’s at the station.来描述位置。

(三) 情感目标:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。

三 教学重点、难点:

1.认读单词station / houses / hill/ train 和理解方位介词up/ down /near / at,


2.运用句子It’s at the station.描述位置

四 、教学用具:磁带、录音机、课件、单词卡片、市区地图、

五、 教学步骤


1.教师板书 “supermarket”,学生认读单词;师在黑板上画出本市的平面和标上“supermarket”.

T:“Excuse me,where is supermarket?”

S1“Turn right. Go straight on and turn left.”

S2:“Turn left. Go straight on.”


T:“Excuse me,where is the school?” S3 S4….等回答。

(二 ) Presentation

1 .T:“Li Hong will go to GuangZhou next week Excuse me, where is the station?”师示出词卡“station”范读单词,T:“Where is the station?” “station”,S5/S6:Turn left.Go straight on. It’s next to the zoo.

2. 师播放火车轰鸣的声音,T:“Let’s guess,what is this?”; T:“Oh,it’s a train. train,train. ”师教读单词“train”。

3. 师呈现Thomas 上小山的画面,T:“Where’s the train?”,T:“It’s up the hill.hill, hill,up the hill.”

4. 师呈现Thomas驶向山坡下的画面,T:“Where’s the train?”,T:“It’s down the hill. down,down,down the hill.”师教读“down”5. Thomas驶向农庄的房屋,T:“Where is the train.?.T:It’s near the house.house.house house.师教读house. T:“Where is the train? It’s at the station.”


Up ,up ,stand up.

Down, down, sit down.

Near, near, near the house.

At , at ,at the zoo..

(三) Practice


2.师画出活动3某市区平面图,标上school, supermarket, house,用“Excuse me,where’s the school?”学生用已学的方位词来向同学指路。


1. 师示出一张公园的平面图,从school, house, station三个方向出发到park,该怎样走,学生分别用Turn left, turn right, go straight on说说,比一比哪一位学生是最佳向导。

(五)Summary 朗读歌谣

Where is the train?

It’s up the hill.

It’s down the hill.

It’s at the station.




Unit 2 It’ at the station.

Where is Train 1?

It’s up the hill.

Module 2

Unit 1 She’s reading a book.



read, running, these, picture, take, take pictures


语法:She’s reading a book. He’s taking pictures.

词汇:reading, running, taking, taking pictures




2、掌握单词:reading, running, taking, taking pictures

三、教学难点: 谈论图片上正在发生的事情。

四、教具学具: 多媒体课件,照片,单词卡片,小盒子


Step 1 Warm up and lead in

1. Greeting.

2. Read the chant of last module together.

3. Show some pictures and ask the students to say

something about the pictures.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Learn the new words

Before we learn the new text, we learn some new words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train.


(1)Play the tape, and ask the students to listen carefully. (2)Listen again and ask the students to point to the sentences and find “-ing”并圈出来。

(3) Listen for the third times and ask the students to repeat the sentences. Try to imitate the tone and the pronunciation.

3.重点学习:She’s reading a book. He’s taking pictures.

Look, I’m reading a book.


(1) Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 10 and listen to the tape, and then repeat the sentences.

(2) Take out a magic box. Ask the students to take a picture from the box and describe the picture.


Step 4 Summary

Sum up what we learnt during this period. Review the words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train.

And review the sentences: She’s reading a book. He’s taking pictures. She’s watching TV. He’s playing with a toy train.

Step 5 Homework

1. Listen to the tape and repeat the text for several times. 2. Copy the text with the translation. (

六、板书设计: Module 2

Unit 1 She’s reading a book.

reading She’s reading a book.

taking pictures He’s taking pictures.



Unit 2 What are you doing?



知识目标:掌握句型What are you doing?



1. 学习句型:What are you doing? I’m ……

2. 掌握词组:Listen to及动词的ing 形式:doing ,listening, watching, reading

三、教学难点: 掌握动词的ing形式 及读音。

四、辅助资源: 挂图、录音机、磁带、图片


(一) Warming up


T:Before class ,let us play a game。I want four of you to come different here。Group one…)The others look at the carts in my hand,and we say,they do the action。The one who can do the action first will be the winner。I will give him a present。Clear?



1. 在学生做出talk to friends动作时, What are you doing? Ss: talk to friend

T:Yes,you are talking to friend。(He/She is talking to friends。You are the winner。A present for you。Go back to your seat。Today,we will leant a new lesson。(板书句子)What are you doing ? 2. 呈现课文

T:(拿起事先做好的图片)This is father。This is mother。They have three children。It time for breakfast。But where are the children?What happen? What is Sam’s family doing now? Let’s listen to the tape.

T:Listen again ,and answer the questions:What is Sam/Amy/Tom doing?

T:Now who wants to be Sam?The whole class ask him:what are you doing?

Ss: what are you doing?

S1:I am listening to music。

T:I am listening to music。Yes or no?

Ss:Yes。 全班问:what are you doing?

S2:I’m watching TV!

S3:I’m reading a book!


(4) Practice:

1.依次练习句子I’m watching TV! I’m reading a book!

2. T:Who wants to be father and mother?Group one is Sam.Group two is Amy。T: You did a good job。Now who want to be Sam,Amy and Tom?

请三位学生扮演Sam, Amy,Tom。

3. Make a new dialogue。

Make a new dialogue with your partner。I will give you two minutes to practice。

4. 学唱歌曲。

T: You did a very good job。Let us sing a song。

(5) Summary:


(6) Homework 抄写课文。


What are you doing?

I’m listening to music/watching TV/reading a book.

Module 3

Unit 1 What are they doing?





boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。


教学重点:(1)学说问句What are they doing?

(2)掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]

教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音, 并自如地应用。



(一)Warming up



1.师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk





1.T:What is he/she doing ?复习He’s/She’s动词+ing ...

2.T:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh. They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。





2.教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing?引入句子:I’m doing taijiquan.。

3.T:What are they doing ?引入句子:They’re doing taijiquan. 并板书。

4.用类似方法教They’re row a dragon boat.并板书。

5.教说chess, play chess。

7.教师做饥饿状说:I’m hungry. 由此教单词hungry(饿的)。

8.教师 边“喝 边说:drink drink , I’m drinking.






1.请学生打开课本P15,T:What are they doing ? 学生应回答:They are rowing a boat.

2.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?


4.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。



do taijiquan, row a boat, play chess等动词词组的卡片。


3.台上的同学必须用英语They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]来猜测台下同学所做的动作。如果说对了,台下同学要说“Yes”,若连猜3次不中,可用What are they doing?请求他的朋友,帮忙回答。


1.抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk

2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的 照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?

Unit 2 What’s the elephant doing?



A: What are they doing?

B:They’re playing football.

A: What is it doing?

B: It’s drawing pictures.


(一)Knowledge aims:

1.Enable the students to learn the four skill sentences by heart: What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.

2.Enable the students to use the sentences to ask and answer questions.

3.Help the students to understand the sentences: The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.

(二)Ability aims:

1.Enable the students to use the main sentence structures in authentic/semi-authentic situations.

2.Make the students observe things carefully and highlight their ability of using the language creatively.

(三)Emotion aims:

1.Make the students love animals.

2.Make the students do everything whole heartedly.



1.Enable the students to learn the four skill sentences by heart:

What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.

2.Enable the students to use the sentences to ask and answer questions.


Help the students to understand the sentences: The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.




Step 1.

Warm- up and revision

T’s questions: Do you like animals?

What’s your favourite animal?

What can the animal do?

Can you …?

What is he/she doing?

Step 2.

Presentation and practice

Step 3.

Consolidation andextension


1. Show a picture of a forest.

T:Oh! There are so many animals! Can you tell me where they live?

OK! Let’s go to the forest.

2. Look, ask and answer.

T shows a big picture of a forest.

Look at the forest! The cat family is fishing. The two baby cats are talking.

1 T imitates the two baby cats.

2 C1: Look at the …What is it doing?

C2: It’s…

② Ask and answer.

T: What else can you see?

T: Look at the monkey. What is it doing?

板书:What is it doing?

It’s drawing pictures.③ Pair work

T: You can practice with your partner,using sentences: Look at the…What is it doing or what is she doing?

④Learn the structure:

The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.

T: Look at the elephant. What is it doing?

T: How do we drink water?

(We drink water with our mouths.)T: The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.(出示单词duck, must, but, trunk来对比,找出发音规律)

T: 板书I am…with my...

3. Read and answer.

① Read and answer

T:Here is a passage about the picture. You can listen and answer the Qs:

T:What is the mother kangaroo doing?

②Read the passage.

First, read after the tape, then read with the partner.

③Listen and find the differences.

T: I’d like to read this passage for you. But something are different, you try to find them out. OK?

④Read the passage together.

Module 4

Unit 1 Do you want some rice?



(1)学会本课新句型“Do you want some rice ?”关于询问对方的意愿及其回答“Yes,please.”“No,thank you”。

(2)复习旧句型“Have you got ...?”及其回答“Yes,I have”“No,I haven"t”;

复习“What are they doing ?”及其回答“They are doing sth.”


Chinese fast food, want, some, make, nice, chopsticks, difficult,Chinese fast food, make noodles


(1)使学生能运用句型“Do you want some rice ?”并且在日常口语交际的活动中懂得运用,并懂得回答自己的意愿。









Do you want…… ?

Yes,please./No,thank you. Have you got ……?

Yes,we have./No,we haven’t.


Chinese fast food, want, some, make, nice, chopsticks, difficult,Chinese fast food, make noodles




水果、食物、筷子、课件、单词卡片 五、教学过程:

I.Warming up:

1.演唱歌曲:Row you boat 2.Chant:Noodles and rice

II. Revision: 1、Guess:

①T: Today I bring some Chinese food for you.

Guess:What do I take? 出示单词:

noodles, rice, cake, sweets, peanuts, meat, milk, fish, apple, banana, orange, pear)


2.复习“Have you got……?”句型。

T:I’ve got lots of food. Have you got an apple?

III. New sentences and words.

1.T : Do you want some apples? S1: Yes.

T: Yes,please. T: Do you want some noodles? S2: No .

T: No,thank you.板书:

A:Do you want some rice?

B:Yes,please./ No,thank you.


3.Practice:Ask and answer:

4.T:Ok,you are great. Look, what am I doing?


T:Yes,I am eating noodles.

T:Noodles are very nice. It’s nice.

5.T:(呈现实物“chopsticks”)How to say this in Chinese?


T:Yes,but we can say “chopsticks” in English.

7.T:make noodles is difficult or is easy?

板书:make noodle(齐读,个别读)

8.fast food

9.Chant:Do you want some rice?

Yes,please,it"s nice.

Do you want some noodles?

No,thank you.it"s difficult.


1、在上一课的故事中,Daming和Amy在公园里逛了半天,感到有点饿了,所以They are eating Chinese fast food


1.Does Amy want some rice?

2.Does Amy want some noodles?

3.Has Amy got chopsticks in England?

4.Has Amy got fast food in England?


3、Chinese fast food和English fast food 的区别,待会全班进行交流。"汉堡和薯条"是English fast food的代表,“noodle and rice”是Chinese fast food的代表。


IV. Practice:

T: Now work in groups.


T: 今天我们学习了怎样用Do you want some…?询问对方需要的食物。You are very good. Now, let’s say a chant.

Do you want some rice? No, thank you. No, thank you. Do you wantsome noodles? Yes, please. Yes, please.


用“Do you want some ……?询问家人想吃什么,然后自己试着准备。

Unit 2 How much is it ?


1、学习本课四个单词colourful pretty cheap expensive。

2、句子:It’s cheap/pretty/expensive/colourful.来描述价格和颜色。



1、单词:colourful pretty cheap expensive

2、句子:It’s cheap/pretty/expensive/colourful.来描述价格和颜色。





(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)

1、Talk about the weather

What’s the weather like today? What do you want to wear? 2、Show us your clothes孩子们走到台前,介绍一下自己的衣服的颜色,样子。

T:“How much is it?/Oh, it’s cheap./It’s expensive/It’s pretty./It’s colourful.”

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1、教师出示几件衣服的实物,并标出价格,说:“Guess, how much is it?” 教师追问

“Is it cheap?/Is it pretty?”

引导学生自己表述:“It’s cheap/expensive/colourful/pretty.”






(T: How much is that colourful dress?

S:Very expensive. It’s ten yuan.

T:I want to buy it.)


Guessing game: How much is it?



用“How much is it?……?询问家人购买的蔬菜的价格,然后自己试着把对话写下来。

Module 5

Unit 1 Can you run fast ?




词 can. run, fast. jump, high, far, ride


Can you run fast/jump far/jump high/ ride fast?

Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.










1. Greeting

2. Warming up :Do and say.

a. The teacher says, the pupils repeat and do the actions.

b. The teacher does the actions, the pupils say and do.

3. Task 1 Words

a. 4个小老师教读单词,教师给予指导

b. Learn to read in groups(小组内学习)

c. Show in groups(小组展示)


run(现在分词)______ jump(现在分词)_______ high(同音词)_______


4. Task 2 Phrases

a. Listen and find the phrases(听音找出词组)

b. Learn in groups(小组内学习)

run fast跑得快 jump far跳得远 jump high 跳得高 ride fast骑得快

c. Show in groups(小组展示)


5.Task 3 Sentences

a. Listen and find (听音,找出有关can的问句和答语)

b. Learn in groups (小组内用自己喜欢的方式学习)

Can you run fast? Yes, I can. Can you jump high? No, I can’t.

c. Show in groups(小组展示)



例如:Can you play football?

6. Task 4 Text

a. Listen and repeat

b. Read in groups)

c. Role play(

8. Summary


9. Homework

a. 听读M6U1课文3遍。

b. 自查课文背诵并记录时间。

c. 回家采访你的爸爸爸妈会干什么。

Unit 2 Can Sam play football ?



2.技能目标:学会使用恰当的句型来评价他人,如You can jump really high.



重点: 1.can在陈述句和一般疑问句中的用法。

2. 课文中表示play football的一些动词短语。

3. 难点:正确运用badly,well评价自己和别人。



Ⅰ. Warm-up




S: They are so cool. They play basketball/football very well. T: Can you play football well? 引出单词:team

组词 football team/ basketball team

询问:Do you want to be in our football team?意思并单个提问学生。如果不愿意就问Why?引到学生说出答案I can’t play football well.

或I can play football badly.


1)open the book,听课文录音。


football team well run fast control badly really catch goalkeeper fantastic

3)再听录音,注意生词的读音。 control goalkeeper fantastic




a.Can Lingling run fast? (No,she can’t.)

b.Can Lingling control the ball?

(No,she can’t)

c.Can Lingling jump high? (Yes,she can.)

d.Can Lingling catch the ball well? (Yes,she can.)



1.拓展练习,展示刘翔照片 T:Who is he? S:He is Liuxiang.


He is good at running. He can run fast. He is a fantastic runner



I like Tian Liang.He can dive very well.

I like basketball very much.I like Michael Jordan.He can jump very high and run very fast. V. Homework



教学板书设计:You can play football well.

well badly team football team / basketball team 好地 不好地 组 对

fast high

快的 高的

Can Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

Module 6

Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?



单词:fruit, bread, biscuit(s), soup, sweets

短语:turn on

句型:Can I have some …? 及肯定、否定回答。







由今天是老师的生日,关灯一起开生日聚会为话题导入课题,“Hello, everybody,

today is my birthday. Let’s have a party in our class ok? Can you sing ‘Happy birthday’ for me? ”

让学生齐唱“Happy birthday!” 创设生日聚会的氛围。让学生在最快的时间里投入到真实的情境中,在轻松快乐的氛围中开始本课的学习。


“Thank you. Let’s turn on the light.”学生唱完歌以后,打开灯并用其动作引出短语“turn on”及单词“light”.并对其进行及时的操练。“Look, my mum gave me a present this morning.

Let’s see together, what are they? Oh, food.”拿出妈妈送的生日礼物(食物)引出本课单词: fruit, bread, biscuit(s), soup, sweets。




如:“look, these are my food, do you have delicious food?”,让学生们展示自己带的食物,并挑选其中一个,赞美一番,此时老师肚子饿向学生索要食物引出本课句型Can I have some…?

如师:“Wow, so many delicious food. I like it. I’m hungry. I didn’t have my breakfast. Can I eat? Can I have some?”通过替换食物单词的方式练习本句型。问学生是否喜欢老师的食物,可以用新学的句型索要,如果老师有,就可以引出肯定回答“Yes,you can.”并板书,齐读; 如果没有就可以引出否定回答“Sorry, you can’t.” 。板书并齐读。在老师与多组学生示范后,AB, CD之间用身边的食物问答,并进行展示。


I like soup, I like bread. I like sweets ,I like fruit. Can I have some? Can I have some?Yes, you can. Yes, you can. I like biscuits, I like cake. I like sweets, I like fruit. Can I have some? Can I have some? Sorry, you can’t. Sorry, you can’t.


学生在对句型学习练习之后设计了“Draw and Eat”的环节,考察学生应用句型的能力。让学生在纸上画出自己喜欢的食物,并在小组内由A-B-C-D-A的顺序进行问答。结束后由A举手示意,小组展示,并选出表演最好的组进行奖励。



1 Listen and answer “What does Amy want to eat?”,对课文进行整体听,让学生对课文有一个总体的把握。

2 Listen and complete第二遍分段听,问题比较具体。考察的是学生对课文细节的理解。

3 Listen and repeat 通过跟读课文,纠正学生的发音,培养学生正确的语音语调。让学生对课文有更深的认识。


1 Read by themselves 自读课文,体会课文情境。

2 Read in roles 在小组内分角色读课文,让学生体会真实的情境。培养学生的合作精神,增加学生学习课文的乐趣。

3 Act in roles 在小组内分角色表演课文,对所学内容进行输出,考察学生对课文的掌握程度。小组展示,并选出表现最好的小组。








Can I have some sweets ?

Can I have some ...? Yes, you can./Sorry, you can’t.



Unit 2 Happy Halloween!



(2)能灵活运用重点句型Can I have some…? Yes, you can. Here you are./ sorry, you can’t.










1 生词


2 短语

(1) come in

(2) of course

(3) Here you are

(4) Happy Halloween!

3 句型

(1) Can I come in? Yes, of course.

(2) Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can. Here you are.

(3) Can I have some rice? Sorry, you can’t.



(2)能够正确运用句型can I have some….? Yes, you can. Here you are. / Sorry, you can’t.进行自如对话。


6. 教学过程



(3)利用实物月饼,引出重点句型Can I have some moon cakes? Yes, you can.并且板书,教读。

(4) 呈现实物,复习相关食物的单词, 强化本课重点句型Can I have some-----?Yes, you can.的操练。引出Here you are. 并且板书,教读。



(6)引入课题。板书课题:Happy Halloween!教读Happy Halloween!。

(7) 学生“小鬼”出现。教师与“小鬼”、学生们与“小鬼”互动、对话。呈现课文内容,强化本课句型的操练。引入否定回答Sorry, you can’t。并且板书,教读。

(8)Games. Share your food.全班操练单词、操练句型。

(9) Work in pairs. 利用幻灯片,学生根据图片操练句型。




(13)Homework:1.Play games with your family or friends like this:

Can I have some… Yes, you can./No , you can’t.

7. 板书设计

Happy Halloween!

Can I have some moon cake?

Yes, you can.

Here you are.

Sorry, you can’t.


开 始

利用实物月饼,引出重点句型Can I have some moon cakes? Yes, you can.






教师与“小鬼”、学生与“小鬼”互动、对话。呈现课文内容。引出Sorry, you can’t.

游戏(Games). Share your food.



Work in pairs.





练习(Exercises) 、小结(Summary)and 家庭作业(homework)。

结 束

Module 7

Unit 1 There is a horse in this photo.




there is/are,horse,have a look,sheep,climb,face

(b)掌握There is/are句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及简略回答。


(a)能听懂和阅读包含there be句型的有关学校介绍的简短对话和短文。

(b)能运用所学词汇和there be 句型来介绍自己的班级和学校。



(1)掌握词汇: there is/are,horse,have a look,sheep,climb,face.

(2)能听懂对话内容和运用There be句型描述照片。

三、教学难点:there be 句型的理解和正确运用它的各种句式。


Top-down approach to listening.交际教学法、任务型教学法,同时运用多媒体教学,为学生运用英语进行表达创设情境。通过师生互动、生生互动、小组合作探究等学习方式,指导学生运用所学语言知识对地点进行描述。



1.Greetings:The teacher greets the students.

2.Listen to the English song《 Number Song》.if they know how to sing the song,

they can sing.Ask the students if they like the song. They may answer:Yes,I like it very much.


Show the English numbers one to twelve on the screen.Review the words.

T:We have learn the English numbers one to twelve.Do you remember them?

Ss may answer:Yes.

T:Ok.Now let’s count the numbers together.

T and Ss:one ,two,there…

Step3.Learn the English numbers 13-19 and 20- 90.

1.Show the English numbers 13-19 on the screen.

T:Now let’s continue to learn the English numbers.Do you know these numbers?


T:Let’s listen to the tape and read after it.

T and S:thirteen fourteen fifteen(repeat)

T:We must pay attention to thirteen ,fifteen, eighteen.(T explain if there is necessary.)Now discuss:what rulescan you find from the numbers?

S:Work in pairs

2.Ask some students to say out the rules.And then show the rules on the screen.

3.Learn the numbers 20-90 in the same way.(同时强调英语几十几的表达法,并给出example)

4.Exercise:Match the words and the numbers.

Step4.Vocbulary and listening

1. 教师出示几张幻灯片或图片,复习巩固有关教室内物品的单词。

T:Do you know these thing? What’s this in English? S:It’s a/an

引出新单词 dictionary、library、 picture 等板书并教读单词,并学习他们的复数形式。

2.Show out a picture of a classroom,beside the picture ,there are some words they have learned just now. lead the Ss to make dialogues like this:

A: What can you see in the classroom? B:I can see a television.

A: How many desks are there in it? B:There is /are...

A:Is/Are there (any)in the classroom?

B:Yes,there is /are. or No,there isn’t/aren’t.

3.Point to some real things in the classroom and ask the students to practise

the sentence with “there be”.

T:How many desks in our classroom? S:There is /arein our classroom.

Show out these sentences on the screen.

4.Ask S to read over the sentencestogether then work in pairs to find out the sentence structure:

There is a computer on the desk.

There are some computers on the desks.

There isn’t a football in the classroom.

There aren’t any footballs in the classroom.

Is there a desk in our classroom?

Yes,there is. No,there isn’t.

Are there any desks in our classroom?

Yes,there are. No,there aren’t.

板书:there be 表示某地有某人/物(用is还是用are由后面的名词决定,即“就近原则”)

a).肯定句:There is /are b).否定句:There isn’t/aren’t


Is/Are there (any)及简略回答:Yes,there is/are. No,there isn’t/aren’t.

d) some和any的区别:Some和any都是“一些,几个”的意思。some用于陈述句或肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句,两者后都能接可数名词复数或不可数名词。(让学生做笔记。)


T:How many are there in our classroom? S:There are....

T:Are ther any...in our classroom? S:Yes,there are /No,there arent. T:Are there any computers on the desks? S:No,there aren’t.

T:Are there any computers on the desk?

S:Yes,there are.

T:ls there a computer on the teachers desk? S:No there isnt.


1.Show the pictures in the textbook.

Picture 1

1.There are nine _________ in the classroom.

2.There are seven __________ in the classroom.

3.There is a ___________ on the teacher’s desk.

4.There are some _________ on the students’ desks.

Picture 2

1.There are ________ desks in the classroom.

2.There are ________ chairs in it.

3.There are two __________ on the desks.

4.There is a ____________ on the wall .

Picture 3

1.There are six ___________ on the desks.

2.There are four ___________ in the classroom.

2.Ask the s to look at the pictures then complete the sentences according to the pictures.

3.Check the answers together.

4.Listen and choose the correct picture.

Step6.Listening and reading


Ask the students to read over the sentences in Activity4.Make sure the students get the meaning of them.


Students choose the correct answers.

3.Listen again and check the answers.

4.Listen and repeat.

a.Students read after the tape then underline the sentences that with “there be”

b.Read over the sentences together.

5.pair-work.Finish part8-9 .

Use “there be ”to make sentences or dialogue.

Step7 Do some exercise

1.Ask S to choose the correct answers.

1.There ____________ (is/are)water in the glass.

2. ____________(Is/Are)there two books and a pen on the desk?

3.There aren’t ____________ (some/ any)chairs for me.

4.There are two ____________ (library/libraries)in our school.

2. Correct the sentences.

1.There is some photos on my desk. ( )


2.Are there any foreign teacher in your school? ( ) A B C

3.How many boys and girls is there in your class? ( ) A B C

4. Where are my basketball? ( ) A B C

5. I have two Chinese-English dictionary.( ) A B



2.用there be句型来描述自己旅游时的照片。

Step9.小结:Important and diffiult points.

1.dictionary 复数 dictionaries

2. Library 复数 libraries

3.picture 同义词 photo

4.there be 句型表示某地有某物.

结构: There is/are +某物/人(主语)+ 地点


1.dictionary 复数 dictionaries

2. Library 复数 libraries

3.picture 同义词 photo

4.there be 句型表示某地有某物.

结构: There is/are +某物/人+ 地点



Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.



(1)通过本课的学习使学生能够听懂并且会说,会读,会写一到十二的所有单词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

(2)学会用“There are…boys in …”以及“There is a… in …”的语言结构。


词汇:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven


“There are…boys in …”以及“There is a… in …”的语言结构。



四、Teaching steps:

Step1: Warmer

1. Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yi.

T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine , thanks . And how are you?

T: I’m great. Thank you so much. Look! How is the weather today?

Ss: It’s sunny today.

T: How do you feel now? Are you happy? Ss: Yes. We’re so happy.

T: Let’s sing a song , ok? Ss: OK!

2. 复习1-6的英文。

Step2: Presentation

1、Lead in

T: How many boys are there on the bike?

Ss: There are twelve months in the year.(引出课题)

板书:Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike

T: twelve

Ss: one two three four five six….接着老师带着学生一起说:seven eight nine ten eleven twelve. (在游戏的过程中引入新单词)

T: Today, we’re going to learn the new letters.


T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game, ok? Ss: OK!

T: I will speak these names of the months. And you can show me your fingers to show.

Ss: Yes.

T: five Ss: (show five fingers) five

T: March. Ss: (show three fingers) March.

T: seven. 提示学生show seven fingers. seven

T: Do you like seven?

S1: Yes. I like seven.

3、教授—eight/ nine/ten

T: How old are you?

Ss: I’m eight/ nine/ten years old.


T:How old are your sister/brother?

Ss:He/She is eleven/twelve.

Step3: Practice

1. Listen and do.

T: Boys and girls , please listen and do.

T:1) How old are you?

2) How old are your sister/brother?

2. Group work





Module 8

Unit 1 We’re going to visit Hainan.



1. 通过本课的学习使大部分学生能够听懂,会说会写并能运用下列单词造句:tomorrow plane from China sea visit get up swim


3.能用本课所学句型I’m going to…We’re going to …与朋友交流自己将要做的事情。



1.单词tomorrow plane from China sea visit get up 的识记及认读。

2.句型I’m going to…We’re going to …的理解与运用。

3.句型be going to 的理解与运用。 教学工具:多媒体,录音机,单词卡片


Step 1:Greeting

1. Greeting to each other

2. Sing a song

Step 2 learn new words and new sentences

T: Boys and girls ,Amy ,Sam ,Daming and Lingling are my old friend in our English class. we know Sam is from England .Amy is from England ,too.

(课件及单词卡片学习from , 师领读,分组的,个人读)。Daming is from China. Lingling is from China,too.


In China ,there are lots of interesting places. They are very beautiful. So I like traveling.(旅行)

Do you like traveling ?Where are you going to go ?出示课件指名回答。引导学生用I’m going to go to …回答。学生在欣赏了海南,北京等美景的同时,还会运用句型I’m going to go to …,学生在灵活运用中学会了知识。

T: I’m going to go to Hainan ? Are you going to go to Hainan ?学生有回答Yes .老师就说We are going to go to Hainan .


T: Boys and girls. Today I’m here.

But tomorrow I’m going to go to Hainan .( 教学 tomorrow )

I’m going to get up at 6 o’clock .(教学 get up )

I’m going to visit my grandma.(教学visit )

Hainan is very far. How can I go there ? Who can help me (出示课件,by car, by ship, by train, by bus , by plane ,引导学生回答by plane)

T: That’s a good idea .

I’m going to go by plane .(教学by plane)

T: Hainan is a beautiful city .It’s next to a sea.

Look !what a beautiful sea! (教学sea)

look at these children in the sea. what are they doing ?yes ,they are swimming in the sea.(教学children ,swim)

A. Read after the teacher.

B. say it with your deskmate .

C.show time : point and read .

Step3 text

T: boys and girls .I’m going to go to Hainan tomorrow. and Sam’s family are going to go to Hainan ,too. let’s have a look .(出示课件,显示问题)

1. Where are Sam’s family going to go ? 2. How are they going to go to hainan?

3. Listen and point .

4. listen and repeat

step 4 practice

1. Describe the pictures

2. 游遍中国,操练句型。

Step5 summary I can say.

Step6. Homework :

Make a travel plan .

I’m going to go to___________.(地点)

I’m going to go ___________. (交通工具)

I’m going to get up ___________. (几点钟)

I’m going to ___________ (做什么事)

Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.


1. 知识与能力目标

(1)能熟练掌握四会单词Sunday, Saturday和三会单词road以及巩固月份等。

(2)能初步运用句型Sam is going to be.并能替换短语练习。

2. 情感态度目标



1. 本课的教学重点是重点单词、句子的听、说、读、写。

2. 本课的教学难点是学生自己写一写邀请卡。



Step 1:Warm up

1. Listen a song “You know up to June.”

(Listen and do the actions.)


2. Free talk.

用“What’s the date?”“What day is today?”“What are you going to do?”等问句做自由对话,通过对话,进一步复习巩固月份日期的说法。

Step 2:Presentation and practice

1. S1: What are you going to do?

T: I’m going to Amy’s birthday party. Look it’s an invitation to her birthday party.



How old is Amy going to?

(Amy is going to be 11.)

2. 听录音,回答问题。

Where are we going to go?

When are we going to go?

3. 播放课文,讲授课文内容

4. Listen and repeat. 老师再放录音,请学生逐句跟读,模仿录音中的发音。

5. Retell the passage.

提示: is going to be .

Please come to party.

At: Road, London.

From: .

To: .

Please reply.

Step 3: Consolidation and extension

1. Write an invitation.


2. Survey.


A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What are you going to do at 9?

B: I’m going to…

3. Listen and write.



4. Game: Play and say.


5. Activity: Complete the calendar.



Step 4: Summary

总结本课所学重点,句子Sam is going to be.

Step 5: Homework


Module 9

Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day ?



1、能听懂,会说日常交际用语:What are you going to do? I am going to…..以及相应的回答

2、能听懂,会说 sports day every day good luck come on winner 等词


1、在创设情景中,能使用句型 What are you going to do for sports? I am going to…进行交流。

2、 能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。


4、会运用 good luck 、come on!等词对别人表示祝福。





4、 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。


重点:1、学习特殊疑问句What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to run the 100meters。

2、掌握单词及词组:run /run the 100 meters/ have a Sports Day/ good luck/come on/winner

难点:1、理解掌握 sports day 、come on 、good luck 、winner 等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。

2、理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do for sports day? I am going to ….等句型进行交际


Step1: Warming-up (热身活动)

1、Greeting: say hello to students

老师: Hi ,boys and girls, today we are happy. now we play a chat ,ok?

Basketball , basketball , play basketball;

Football , football , play football ;

Run , run , run fast ;

Jump , jump , jump high ;

Ride , ride , ride fast ;

Swim ,swim, swim quickly;

Skip, skip, skip quickly

Step2: Presentation (新课呈现)

1、出示一张关于运动会的情景图片,问学生“what are they doing?”(学生回答)

2、 提示“sports day”,出示卡片“sports day”带学生读几遍,学生边读老师边板书“sports day”.

3、老师说: We are going to have a Sports Day.(边说边板书,带领学生读),老师:Let’s have a look ,what can we do on our Sports Day?(出示图片:No.1: play football.) No.2: play basketball. No.3 : play table tennis. No.4 : swim. No.5 : run the 100 metres. 领学生读,重点解释No.5这个词)

4、板书: “What are you going to do for Sports Day ?

I’m going to …”


“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to run.” “I’m going to run.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to run.”

T:Oh, I’m going to run the 100 metres.

教授:run the 100 metres

(老师先示范说: we have a sports day ,what are you going to do for sports day ? 让学生猜测,然后再说I am going to play basketball 、play football、 run、 jump、 ride 、 swim、 skip…….多说几遍,并加上示范动作)



T: Boys and girls , let’s play a game,ok? Ss: OK!

A :What are you going to do?

B: I’m going to play football.



老师请单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:“What am I going to do?”把全班分为男女生两组,使用“You are going to…”猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。

Step 4: Consolidation and extension巩固扩展

T :“You are super! And now you can do the task. Please work in groups and try to finish the task.”

(1)学生活动--- 完成运动会报名表。







Step5: Summary

T: 这节课我们学了“What are you going to do for Sports Day?

I’m going to …”句型,

复习了I am going to play basketball 、play football、 run、 jump、 ride 、 swim、 skip…….

Class is over. See you next time.

Ss: See you.

Step6:Homewok:1、抄写第8模块的单词3遍; 2、读课文3遍。

Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.

一、教学内容: I’m going to do the high jump.

二 、教学目标


a.能听懂,会用日常交际用语“I’m going to do……”对“What are you going to do? ”作出相应的回答。

b.理解听懂会说 run the 200 metres、long jump 、high jump 等.


a.在创设情景中,能使用句型 What are you going to do for sports day? I am going to…进行交流。







1.理解掌握run the 200 metres 、long jump 、 high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。

2.理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用What are you going to do ? I am going to ….等句型进行交际



1: Warm-up

a. Greet

b. Game:Guess,Guess You Guess。

Teacher do some actions about sports, such as :play football,play basketball,swim ,run,the 100 metres,the 200metres…let stuents say the words.Then read the words by the whole class.

2: Presentation

Teacher show some pictures about spors meeting,and ask:What are you going to do for sports day?Let stuents look at the pictures and answer.Last, teacher say: “I’m going to do the high jump” and do the action.

3: Teaching the new text.

a.Listen, piont and say.

b.Listen and answer:

What’s Amy going to do ?

What’s Lingling going to do ?

What’s Sam going to do ?

What’s Daming going to do ?

c.Study the new words,and use them to make sentences.

d.Listen and repeat.

e.Game:Drive a train.

4: Practice

a.Play a game “Do ask and answer”:One student do the action, one ask“What are you going to do for the sports day?” The other one answer.

b.Make dialogues.

C.Play a chant : I’m training for sports day.

I’m training every day. I’m going to run,

and I’m going to win. I’m training every day.

Come on ,come on ! Good luck, good luck!

Good luck on sports day! )

d.Act it out.

5: Development

a.Make a survey: I’m a journalist.

Name She/he is going to do……

b. Make dialogues:

A:What can you do ?

B: I can run fast/jump high/jump long.

A: you are going to run the 200 metres / do the high jump/ do the long jump.

B: ok!

7: Homework

a.Use these sentences “What are you going to do for sports day? I am going to…… ?” to make dialogues。

b.Listen,read the text and write the words.

Module 10

Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.

一、教学内容: Unit1 We have a big family dinner.


知识目标:让学生学会在过春节时用学到的句子互相问候及介绍自己怎样过春节,在春节中吃什么,玩什么。Happy New Year! At Spring Festival, we have …



三、教学重难点:At Spring Festival, we have …

四、教具准备:多媒体课件,录音磁带,单词图片及相关实物 五、教学方法:


2、练习单词,让知识直观形象地展示在学生面前,配合实物,效果更明显。 3、小组合作,使学生在自主学习的氛围中,由被动变主动。



1、Warm-up: Say a chant .

2、New Words

T: Let’s play a game,OK? Look at the pictures. Read it please.

Now close your eyes. Please open your eyes. What’ missing? Very good! Follow me, please. Peanuts.Please close your eyes. Now open. What’s showing up? Great! Follow me. Family. (男生、女生分读,one by one)同样的方式多练习几组单词。出示单词幻灯片,进行直观记忆。

3、Sentences: 我出示实物,拿苹果,说句子,让学生跟读。At Spring Festival, we have apples. Yes?(板书句子)

我再拿花生,引导学生说句子。At Spring Festival, we have peanuts.我接着拿橘子,点名让学生说句子,及时奖励小贴画,激发学生的学习热情。小组内两人一组练习说句子。



师放CD-room。播放课文录音,呈现SBUnit1活动1的内容。请学生边听边看图。 再放录音,请学生跟读课文句子。



5、Activity 3.


6、Game: Magic box. 我利用幻灯片设计了一个“魔力宝盒”的游戏。学生任选一个字母,看一看,宝盒给同学们准备了什么样的礼物过节。你将得到一份礼物,而且要用本课的句子At Spring Festival, we have…把你得到的礼物介绍给大家,让大家分享你的快乐。7、Activity book. Do exercises.

8、Sum-up. Everybody is the best.给优胜组发奖品。



Unit 2 Merry Christmas!

1. Free talk :

T: Hello ! How are you ?

T: Do you like singing ?

T: Do you like to listen to the music?

2. Now lets listen to a song and watch the cartoon.

播放Jingle bell.

T: On Christmas Day ,people usually sing this song.

2. PPT播放圣诞相关图片。老师英文介绍并及时翻译提示。

①:T:The Christmas Day is on the 25th of December .

②:T:People usually have a big dinner.

③:T:They like go to parties ,they can sing and dance together.

④:T:On Christmas Eve,Father Christmas takes many gifts for children.

4.Teach new sentences :Merry Christmas !

Today is Christmas Eve , Father Christmas is coming.

PPT,show the Father Christmas,并播放问候语:Merry Christmas !

Teacher write down the sentences and students will repeat it. T:Can you guess what’s meaning of Merry Christmas ? Students guess,Teacher will translate ,圣诞快乐!

5.Teach new words

Can you guess what are gifts from the Father Christmas ? Students can answer like: cake ,apple ,milk ,juice ,star,fiower…bell, chocolate or sweet ……Teacher’s will point the PPT and pictures,Write down the new words . Focus on pronunciation .

6.Activity: What s missing ?

Lead to read words: chocolate , sweet , bell , gift , star ……

Show these pictures .

T: Close your eyes .take away a card ,what’s missing ? ……Teacher will give a sweet or a bar of chocolate to student if they can give right answer .T: The sweet is for you .

7.T: Look at this bell . It’s very nice . It’s Su Hais .

I have a question : Who give the bell to her ? Watch the cartoon and answer my question .播放VCD, 请学生回答问题。(老师奖励回答正确的小朋友一个写有评价语的santa )

8.T:I have another question :

What do they say ?Watch the cartoon again ,please.

Merry Christmas!or The bell is for you.Teacher give the santa to this student and say : The santa is for you.and then write down the sentences ,repeat after the tape.

9.Practice with your partner and act the dialogue Teacher will give a demon.

T: Merry Christmas ! S: Merry Christmas ! T: The bell is for you . S: Thank you . 表演2-3组。

10.T : Su Hai is glad to get a bell from the Father Christmas . Now , I ‘ m Father Christmas , I will give a gift to my frien

T: Merry Christmas ! The gift is for you .

Who want to be Father Christmas and take your gift for your friend?



1. We’re going to go to Shanghai by ___________.

2. Sam is England.

3. There are 5 birthdays in .

4. I’m going to a dragon.

5. We’re going to the Ming Tombs.


( )1. I’m going to _________ in the sea.

A. swimming B. swim C. swims

( )2. There _________ twelve months in a year.

A. is B. am C. are

( )3. What are you going to do _________ Sports Day?

A. at B. for C. with

( )4. —How many months in a year? —There are _________.

A. twelve B. thirteen C. eleven

( )5. My father can play _________ flute.

A. a B. the C. an


( )1. Can I have some bread? A. Yes, I can.

( )2. Where is your school? B. I’m going to the park.

( )3. How many birthdays are there? C. Go straight on, turn left.

( )4. Can you do taijiquan? D. There are thirty-five.

( )5. Where are you going, Daming? E. Sorry, you can’t.


1. fast, you, can, run, (?)

2. going to, we’re, Hainan, go to, (.)

3. to, what, you, are, do, going, (?)

4. have, I, can, sweets, some (?)

5. in, is, one, there, birthday, May, (.)


This is Lingling’s family. Mum is making a cake. Grandma is ____________ a book. Her dad is _____________ to music. Lingling is ___________ a bike. Her friend, Amy is ____________ a kite. Sam and Daming are playing football. Grandpa is ___________a picture.

七、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(T), 错误的写(F)。(每小题2分,共10分)

We are going to have a Sports Day in our school. Lingling can run fast. She is going to run the 100 metres. Sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. Amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. Daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump. What am I going to do? I am going to play table tennis. Good luck on Sports Day. Come on!

( )1. I am going to play football for Sports Day.

( )2. Daming is going to do the long jump.

( )3. Amy can jump far.

( )4. Lingling is going to run the 100 metres.

( )5. Sam can run fast, and he is going to ride a bike.


  1. 王子已落泪2023-10-11 06:01王子已落泪[香港网友]
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