
很振奋人心的正能量句子 句句积极向上 让你活力充沛

时间:2023-07-21 04:24:01


很振奋人心的正能量句子 句句积极向上 让你活力充沛

一、 财富是一种寄存,你不能将其带走;荣誉是一道亮光,你无法将其留住;成功是一颗硕果,你无法四季品尝;生命是一种过程,你不能让其停步。事物是辩证的,当你得到一些东西时,同时也会让你失去另一些东西;当你失去一些东西时,同时也会让你得到一些东西。Wealth is a kind of deposit, you can"t take it away; honor is a light, you can"t keep it; success is a fruit, you can"t taste it all the year round; life is a process, you can"t let it stop. Things are dialectical. When you get something, you lose something else. When you lose something, you also get something.

二、无论走到生命的哪一个阶段,都该喜欢那一段的时光,完成那一阶段该完成的职责,顺生而行,不沉迷过去,不狂热地期待着未来,这样就好。有些事,现在看来不过如此,但在当时,真的就是一个人一秒一秒熬过来的。No matter which stage of life you go to, you should like that period of time, fulfill the responsibilities that should be accomplished at that stage, go along with your life, not indulge in the past, and not look forward to the future enthusiastically. That"s all right. Some things, it seems that this is not the case now, but at that time, it was really a person who survived one second at a time.

三、自从我遇见你那天开始,我的心,就像跌入了深深的湖水,推不开,躲不掉,心一直想往你身上靠,曾经有人告诉过我,感情是不能勉强的,而且也不能靠近,可我一见到你,我就变得不像我自己。Since the day I met you, my heart, like falling into a deep lake, can not push, can not hide, my heart has always wanted to lean on you, someone once told me, feelings can not be reluctant, and can not be near, but when I saw you, I became unlike myself.

四、你离开以后我偷偷的爱你了好久,直到你说放手吧,我们已经回不去了,我才明白其实不是回不去只是不爱了。从认识你,到和你性命相连,我从未后悔过。After you left, I secretly loved you for a long time, until you said let go, we can"t go back, I understand that it"s not going back, it"s just not love. From knowing you to connecting with your life, I never regret it.

五、真正的爱情如同是炫丽的烟火,在寂寥的黑夜中,绽放着震撼人心的光华。每一分每一秒都很亮眼,也都很珍贵。两个人真心相爱,应该把每一天都过成双方渴望的模样。如是,这一辈子,才会幸福无比。True love is like a dazzling fireworks, in the lonely night, blooming a shocking light. Every minute, every second is bright and precious. When two people really love each other, they should live each day as they both desire. If so, this life, will be extremely happy.

六、如果总是认为自己还年轻,还可以蹉跎岁月的话,那终将一事无成,老来叹息。——年轻是资本,但很短暂。我想做一个很有钱的孤独患者,走我乐意的路,做我乐意的事,说我乐意的话,孤我乐意的独,做一个真正随性的人。If you always think you"re young and can waste time, you"ll never get anywhere. Always sigh. —— Youth is capital, but short. I want to be a very wealthy lonely patient, take the way I like, do what I like, say what I like, be a real casual person.

七、坚持和坚强,不是摆给别人看的,而是为了对得起自己对梦想的痴心。站在高点时谦恭谨慎,落入低谷才不会自暴自弃,才知道更多思省、蓄着力量厚积薄发。人生有了这样的精神高度,何以惧怕世事的无常。Persistence and perseverance, not for others to see, but to stand up to their own obsession with dreams. When standing at a high point, be modest and prudent. When falling into a low point, you won"t abandon yourself. Only then can you know more reflection and accumulate more energy. With such a high spiritual level in life, why are you afraid of the impermanence of the world?

八、那些消失了的岁月,仿佛隔着一块积着灰尘的玻璃,看得到,抓不着。他一直在怀念着过去的一切。如果他能冲破那块积着灰尘的玻璃, 他会走回早已消失的岁月。Those disappeared years, as if separated by a piece of dusty glass, can be seen, can not grasp. He has been thinking of the past. If he could break through the dusty glass, he would go back to the years that had already disappeared. & lt; br/>

九、所谓成熟,就是:你要习惯,任何人的忽冷忽热;也要看淡,任何人的渐行渐远。不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过去。淡然地过着自己的生活,不要轰轰烈烈,只求安安心心。如此,安好。The so-called maturity is: you have to get used to, anybody"s cold and hot; you also have to look down on, anybody"s gradual drift away. Not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings. Don"t fear the future, don"t think about the past. Live your life indifferently. Don"t be vigorous, just be at ease. So, good.

十、 人活着就是一种心态,当你自己心若旁鹜,淡看人生苦痛,淡薄名利,心态积极而平衡,有所求而有所不求,有所为而有所不为,不用刻意掩饰自己,不用势利逢迎他人,只是做一个简单真实的自己。如此这般,即使失意,也会无所谓得与失,坦坦荡荡,真真切切,平平静静,快快乐乐。People live is a kind of mentality, when you are indifferent to the pain of life, indifferent to fame and fortune, positive and balanced mentality, asking for something but not asking for something, doing something but not doing something, do not deliberately conceal themselves, do not meet others snobberately, just be a simple and true self. In this way, even if we are disappointed, we will have no matter what we gain or lose. We will be frank, honest, calm and happy.

十一、有些人活在别人的眼里,别人希望他会是什么样,他就会怎么样,还有些人总把别人甚至自己活在自己的回忆里,不愿意接受所改变事实;前者是惋惜,因为他永远都是一个傀儡,受别人言语所改变傀儡,但是相比后者,他还能分辨一些问题,然而后者就成了一个悲哀,这种人永远逃不出自己画下圈子。Some people live in other people"s eyes, others want him to be what he will be like, others always live in other people"s memories, even themselves, unwilling to accept the changed facts; the former regrets, because he is always a puppet, changed by other people"s words puppet, but compared with the latter, he can distinguish some problems, but the latter has become one. Sadly, such a person can never escape from drawing circles of his own.

十二、真正的声音是从你的内心当中从未发出的,每个人对声音的识别来自于过去的经历。一个真正的决斗者,在决斗的道路上应该勇往直前永不止步。如果前面有神挡路,那就打倒神继续前进!The real voice is never heard from your heart. Everyone"s recognition of voice comes from past experience. A true Duelist should go forward and never stop on the road of duel. If God is in the way, then beat God and move on!

十三、你勇敢,世界就会让路;你无惧,命运就会屈服!我们可以选择固执地停滞不前,也可以选择自我砥砺,自我改变;我们可以选择安逸享乐,也可以选择在奋斗中求得果实;我们可以选择平平淡淡的沉闷,也可以选择轰轰烈烈的精彩。决定我们命运的,不是上帝,而是我们自己。If you are brave, the world will give way; if you are not afraid, fate will yield! We can choose to stagnate stubbornly, or we can choose to self-discipline and self-change; we can choose comfort and pleasure, or we can choose to strive for fruits; we can choose dull dull, or we can choose vigorous brilliance. It is not God, but ourselves that determines our destiny.

十四、怎么说呢,在我的眼里,岁月就像一缕清风,你看不见,抓不住,可是它就是存在,而且很容易就逝去了;有时候又觉得岁月让人捉摸不透,忽亮忽暗。How to say, in my eyes, time is like a breeze, you can"t see, can"t catch it, but it exists, and it"s easy to die; sometimes it feels that the years are elusive, bright and dark.

十五、真心喜欢一人,总想着给对方最好的,满足对方所有的要求,可你也要知道,人都是有欲望的,若是你真心付出的那个人不懂你,不断的索取,那么累的只能是你自己。Sincerely like a person, always want to give each other the best, to meet all the requirements of each other, but you also need to know that people have desires, if the person you really pay does not understand you, constantly demand, then tired can only be yourself.

十六、如果我在等一个人回来,我会希望她看到我的时候,我是一个很值得她欣赏的人。你的每一份经历,不管是顺境还是坎坷,都会增加你生命的厚度。世界很小,请带着梦想一起奔跑;世界很大,请带着坚持努力成长。If I was waiting for someone to come back, I would hope that when she saw me, I was a person worthy of her appreciation. Every experience you have, whether it"s good or bad, will increase the thickness of your life. The world is small, please run with your dreams; the world is big, please grow with perseverance.

十七、你不用向任何人打听我过得好不好。不好你也帮助不了,好也不是你的功劳。最难过的是想念你的时候喝一大杯冰水然后慢慢流成热泪。生离让我眷恋 死别却抢走你的思念You don"t have to ask anyone if I"m doing well. No, you can"t help. No, it"s not your credit. The saddest thing is to drink a glass of ice water when you miss you and then slowly flow into tears. Life and death let me miss you, but take away your thoughts

十八、人必须争气和强大,才不会被欺负;也必须谦逊和慈悲,才不会欺负别人。和聪明人交流,和靠谱的人恋爱,和积极的人共事,和幽默的人随行。人生若能如此,足矣。People must strive for strength and strength, so that they will not be bullied; they must also be humble and compassionate, so that they will not bully others. Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and go with humorous people. If this is the case in life, it will be enough.

十九、夜深时回忆时刻陪伴我,铺成月光的期盼,我一直心在痛,回忆我自己来到康桥为你醉倒、为你浪漫我半生穿过枫林、抖落白雪就为奔向你面前、由你在我心里看到一片春天。从此忘了世界、 忘了时间。开出只有我们看得见的玫瑰,在眼里飞舞。回忆逝去的年华刻骨的爱,必定要轰轰烈烈才能留下越久越亮的纪念。Late at night, memories accompany me all the time, paved into the moonlight expectations, I have been in pain, recall myself to Cambridge for you drunk, for your romance I spent half my life through the maple forest, shaking off the snow to rush to you, you see a piece of spring in my heart. Forget the world, forget the time. Open roses that only we can see and fly in our eyes. Memories of the past years of carved love, must be magnificent and vigorous in order to leave the longer the brighter the commemoration.

  1. 饰雪2023-10-26 16:51饰雪[北京市网友]
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