

时间:2023-07-14 03:51:01





1.(1分)Mr. White is a ______. He sells food and drinks in a supermarket.()

A.PE teacher B.police officer

C.salesman D.taxi driver

2.(1分)Let"s sit ______the lake and have a rest.()

A.beside B.besides

C.in D.in the front

3.(1分)Life is full of ups and downs, and without downs, the ups would mean ______.()

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

4.(1分)He was often ______ from school and failed his exams.()

A.proud B.absent C.cruel D.honest

5.(1分)Ruby loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to ______ her.()

A.notice B.believe C.visit D.control

6.(1分)Mr. Hu speaks good English______ he lived in the U.S. for many years.()

A.because B.but C.so D.whether

7.(1分)When I entered the house for the first time, I found ______ was a big round table in the living room.()

A.it B.that C.there D.this

8.(1分)I let the meat cook too long, so it was ______ black.()

A.tasted B.prepared C.burned D.kept

9.(1分)"Don"t rush! Wait in line and ______ the train one by one!" the policewoman shouted.()

A.get on B.turn off C.hurry up D.put off

10.(1分)We don"t know ______.()

A.how is he B.how he is careful

C.how he can do D.how fast he runs


11.(10分) According to several recent surveys, some people fear public speaking more than anything else.(1) , this fear can be overcome(克服) with two simple methods:practice and using positive(正面的)energy from the audience.Practicing for a speech is essential.(2) the task of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practice, practice, practice.The more times they practice the speech,the more(3) they are discussing the topic.Using(4) such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience.Video is particularly helpful as it can be(5) many times, with the presenters focusing(集中) on one part at a time.Another(6) of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audience"s positive energy.Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to(7) .Something as basic as a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience should give(8) to the presenters behind the podium.While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation,using the audience"s(9) will(意愿)helps much in making a speech better.

All in all, these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaking.With proper practice and audience empathy(共鸣) ,it is(10) to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech.So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.

Ⅲ.阅读理解(本题20小题,每小题5分,共20分)阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳选项。A篇为判断正( A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题, D篇为六选五补全短文。

12.(5分)New Year"s Resolutions

Xu Hui,13,from Shanghai

In 2017,I really wish that I could make friends with some boys in my class.I have many friends,but they are all girls.It will be quite cool and interesting to talk with boys and play games with them.Also,my math and physics scores are not very good.I want to improve them.

Zhao Yujie,14,from Jiangsu

My biggest resolution is to volunteer more.I want to help homeless children and old people.I think it"s important for us to spread laughter and warmth to others.So i"m willing to do this and hope everyone around me will be happy.

Li Langjing,14,from Fujing

In the new year,i want to take more trips with my friends.Especially,I hope I can go to Xinjiang and Taiwan.I really want to climb the beautiful Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang and taste delicious snacks in Taiwan.

Ma Yue,15,from Beijing

My new year"s wish is to get a ticket to a Scorpions(蝎子乐队) concert.They are a German rock band.I love their metal music.They will have a concert in February.I don"t want to miss it.

Li Yunxiao,15,from Zhejiang

I hope that my family and i will have good health.That"s the most important thing I think.As it"s my last year in junior high school.I"d like to cherish(珍惜) every moment with my classmates.We may be under great pressure.But i want to make sweet memories.What"s more,I want to grow taller!


81.Xu Hui has few friends and she wishes to make friends with some boys in her class.

82.Zhao Yujie thinks it"s important for them to spread laughter and warmth to others.

83.Li langjing wants to climb mountains in Xinjiang and Taiwan.

84.A rock band will have a concert in February,and Ma Yue wants to get a ticket to it.

85.Li Yunxiao hopes that his family will have good health and he wants to grow taller. .

13.(5分)Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture.

It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tried. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BC.

Drinking tea has many advantages. It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.

Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.

Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.

The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is full.

Do not drink with medicine. It may change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.

Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.

(1)Paragraph 2 is mainly about .

A. when King Shen Nong lived

B. where Chinese tea was created

C. how Chinese tea was discovered

D. why King Shen Nong drank tea

(2)Drinking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT .

A. helping you lose weight

B. letting you feel less tired

C. having a strong wish for food

D. clearing heat inside your body

(3)Mr. Smith is a computer teacher. He"d better drink .

A. Green tea

B. black tea

C. strong tea

D. coffee with milk

(4)What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. Don"t drink tea.

B. All office workers drink green tea.

C. Tea is connected with American culture closely.

D. King Shen Nong loved creating new things.

(5)The passage is mainly written to .

A. let us know tea was discovered

B. give some advice drinking tea

C. tell people the history of tea

D. advise people to drink green tea

14.(5分)For people,it"s not surprising that we can open a door,lift a heavy box and control our while walking in the snow.But can a robot do this?Well,Google"s new robot,Atlas,can not only do this?Well,Google"s new robot,Atlas,can not only do these things,but it can also stand up if fall down.Although the robot may be slow andclumsy,it was created mainly to work in dangerous places for humans.

Now,robots are much smarter than you might imagine.On March 9 this year,Alpha Go,an artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能)program made by Google"s Deep Mind,challenged top professional Go player Lee Se﹣dol from South Korea.And Alpha Go bear Lee 41.

AI is when computers or computer software are able to have intelligent behavior,such as thinking or acting like a human,In our daily lives,we already use AI in many ways,like Apple"s Siri and search engines Baidu and Google.

Some People may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything.But experts say that the case.Real life problems can be more difficult than the Go game.For example,humans can watch a person throw down a cup of coffee and know that the result will be a mess on the floor.A computer program would have to know the size of the cup,the height of the cup from floor and many other things to find out the result.But we never know what will happen in the future.

(1)The underline wordclumsy in the first paragraph means .





(2)Atlas,was created mainly to .

A.help the disabled people

B.show the development of technology

C.help people do simple jobs

D.work in dangerous places for humans

(3)In paragraph 2,the writer mentioned the game between Alpha Go and lee Se﹣dol to .

A.explain how smart robots are

B.introduce the development of robots

C.show the game was very exciting

D.tell me how robots beat humans in the game

(4)The underlined wordthat in paragraph 4 refers to .

A.AI is already used in many ways

B.AI can think and act like a human

C.AIpha Go beat Lee Se﹣dol in the Go game

D.computer can beat humans at everything

30.From the passage,we can infer(推断) .

A.humans will have to follow robot"s orders

B.it"s difficult for robots to take human"s place

C.robots will be just as common as mobile phones

D.people will depend on their robots to do all the things.

15.(5分)What is health?"Health" means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Let"s read the following rules. (1) .

1.Eat different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can help us stay healthy,(2) Remember that we can only get the nutrition(营养) we need by eating different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables.

2.Drink water and milk more often. Besides water, kids need plenty of calcium(钙) to grow strong bones(骨头),and milk is rich in it. Every day,you should drink at least three cups of milk when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks.(3)

3.Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels.(4) Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable.

4.Limit(限制) screen time. What"s screen time? It"s the time you spend watching TV,movies and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these siting﹣down activities,(5) Try to spend more time on sports every day.

A. They include a lot of sugar.

B. the less food you will eat.

C. They can help you keep healthy.

D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.

E. the less time you spend playing sports.

F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.

Ⅳ.综合运用 (本题10小题,共15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。


Hometown Feelings

Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays(1) ( million) of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.Among these is Zhong Wei,a 46﹣year﹣old husband and father. He(2) (live) in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.With a hard job in a factory, he doesn"t find much time to visit his hometown."I used(3) (return) home at least once a year, but I haven"t been back for three years now." he says.

Many people like Zhong Wei are(4) ( interest) in how their hometowns have changed.Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared.(5) many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help.

"I noticed that"s true of my hometown," adds Zhong Wei."Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school(6) the mid﹣20th century. But now the buildings are(7) (real) old.I hear they"re going to build a new school there."Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good,and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same.

According to Zhong Wei, (8) , some things will never change. "In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place.Most of the children in my time(9) ( like) to play together under that big tree,especially during the summer holidays. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet(10) ( memory) in our hearts."



This 12﹣year﹣old Girl Built a Robot to Find Plastics in the Ocean

Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics there.She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she could deal with. It seemed impossible to clean them all up.

Du, 12 years old at the time, tried to solve the problem like any good scientist﹣first. by doing a little research. That"s how she learned that 8 million tons of plastics end up in the oceans every year.

Then she got to work building something that could help solve the problem;a remote﹣operated vehicle(遥控潜水器), or ROV. Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.

The actually cool part of Du"s ROV is the detection(探测) system. She uses a camera along with three different kinds of light to find the plastics. She also uses visible(可见的) light to find unnatural colors that might make the plastics stand out.

"She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and then go after it," says engineer Casey Machado. "It sounds simple, but it"s a level of thinking that"s really amazing."

Du started attending public events and workshops at a university when she was five years old, and so she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV. She says actually getting her ROV to move through water well was not easy. She failed many times, but she never gave up trying and testing.

When asked about future plans,she mentions wanting to address the effects of climate(气候)change."I think there are a lot of problems that could be solved with new inventions," says Du.

Du thanks her parents, who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). She says she has been able to meet students and scientists there.

"I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve world problems," says Du."But I"m not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet."

(1)What did Anna Du notice while walking along the beach?

(2)How old was Du when she did a little research to solve the problem?

(3)What can Du"s ROV do?

(4)Why does Du want to be an engineer in the future?

(5)What made Du succeed in building her ROV?


18.(10分)During holidays, more and more people like traveling. Many of today"s travelers are trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. Hiking may be a good choice.

Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn"t have to be very expensive. ①______. The basic equipments you need for hiking are simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountain, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city.

Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldn"t forget safely. ②_______.

Hiking in a group. Always have at least one other person with you.

Drink often to say hydrated(含水的). Carry enough water for the day and your pack will get lighter as the day goes by.

(A)Eating small snacks often will keep your energy level up rather than waiting for a big lunch meal.

Leave your hike plan with someone back home and call them when you get off the trail.(小路)

Bring and use sunscreen and a hat to prevent sunburn, even on cloudy or cold days.

Leave all your cotton clothes at home.

You may see rock cairn(堆石标),piles of rocks along the trail. Don"t destroy them, but don"t add to them either.

Short hair is much easier to manage in the wild and it is less inviting for little insects looking for a place to live.


A.Here are some basic tips for successful hiking.

B.You must be successful

C.You can hike close to home or travel to other places.

① ②

(2)找出与it is easy to hike and it doesn"t cost a lot of money.意思相同或相近的句子。 .

(3)将(A)处划线句子Eating small snacks often will keep your energy level up rather than waiting for a big lunch meal.译成汉语。 .


Hiking is a great way to get close to ① . Good shoes, clothes and a backpack are basic equipments② . There are some things you need to pay attention to. For example, you"d better hike with③ . Bring and use sunscreen and a hat whether it"s ④ or not. To avoid ⑤ , try to keep short hair.







1.PE teacher体育老师;police officer警官;salesman售货员;taxi driver出租车司机.从He sells food and drinks in a supermarket判断是售货员.


2.beside在旁边;besides除了;in在里面;in the front在前部.从sit ______the lake 判断这里说的是坐在湖边,用beside.


3.A something 某些事;B anything 任何事;C everything 一切事;D nothing 没什么事.根据and without downs可知,没有低谷的人生,那么就没有所谓的高峰,所以空格处填nothing.


4.proud自豪的;absent缺席的;cruel残酷的;honest诚实的.从failed his exams判断前面说的应该是经常缺课.


5.believe动词,相信; control动词,控制; notice动词,注意; visit动词,拜访、参观.根据语义可知,本题是"注意到"之意.


7.it它;that那,那个;there;this这,这个.根据句意"当我第一次进房子的时候,我发现客厅里___一张大圆桌.",要用there,there was(有)为there be句型的过去式,符合题意.

8.taste尝出来;prepare准备;burn燃烧;keep保持.从I let the meat cook too long判断后面说的是被烧成黑色.

9.get on上车;turn off关上;hurry up赶紧;put off推迟.从the train one by one判断这里应该是上车.

10.根据题干,可知考查宾语从句.宾语从句用陈述语序,A选项语序错误,排除;选项B应该是how careful he is,排除;选项C中do是一个及物动词,前面用what,排除.

11.(1)A.考查副词辨析.Luckily幸运地;Suddenly突然地;Sadly 悲伤地;Terribly 严重地.根据 this fear can be overcome(克服) with two simple methods,可知,有两种简单的办法可以克服这种恐惧,这是一件幸运的事,故选A.

(2)B.考查连词辨析.Unless 除非;After在…之后;Until直到;Before在…之前. 根据 speakers must practice, practice, practice,可知,写完演讲稿之后,演讲者必须多练习,故选B.

(3)C.考查形容词辨析.nervous紧张的;scared 害怕的;comfortable 舒适的;difficult 困难的.根据The more times they practice the speech,可知,练习的次数越多,讨论话题就越轻松,故选C.

(4)A.考查名词辨析.objects 物体;activities活动;signs标识;instructions 说明.根据such as mirrors or video recordings ,可知,镜子和电视录像是属于物体,故选A.

(5)D.考查动词辨析.found 发现;sold 售卖;cleared 清除;watched 观看.根据Video is particularly helpful ,可知,录像很有帮助,因为它可以重复观看许多次,故选D.

(6)C.考查名词辨析.cause 原因;problem 问题;way 方法;purpose 目的.根据fear can be overcome(克服) with two simple methods:practice and using positive(正面的)energy from the audience,可知,从公众得到正面的能量是另一个解决这个问题的办法,故选C.

(7)D.考查动词辨析.surprise 使…惊讶;scream 尖叫; suppose假设;succeed 成功.根据句意,观众一定是希望演讲者成功的,故选D.

(8)A.考查名词辨析.confidence 自信心;challenge 挑战;humour 幽默;service 服务.根据a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience ,可知,观众一个小小的微笑可以给到演讲者自信心,故选A.

(9)B.考查形容词辨析.poor 贫穷的;good 好的;weak 弱的;free 空闲的.根据helps much in making a speech better,可知,观众的善意回应有助于把演讲做得更好,故选B.

(10)D.考查形容词辨析.necessary 必需的;important 重要的;interesting 有趣的;possible 可能的.根据 With proper practice and audience empathy及deliver a successful speech,可知,在正确的练习和观众的共鸣下,是有可能克服公共场合演讲的恐惧,并成功发表演讲,故选D.

12.81.F 细节判断题.根据第一段句子I have many friends,but they are all girls.我有很多朋友,但他们都是女孩.可知许慧几乎没有朋友,她希望能和班上的一些男生交朋友是错误的.故答案为F.

82.T 细节判断题.根据第二段句子I think it"s important for us to spread laughter and warmth to others.我认为把笑声和温暖传播给别人是很重要的.可知赵玉杰认为,向他人传播笑声和温暖是很重要的.故答案为T.

83.F 细节判断题.根据第三段句子I really want to climb the beautiful Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang and taste delicious snacks in Taiwan.Li Langjing想去爬新疆美丽的天山和品味台湾美味的小吃.可知李兰京想在新疆和台湾登山是错误的.故答案为F.

84.T 细节判断题.根据第四段句子They will have a concert in February. I don"t want to miss it.他们将在二月举办一场音乐会.我不想错过它.可知一个摇滚乐队将要在二月举办演唱会,Ma Yue想有一张去那的票.故答案为T.

85.T 细节判断题.根据第五段句子I hope that my family and I will have good health.我希望我的家人和我的健康状况良好.和What"s more, I want to grow taller!更重要的是,我想长得更高.可知Li Yunxiao希望她的家人都身体健康,然后他还想要长高.故答案为T.

13.(1)C.主旨大意题.根据It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong.据说中国茶是神农王发现的.可知第二段是讲中国茶是怎么被发现的.故选C.

(2)C.细节理解题.根据It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight.它让人感觉不那么疲倦,清除人体内的热量,帮助人们减肥.故选C.

(3)A.细节理解题.根据Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.绿茶是上班族的最佳选择. 为什么?因为绿茶有助于阻止计算机的不良后果.故选A.

(4)D.推理判断题.根据 Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737BC. 作为一名科学家,神农也对新饮料感兴趣. 因此,茶是在公元前2737年创建的.可知神农王喜欢创造新事物.故选D.

(5)B.推理判断题.根据 As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.当您在日常生活中添加一杯茶时,请查看以下有用的建议.可知本文主要是给出一些喝茶的建议.故选B.

14.1.C.词义猜测题.根据上半句"Although the robot may be slow"所说,机器人行动缓慢,"缓慢"和"笨拙"对应,故选C.

2.D.细节理解题.考查机器人Atlas的主要用途.根据"it was created mainly to work in dangerous places for humans"可知,它主要用于在危险的地方工作,故选D.

3.A.推理判断题.考查作者思路(意图).根据第二段中"Now,robots are much smarter than you might imagine"可知,作者在本段提到 Alpha Go 和 李世石(lee Se﹣dol )之间的博弈来说明智能机器人是很聪明的,故选A.

4.D.细节理解题.考查词语的细节(隐含意义)根据"Some People may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything"可知,有些人担心现在电脑比人聪明,会在各个方面战胜人类,因此专家说,事实并非如此,即电脑并非在各个方面比人聪明.故选D.

5.B.推理判断题.考查机器人是否会取代人类.根据"Although the robot may be slow and clumsy,it was created mainly to work in dangerous places for humans"可知,机器人主要用于在危险的地方工作,且根据最后一段所说,机器人的思维和人类不同,故很难取代人类.故选B.


(1)C.根据前句"Let"s read the following rules. "可知说的是保持健康的一些建议,结合选项,应说他们可以帮助你保持健康.故选C.

(2)D.根据后句"Remember that we can only get the nutrition(营养) we need by eating different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables."可知说的是吃不同种类的食物,结合选项,应说但我们许多人只吃自己喜欢的食物.故选D.

(3)A.根据前句"You should also try to have less sugary drinks."可知说的是含糖饮料,结合选项,应说它们含有大量的糖分.故选A.

(4)F.根据后句"Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable."可知说的是不要吃太饱,结合选项,应说当你觉得饱了的时候,停止进食.故选F.

(5)E.根据前句"The more time you spend on these siting﹣down activies,"可知说的是运动时间,结合选项,应说你花在运动上的时间就越少.故选E.


(2)has lived.考查动词时态,时间状语for+一段时间,表示时间从过去某个时间开始一直延续现在,并且有继续下去的可能,句子用现在完成时has/have done的结构,主语he是第三人称,故答案为has lived.

(3)to return.考查动词短语,固定搭配:used to do sth"过去常常做某事",故答案为to return.

(4)interested.考查形容词,固定搭配:be interested in"对某事感兴趣",故答案为interested.


(6)since.考查介词,空格后mid﹣20th century"20世纪中期",前面用的是现在完成时,故答案为since.


(8)however.考查副词,根据空格位置及 some things will never change,可知,前文表述了家乡的一些变化,此处i宝石"然而,一些事情将永远不会改变",此处表转折,故答案为however.

(9)liked.考查动词时态,根据Most of the children in my time,可知,在钟伟那个时期的大部分孩子,这都是过去的事情,所以句子用一般过去时,故答案为liked.


17.(1)She noticed plastics.细节理解题. 根据第一段中Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics there.可知安娜杜正沿着海滩散步,这时她注意到那里有塑料制品.故答案为: She noticed plastics.

(2)At the age of 12./When she was 12 years old.细节理解题.根据第二段中 Du, 12 years old at the time, tried to solve the problem like any good scientist﹣first.可知当时12岁的杜女士像任何一位优秀的科学家一样首先试图解决这个问题.故答案为:At the age of 12./When she was 12 years old.

(3)It can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.细节理解题.根据第三段中 Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.可知她的遥控潜水器可以在水中移动,并在海底找到塑料.故答案为:It can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.

(4)Because she likes building things to help solve world problems.细节理解题.根据"I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve world problems."可知"我知道我想成为一名工程师,因为我喜欢建造能帮助解决世界问题的东西."故答案为:Because she likes building things to help solve world problems.

(5)Her good engineering sense to break down a problem,the engineering skills necessary to build it,her persistence(nor giving up) and her parents" support. 另外答出 the careful observation,the awareness of protecting the oceans也可酌情给分.推理判断题.根据第五段中"She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and then go after it"可知她在解决问题方面有良好工程悟性;根据第六段中"and so she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV"可知她学会了建造ROV所需的工程技术;根据第六段中"She failed many times, but she never gave up trying and testing."可知她不轻言放弃;根据倒数第二段中"Du thanks her parents, who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)."可知Du的父母很支持她.这几点都是她成功制作ROV的重要因素.故答案为:Her good engineering sense to break down a problem, the engineering skills necessary to build it, her persistence(not giving up) and her parents" support.另外答出the careful observation, the awareness of protecting the oceans也可酌情给分

18.(1)①C. 推理判断题。根据前后文句意,徒步旅行很容易,而且不需要很贵。____徒步旅行所需的基本装备很简单:好的鞋子、衣服和背包。你可以在山上、森林里或河边徒步旅行。你也可以在城市里徒步旅行。可知,C项"你可以在离家近的地方徒步旅行,也可以去其他地方旅行。"符合,故选C。

②A. 推理判断题。根据下面罗列的几点可知,A项"以下是一些成功徒步旅行的基本技巧。"适合作为引出要点的句子,故选A。

(2)Hiking is easy to do and doesn"t have to be very expensive. 推理判断题。题干所给句意为,徒步旅行很容易,也不需要花很多钱。可知第二段Hiking is easy to do and doesn"t have to be very expensive. 徒步旅行很容易,而且不需要很贵。与此意思相近,故填Hiking is easy to do and doesn"t have to be very expensive.

(3)经常吃点小零食比等着吃一顿丰盛的午餐更能维持你的能量(较高)水平。英译汉题。Eating small snacks often经常吃点小零食,keep your energy level up维持你的能量(较高)水平,rather than waiting for a big lunch meal比等着吃一顿丰盛的午餐。故填经常吃点小零食比等着吃一顿丰盛的午餐更能维持你的能量(较高)水平。


①nature. 根据Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.可知此空填nature。

②for hiking/to hike/when you go hiking. 根据The basic equipments you need for hiking are simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. 可知此空填for hiking/to hike/when you go hiking。

③(at least)one other person/a group/another person. 根据Hiking in a group. Always have at least one other person with you.可知此空填(at least)one other person/a group/another person。

④sunny. 根据Bring and use sunscreen and a hat to prevent sunburn, even on cloudy or cold days.可知此空填sunny。

⑤insects. 根据Short hair is much easier to manage in the wild and it is less inviting for little insects looking for a place to live.可知此空填insects。

19.Everyong wants to be happy.However,many students feel unhappy because of this or that.Sometimes when they meet some difficulties,when they quarrel with others or when they fail in doing something,they may become unhappy.(不开心的原因)【高分句型一】

But how can we feel happy?We must know that only good emotions can make us happy.So it is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life.【高分句型一】If you have a good mood,you will be happy with everything in the world.Most importantly,you will have an optimistic effect on the people around you.We all will live a harmonious and happy life.It is also good for your health.If you have bad emotions,you should get rid of it as soon as possible.(良好情绪是开心的重要因素)

As we all know,everything has its two sides.So you should think more about its bright side.We are sure that everything will be better with time passing by.Besides,you should exercise more because sports can make people excited.Remember:Only you can make yourself happy.I hope that everyone has a good mood every day!(保持好心态的建议)【高分句型二】

  1. 美志2024-01-11 10:19美志[浙江省网友]
  2. 蓝糖哟哟2023-11-12 00:10蓝糖哟哟[青海省网友]
  3. ℡| ヤ羲じò聪゛ぴé2023-09-12 14:00℡| ヤ羲じò聪゛ぴé[宁夏网友]






15分1.1分﹣Whats your hobby, Lucy?﹣I like playing piano best A.a B. C.the D.an2.1分friend Mike is inte


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