

时间:2023-06-24 02:31:01




一、选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)

1.(1分)﹣What"s your hobby, Lucy?

﹣I like playing piano best.

A.a B./ C.the D.an

2.(1分)_______friend Mike is interested in Chinese culture.

A.I B.Me C.My D.Mine

3.(1分)﹣Tara, what"s your favorite ?

﹣Orange. Half of my dresses are orange.

A.fruit B.drink C.color D.food

4.(1分)Our Chinese teacher is so _________that each students likes her.()

A.patient B.lucky C.shy D.busy

5.(1分)﹣Is Helen here?

﹣Not yet, but she_________in half an hour.()

A.arrives B.will arrive

C.arrived D.has arrived

6.(1分)The ancient town has been open to visitors_______ten years.

A.by B.for C.on D.in

7.(1分)Because people can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads__________.()

A.quickly B.loudly C.hardly D.nearly

8.(1分)________ exciting news! The Chinese team successfully arrived at the peak of Qomolangma.()

A.What B.What an C.How D.How an

9.(1分)﹣Is French easy to learn?

﹣No, I think it"s______than English

A.more difficult B.most difficult

C.difficult D.much difficult

10.(1分)Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake really ______________ like a mirror.()

A.sounds B.looks C.smells D.tastes

11.(1分)﹣Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I"m away?

﹣Of course. He won"t ____________your request. He loves animals a lot.()

A.put down B.write down C.turn down D.take down

12.(1分)Lucy will take her daughter to the amusement park______she gets the tickets.

A.if B.until C.although D.unless

13.(1分)﹣Listen! Linda is playing the piano in the next room.

﹣It______not be Linda. She has gone to Shanghai to visit her uncle.

A.can B.must C.need D.shall

14.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ Why have I never seen this kind of 5 G mobile phone?

﹣﹣﹣ Because it_____by Huawei last week.()

A.was produced B.would produce

C.have produced D.was producing

15.(1分)﹣Dear friends, do you know ?

﹣By working together!()

A.when we can make the Chinese Dream come true

B.when can we make the Chinese Dream come true

C.how we can make the Chinese Dream come true

D.how can we make the Chinese Dream come true


16.(15分)Eddie was filled with excitement. The mountain bike(1) was about to start and he had been training hard. Perhaps, this year, he would finally(2) . The waiting crowd shouted encouragement, and Eddie"s dad was among them, smiling(3) .

The starter"s gun(4) and Eddie got away quickly.The road was bumpy(起伏不平)with lots of sudden turns,but Eddie was(5) for these challenges,As he went around a corner, he(6) that his friend Riley was the only rider in front of him.

Putting in more effort, Eddie reached Riley and then suddenly he was(7) . He was going to win!

Eddie could(8) the finish line at the top of the next hill.The crowd began to(9) and Eddie heard his father"s voice supporting him.

Moments later, Eddie heard a cry. He looked around to see Riley(10) on the road with his bike on top of him. Any minute now, the other(11) would rush toward him over the hill, Eddie jumped off his bike and ran to Riley.His friend was unhurt and the boys(12) moved Riley"s bike off the road.

The other riders(13) past to the finish line, and Eddie heard a cheer go up for the winner.

Slowly, Eddie(14) his bike to the finish line, Tears of disappointment filled his eyes.

Then,to his surprise,Eddie heard a sound and looked over at the crowd to see them cheering for(15) .And there was his dad, with the proudest smile of all.


17.(5分)A:Chicken Rice Restaurant.(1)

B:I"d like to order a takeout(外卖),please.


B:I"d like some chicken rice, please.

A:OK. Would you like some soup?(2)

B:What kind of soup do you have?

A:Tomato and egg soup, salty vegetable soup and tofu soup.

B:All right, then I would like a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

A: Well, a bowl of tomato and egg soup. Anything else?

B:Er, a cup of Cola, please.(3)

A:The chicken rice is 20 yuan and one cup of Cola is 4 yuan. Is that all?

B:Yes, that" all,


B: No.8, Quancheng Road. And my phone number is 13789808656.How soon can I get them?


B: That"s fine. Thank you.

(1)A. How are you?

B. What color is it?

C.What can I do for you?

D. How"s it going?

(2)A. The soup is free.

B. The shop is clean.

C. The restaurant is far.

D. The flowers are beautiful.

(3)A. How did you get home?

B. How many bowls do you want?

C.How do you like it?

D. How much are they?

(4)A. What"s your address?

B. What do you do?

C .Where do you come from?

D. Don"t say that.

(5)A. Before an hour.

B. Since three days ago.

C. For two days.

D. In half an hour.

四、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题人、B、C、D如个洗项中,选出一个能回答所提何 题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,(40分)

18.(10分)One day a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program.As he was wording, a group of older boys stopped by to watch. "What are you doing?" asked one of the older boys. "I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!" the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh at him telling him that it was impossible to do it .After a while, they left without saying any more words.

The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He picked them up and put them into a glass box patiently.Then he went on digging. The box was full soon. Then he talked to himself quietly and proudly, "Maybe I can"t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process of digging!"

Not all dreams will come true. Maybe your job will not end up with a success. But maybe you can proudly say, " Yes, but look what I"ve found along the way! There arc so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!" So that"s why there is a famous saying that the process is more important than the results.

(1)What did the boy do after watching a science program?

A. He bought a glass box.

B. He started to dig a hole.

C.He played with some visitors

D.He went on watching the program.

(2)What did the older boys think of the little boy?

A. He was silly.

B.He was strict.

C.He was strong﹣minded.

D. He was energetic.

(3)When did the boy find the stones?

A. Before he met the older boys.

B. When he wanted to give up digging.

C. After the older boys laughed at him.

D.As soon as he began to dig the hole.

(4)The boy thought the colorful stones were .

A. wonderful

B. useless

C. cheap

D. awful

(5)What can we learn from the passage?

A. Life is to make a big success.

B.Life is to find the colorful stones.

C. Life is difficult but colorful.

D. Life is on the way to achieve the goal.

19.(10分)Monday, January 2 lst

I"m virus(病毒)for the common cold. It has been along time since I infected(感染)humans last time. Today I tried to infect a boy in a primary school all day. His name is Sam.I waited on his desktop,Sam didn"t touch his eyes mouth or nose. Then right after class,he washed his hands. Now I"m full of soap and sitting in the water.

Tuesday, January 22nd

This morning I jumped into the nose of Sam"s best friend ,Bill.Unluckily, the mucus(粘液)his nose caught me. I thought it was over for me when suddenly Bill sneezed while he was talking to Sam. I knew that would send me right into Sam"s face! However, Sam quickly gave Bill a tissue, and Bill sneered into that instead!

Infecting people is harder than I imagine.

Wednesday, January 23rd

I"m feeling very unhappy today. Some scientists caught my friend Harry and put him in the laboratory. Harry is a flu virus and he"s a dangerous little guy. Besides, Sam ate all his vegetables today. He"s exercising, and he"s getting eight hours of sleep every night. His body is too strong for me!

Thursday, January 24th

I tried to infect Sam again today, but he washed his hands five times and never touched his face! He also gave tissues to every student in his class who was sneezing .It"s impossible to give him a cold! So I have to give up and I"m moving to another school.

(1)What did Sam do after class according to Paragraph 1?

A.He touched his eyes,

B. He washed his hands.

C.He touched his face.

D. He waited on his desktop.

(2)Which of the following best describes life of the virus for the common cold?

A. Easy.


C. Dangerous.


(3)What docs the underlined word "his" in the Passage2 refer to?

A. Sam"s.

B. Bill"s.

C. Harry"s.

D. Bill"s fiend"s.

(4)What is the writer trying to tell us?

A. Viruses feel happy, sad and angry just as people do.

B. We should be friendly when other people around you are sick.

C. It"s important to develop good living habits.

D. Many viruses around us like to infect boys in primary schools.

(5)What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Danger of a Virus

B. Habit of a Virus

C. Diary of a Virus

D. Letter of a Virus

20.(10分)Chinese people are angry. Since March, some Western companies, including H&M and Nike(BCI,良好棉花发展协会).It is a Switzerland﹣based cotton organization with 2,100 members worldwide(强迫劳动)might be used in Xinjiang.

This is a complete lie, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The so﹣called "Xinjiang question"is nothing but a way for the US to weaken China from the inside, said Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on March 26.

Many BCI members are from the Us and Europe. Member fees(会员费)are the main economic source for BCI, so brand members from these countries have great influence.

In fact, China is protecting human rights in Xinjiang, China Daily noted, as well as improving local people"s lives. The area"s cotton industry has created jobs for more than 600,000 local people.

China is the world"s second﹣largest cotton producer and Xinjiang accounts for nearly 90 percent of the county"s cotton output (产量),However, the increases in China"s cotton production and the growing textile industry are making some in the US and the West nervous,its move was driven by pressure from these countries. "It"s time to end the drama(闹剧)"from the US side

What are the results? The move of the BCI and the brands seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. Chinese netizens called it "earning money from China but defaming(污名化) it on major issues"

"I support Xinjiang cotton" has become a popular online activity on Weibo. So far, most of China"s major e﹣commerce platforms, including Taobao and JID.com(品牌大使)like Wang Yibo﹣and and Zhang Yixing for H&M, Nike and Adidas have also pulled out of their deals.

As a member of BCI, Anta announced that it is starting the process to get out of the organization. And it will continue to use cotton produced from Xinjiang. China Daily reported.

(1)Which of the following is not a member of BCI?




D.Li Ning.

(2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE about BCI?

A. It is a Switzerland﹣based cotton organization.

B.It has 2,100 members worldwide.

C. Many BCI members are from the US and Africa.

D. Its move was driven by pressure from BCI members.

(3)What does Chinese government actually do in Xinjiang?

A. Destroy human rights

B. Organize job offerings for nobody

C.Use forced labor

D. Improve local people"s lives.

(4)What is not the result of the move of the BCI?

A. "I support Xinjiang cotton" has become a popular online activity on Weibo.

B. Taobao and JD.com have cleared all products and search results about H&M.

C. Some popular stars stopped working with H&M, Nike and Adidas.

D. Anta will stop using cotton produced from Xinjiang.

(5)Where is the text most probably from?

A .A story book.

B. A news magazine

C. A picture book.

D. A sports poster

21.(10分)Fun and practical, these apps are worth downloading.


When working on your homework, you might sometimes find that your smart phone is distracting (使分心) you. An app called Forest can help you stay focused. When you set a new task in the app and set a certain amount of time to finish it, the seed will grow into a tree. But if you close the app and play with your phone instead, the tree will wither and even die. Once you finish the task, you will have a forest! You can share your achievements with your friends and try to "plant" different kinds of trees.

Rocket Alarm Clock

It"s hard to get out of bed every morning. You might hit the "snooze" button("制闹"按钮) on your alarm clock again and again just to get a little more sleep. However, the Rocket Alarm Clock app can help!

The app"s alarm cannot be easily turned off. You have to shake your phone wildly, solve difficult math problems, or even blow into your phone"s microphone to turn it off.For example, there are some unidentified flying object( UFOs) that are attacking(攻击)(摆脱) the UFOs and turn off the alarm.


This app makes reading news feel like chatting with a friend. News stories pop up(弹出) just like a text message from a friend. If you"re interested, you can click "read on". If not In addition, the app"s news stories are presented in interesting way. There are emojis(表情符号), audio clips (音频剪辑), you can join different groups and discuss the stories with others.

(1)How many apps are mentioned in this passage?

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

(2)Why is the app called "Forest" invented?

A. It will help plant tress.

B. It will help you stay focused.

C. It can tell you how to grow a tree.

D. It can share your task with your friends.

(3)If you want to turn off the alarm of "Rocket Alarm Clock", you should do the following EXCEPT .

A. shake your phone wildly

B. solve difficult math problems

C. blow into the phone"s microphone

D. hit the "snooze" button again and again

(4)What can you do if you want to comment on the stories you read?

A. Lick "read on".

B. Join different groups.

C. Read news in interesting ways.

D. Use emojis, audio clips to understand news.

(5)The apps above are probably for .

A. phone users

B. forest planters

C. news reporters

D. heavy sleepers



order young encouraging longer inventions

As we all know, China has four great(1) in ancient times.

Nowadays, China has "new four great inventions": high﹣speed railways, electronic payments, especially the(2) .

"My wallet is no(3) in use. I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with a tap of my phone. Even pancake sellers are using Alipay (支付宝). I can also(4) food at home. It"s extremely convenient "

""The bikes themselves are not new, but operating model of bike﹣sharing is new. It is base on satellite navigation system, mobile payment(5) people to be more active."


23.(5分)plant walk help give find

One day, I took my two kids to the local playground. As soon as we got there, my daughter ran to the swing(秋千)(1) my daughter, I noticed another girl trying to make her own swing go high by herself. Her old grandmother was sitting on the chair nearby and smiled at me.

I gave my daughter one big push and then(2) towards the little girl. I asked if she wanted me (3) her a push. She smiled and said "Yes". For the next two hours, I pushed the swings, and played with the little girl. When we went home

One day two years later, after a day"s work, I was a little tired. But I must pick up my kids before going home. While I was waiting outside the school gate, I smiled.

In life, the love we give others(4) its way back to us. It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom(开花) in the heart which it(5) in. The love we share, the kindness we give, and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a pleasant surprise.

七、阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选 项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)

24.(5分)Some believe that people are either smart or dumb. And if they are smart, everything is easy for them. (1) But they can improve the skills they have and develop new ones. What"s your opinion?

In fact, this is related to one"s mindset (思维模式). Dr. Carol Dweck(心理学)professor at Stanford University, has discovered that people with a fixed mindset solve problems in a much different way from those with a growth mindset.

Dr. Dweck found people with a fixed mindset care about grades. When they make mistakes,they think it means they"re not smart. (2) They"re afraid of challenges,

because if they don"t do well, they may look dumb. People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, care about learning, not grades. They learn from mistakes by trying different ways to solve problems or asking for help.

(3). They discovered that students with a growth mindset do better inmath; those with a fixed mindset do worse. Why? Kids with both mindsets do well in primary school, but middle school math is much harder. So while the growth﹣mindset kids embrace (拥抱)the challenge and work harder, the fixed﹣mindset kids may just give up.(4)

But Dweck"s team discovered something even more important than that. They found that, with some work,kids can choose to have a growth mindset and do better in school. Everyone has some of each type of mindset.(5) When you hear your fixed mindset voice telling you that you"re dumb, or that you"ll look stupid if you ask for help, or that learning a new skill is hard, talk back to it! Then you really can get smarter by working hard, practicing and challenging yourself!

A. Some people believe that everyone in the world is smart.

B. As a result, their grades drop.

C. They also care about how smart they look.

D. Some hold the belief that not everyone can become a genius(天才).

E. Dweck"s team found fixed﹣mindset kids can"t do well in primary school.

F. They are just like two kinds of voices in your head.

G. Dweck and her team did a research among middle school students.

书面表达 (30分)情景运用 根据图画信息,用符合图意的完整、正确的句子回答问题。(10分)25.(2分)﹣What"s your favorite subject?

﹣ .

26.(2分)﹣What was the weather like yesterday?

﹣ .

27.(2分)﹣Where did you go on vacation last weekend?

28.(2分)﹣What does Mary want to be when she grows up?

29.(2分)﹣What is the table made of?

九.作文 (20分)

30.(20分)微笑是一种语言,微笑是一种态度。我们应该学会对自己微笑,学会对他人微笑。请你以"Learn to Smile"为题




提示词:confidence 自信

Learn to Smile

Smile is an attitude to life.We should face everything with smile.









5.解答:根据in half hour.




8.解答:感叹句中what修饰名词,how修饰形容词和副词 news是名词短语,不能加不定冠词.



10.解答:本题考查的是动词词义的辨析.分析:从句意可知说的是平静的湖面看起来像一面镜子;look 看起来;taste 尝起来.




13.解答:can能,可以,一定;shall将要。根据前句句意"听着,要回答"它不可能是琳达",can not的意思是"不可能"。

14.解答:根据题干,可知主语是动作的承受者,由last ,可知时态是一般过去时.

15.解答:句子是宾语从句,从句通常用陈述语序.根据By together可知,应该选C.


16.解答:(1)B.名词辨析;B比赛;D练习 starter"s ,可知是比赛.

(2)D.动词辨析;B停止;D获胜 had training ,这里应该是今年会赢.

(3)A.副词辨析;B温柔地;D虚弱地 dad among , smiling及语境,故答案是A.

(4)C.动词辨析;B出现;D 跌倒 got quickly快速地出发了,故答案是C.

(5)A.形容词辨析;B感谢的;D晚的 road bumpy(起伏不平)with of turns道路崎岖不平,结合语境,故答案是A.

(6)D.动词辨析;B决定;D意识到 his Riley the rider front him,故答案是D.

(7)C.短语辨析;B在上方;D远远落后 He going win,应该是领先了.

(8)B.动词辨析;B看见;D画画 could(8)the line the of next .应该是能看到终点.

(9)C.动词辨析;B隐藏;D离开 crowd to(9)and heard father"s supporting .埃迪听到他父亲的声音支持他,故答案是C.

(10)B.动词辨析;B躺;D旅行 his on of ,应该是躺在地上.

(11)A.名词辨析;B父母;D人群 minute , the rush him the ,是比赛,其他骑手都会从山上向他冲过来.

(12)D.副词辨析;B突然;D快速地 friend unhurt the Riley"s off road,故答案是D.

(13)A.动词辨析;B走;D跑 other to finish ,其他骑手应该是加速通过终点线.

(14)B.动词辨析;B推;D系, Eddie(14)his to finish ,应该是推着自行车到终点.




(1)C. 根据上文"Chicken Rice ,(这里是)鸡肉米饭馆 like order a ,please"所说。故知此处说的是:我能帮助您吗

(2)A. 根据上文"Would you some ,你想要汤菜吗 kind soup you ,你们有什么汤菜。故选A.

(3)D. 根据上文" a cup Cola, ,(我要)一杯可乐 chicken is yuan one of is 4 Is all"所说,一杯可乐是4元。故知此处说的是:一共多少钱

(4)A.根据下文"No.5, Quancheng ,泉城路8号?故选A.

(5)D. 根据上文"How soon I get ,多久以后我能收到它们 fine"所说。故知此处说的是:半小时后


18.解答:(1)B .细节理解题 day a boy to a hole his after a science ,一个小男孩在看完一个科学节目后决定在他房子后面挖一个洞。故选B。

(2)A .细节理解题 older began laugh him him it impossible do .大一点的男孩们开始嘲笑他说不可能做到的事。故选A。

(3)C .细节理解题 little kept digging digging. a few colorful caught eyes. 。突然。"可知在大男孩嘲笑他之后发现了石头。

(4)A .细节推理题 a few colorful caught eyes. picked up put into a box he on 突然。他把它们捡起来,然后继续挖。故选A。

(5)B .主旨归纳题 arc many things have into life I tried do !" So why is a saying the is important the ,因为我努力去做。"可知生命就是去寻找那些七彩的石头。

19.解答:(1)B .细节理解题 after ,he his 刚下课。"可知下课后他洗手了。

(2)D .细节理解题 has along since I last 我上次感染人类已经很久了 people harder I imagine.感染别人比我想象的要难。故选D。

(3)B .细节推理题 morning I into nose Sam"s friend , the his nose caught 今天早上我跳进了萨姆最好的朋友比尔的鼻子里,他鼻子里的粘液卡住了我,his比尔的,故选B。

(4)C .主旨归纳题 after ,he his ,刚下课。However, quickly Bill a , and sneered that !然而,比尔却用那张纸巾冷笑着, Sam all vegetables He"s , and getting hours sleep night. body too for !另外。他在锻炼。他的身体对我来说太强壮了!I to Sam today, he his five and touched face! ,但他洗了五次手!"可知作者想告诉我们养成良好的生活习惯很重要。

(5)C .标题归纳题, January 2 ; I"m the cold. has along since I last 我是普通感冒病毒。"可知文章说的是病毒日记。

20.解答:(1)D .细节理解题 They said they were following industry requirements set by the Better Cotton Initiative(BCI,100 members worldwide,他们说。这是一家总部位于瑞士的棉花组织,其中包括耐克阿迪达斯(Nike Adidas)和其他著名品牌巴宝莉。故选 D。

(2)C .推理判断题 Many BCI members are from the Us and Europe. . 可知。所以关于BCI许多BCI成员来自美国和非洲是不正确的。

(3)D .细节理解题。根据 In fact, China Daily noted, as well as improving local people"s lives. 可知,事实上,政府一直在为新疆的棉田主组织招聘。所以中国政府在新疆一直在改善当地人民的生活。

(4)D .推理判断题。根据 As a member of BCI,安踏宣布它正在启动退出该组织的程序。《中国日报》报道。故选D。

(5)B .推理判断题。根据 As a member of BCI,安踏宣布它正在启动退出该组织的程序。《中国日报》报道。故选B。

21.解答:(1)B.细节理解题 and , these are downloading,本文一共提到了三种应用程序.

(2)B.细节理解题 An called can you focused,Forest这个应用程序是为了让你集中注意力.

(3)D.细节理解题 have shake phone , solve math , or blow your microphone turn off,如果想关掉这个应用程序,解决难的数学问题.结合所给选项.故选D.

(4)B.细节理解题 you to on stories read, can different and the with ,可知,你可以加入不同的群.

(5)A.推理判断题 and , these are downloading,这三种应用程序需要手机下载.故选A.


22.解答:(1)inventions.考查名词。根据下文"Nowadays, has four inventions""所说,故知本句说的是,中国古代有四大发明,表示"发明物"这个整体概念

(2)young.考查形容词。根据语境可知句意是,特别是年轻人。the young年轻人

(3)longer.考查形容词。根据语境可知句意是。no longer不再


(5)encouraging.考查动词。根据语境可知句意是,更加方便。encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事,故填现在分词encouraging。故填encouraging.


23.解答:(1)was helping.考查动词。根据上文"As as got , my ran the and for a ,我们一到达那里,让我推一下,我注意到另一个女孩正在试图自己荡秋千。本句说的是过去正在发生的动作。故填was helping.


(3)to give.考查不定式。根据语境可知句意是。give sb a push推送某人,意思是"帮助某人做某事" to give.

(4)will find. 考查动词,在生活中。find one"s way找到路,故用一般将来时 will find .

(5)was planted.考查动词。根据语境可知句意是,或者在它被种下去的那颗心里开花。从句的主语it和动词plant是动宾关系;从句的动作发生在过去。故填


24.解答:1.D 细节推理题. And if they are smart.有些人认为人要么聪明.如果他们聪明.和后句But they can improve the skills they have and develop new ones,开发新的技能,应说有些人认为不是每个人都能成为天才.

2.C 细节推理题,they think it means they"re not smart,他们认为这意味着他们不聪明,because if they don"t do well.他们害怕挑战,他们可能看起来很傻,应说他们也关心自己看上去有多聪明.

7.G 细节推理题; those with a fixed mindset do worse,成长型思维的学生在数学上做得更好.可知结合选项.故选G.

4.B 细节推理题, the fixed﹣mindset kids may just give up,当有成长意识的孩子接受挑战并更加努力地工作时.可知结合选项,他们的成绩下降了.

5.F 细节推理题, or that you"ll look stupid if you ask for help, talk back to it,或者如果你请求帮助你会看起来很愚蠢,请回过头来,应说它们就像你脑海里的两种声音.



故答案为My favorite subject is music.


故答案为It was windy.


故答案为I went to the mountain.


故答案为She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.


故答案为It is made of wood.



Learn to

In our life,there may be something unpleasant,you fail in an exam.These things may make you feel bad?Why not learn to smile.【高分句型一】Sometimes.Most important of all.

We should also learn to smile to others,and it will help us to get closer to other people,smile is the most widely understood language.I believe our world will be more wonderful and our life will be happier and happier.【高分句型二】

  1. 醉梦一帘烟雨2023-10-14 09:38醉梦一帘烟雨[北京市网友]
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