
图说新概念英语:第一册讲义分享 总结更全

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图说新概念英语:第一册讲义分享 总结更全








Lesson 131


--He lived abroad for much of his life. 他的一生大半是在国外度过的。

--go abroad 到国外

--travel abroad 到国外旅行

--from abroad 从国外来的,从海外来的

--He just returned from abroad. 他刚刚从国外回来。

--worry v. 担忧,使烦恼,使焦虑

--What’s worrying you?

--worried adj. 烦恼的,焦虑的

Question: What’s the problem about deciding on a holiday?

Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?

--be going to 将来时态的表达方式之一,表示打算,计划或安排去做某事。

--spend v. 花费时间,金钱,度过时光,假日等

--spend….on sth

--spend ….(in) doing sth

--She spends a lost of money on clothes. 她把大量的钱花在(买)衣服上。

--I spend one hour on sport every day. 我每天花1小时做体育运动。

--The headmaster has to spend 3 hours a day talking to teachers and parents.

--We’ll have to spend 200 dollars (in)getting our car repaired. 我们得花200美元把我们的车修好。


--spend + n.(时光,假日)+地点状语

--I spent my childhood in a small town. 我在一个小城镇度过了我的童年。

--I am going to spend my holidays in Sydney. 我打算到悉尼度假。

We may go abroad. I’m not sure. My wife wants to go to Egypt. I’d like to go there, too. We can’t make up our minds.

--may 情态动词“可能,也许,或许“

--It may snow tomorrow. 明天也许会下雪。

--If I’m busy, I may not go. 如果我忙的话,也许就不去了。

I’m not sure. 我不肯定

--be sure肯定

--be sure of/ about + n. 对…有把握

--be sure that…. 肯定,确信

--be sure to do 肯定,一定,务必

--He is sure of success.

--We are sure that he is innocent.

--Be sure to call me at 5 o’clock.

--for sure 肯定的,有把握的

--They will be here for sure in half an hour.

--I don’t know for sure that he is dead.

--make sure 设法做到

--Please make sure that the house is properly locked.

--to be sure 确定,的确,固然,后面多接but(口)

--To be sure, he is kind. 的确,他心肠好。

--Father isn’t rich, to be sure, but he is a gentleman.


--sure (口语)“当然可以“相当于certainly

--May I open the window? Sure!

--want to do sth 想做某事

--would like to do sth 愿意做某事,想做某事

--Would you like to have a look at your room? 你想看看你的房间吗?

--I’d like to spend my holidays with my parents.

--I’d like to have my car repaired today.

--would like sth 想吃(喝,得到)某物

--Would you like a cup of tea?

--Would you like a tie to match your shirt?

--make up one’s mind 下决心,决定

--相当于decide,常跟to do sth ,表示决心或决定去做某事

--I haven’t make up my mind yet. 我还没打定主意。(yet用在否定句中表示还)

--We have made up our minds to get rid of this guy. 我们决心把这个家伙除掉。

--get rid of 除掉,去掉

Will you travel by sea or by air?

选择疑问句要求答话人在两个或更多人或事物中做出选择,不能用yes 或no 作回答。

--Would you like some bananas or apples? 你想吃香蕉还是苹果?

--I’d like an apple. 我想来个苹果

--Will you travel by sea, by air or by train? 你们要乘船,乘飞机,还是乘火车?

--We’ll go by train. 我们乘火车去。

--Are you a doctor, a teacher or a scientist? 你是医生,老师还是科学家?

--None of them. I am a student. 都不是,我是学生。

It’s cheaper, isn’t it?

It’s cheaper = it’s cheaper to travel by sea than by air.



反意疑问句要用yes 或no作出回答,肯定与否要据事实来确定,不受问句中肯定与否定的影响。

--You are a student, aren’t you? 你是学生,不是吗?

--Yes, I am.是的,是。

--No, I’m not. I am a dentist.

--You aren’t married, are you? 你没结婚吧,结了吗?

--Yes, I am. I married early. 不,我结婚了,我结婚比较早。

--You won’t travel by sea, will you? 你不会乘船去吧,会吗?

--Yes, I’ll go by sea. 不,我要乘船去。



--I didn’t say anything, did I ? 我什么也没说,说了吗?


--No, you didn’t.(事实是你什么也没说,所以你的说法是对的。)


--I told you that many times, didn’t I ? 我告诉过你好多遍了,不是吗?

--Yes, you did. 是的,你告诉我好多遍了。


It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.

--take 花费,占用


--It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事占用了某人…时间

--It took me 1 hour to do the job. 做这件事用了我1小时的时间。

--take 表示的是时间的占用,具有客观性,而spend表示人对时间有意识的花费,具有主观性,

--I spent one hour doing the job. 我花了1小时来做这项工作。(时间是由我控制的)


--take some time to do sth

-- It took me 1 hour to do the job.

--It took the worker a lot of time to move the box into the room.

--The worker spent a lot of time moving the box into the room.

--The worker took a lot of time to move the box into the room.

--It takes a long time=It takes a long time to travel by sea.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves. 宾语从句,you’ll enjoy yourselves 作sure的宾语。

--enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得愉快

Don’t be so sure. We might not go anywhere.

--Don’t be so sure.=Don’t be so sure of it.=Don’t be so sure that we’ll enjoy ourselves.

即:We may not enjoy ourselves.

--might 是may的过去式


--might 表示非常不确定

--anywhere 任何地方,副词作状语


--nowhere 没有任何地方

--I wanted to go somewhere, but because of the rain, I went nowhere.

--worry 着急,担心,此为不及物动词

--My wife always worries too much.=My wife is always too worried.=My wife is always so worried about everything.

--look after 照看,看管,

--look after the children 看管孩子

--look after the house 看管房子

--have this problem 有这个问题

--have a problem 有一个问题

--have many problems 有许多问题

--problem 存在的需要解决的问题


--in the end 最后,到头来,说明结果

--finally 最后,说明次序

--at last 最后,终于(说明目的的实现)


--be sure 的用法


--may 表示可能

--may + do 表示对现在的一种推测

--may +have done 表示对过去的一种推测

Lesson 133

--reporter n.

--report v. 报告,报道n.报告,报道

--sensational adj. 爆炸性的,耸人听闻的,煽动感情的

--sensational news 爆炸性新闻(不可数名词,前不加冠词a/an)

--sensation n.

1) 五官的感觉,知觉

--I have lost all sensation in my legs. 我的两只腿己完全失去了知觉了。


--a sensation of happiness 幸福感

3. 轰动,轩然大波

--The news created a great sensation. 那个消息引起一场轩然大波。

Question: What reasons did Karen Marsh give for wanting to retire?卡伦,马什说她为什么想退休?

Have you just made a new film?

1. to make a film 制作一部影片,拍摄一部电影

--to shoot the pictures 摄影

2.have made have(助动词)+过去分词构成现在完成时

--just “刚刚“,表示动作完成不久

--I have just come back. 我刚回来。

--I have just been to New York. 我刚去过纽约。/我刚从纽约回来。

--just now “刚才”(a short time ago)


--I saw him just now. 我刚才还看见他

--Tom told me the new just now. Tom刚才才把这个消息告诉我。

--I got the news a short time ago. (强调时间)


--Tom has just told me the news. Tom刚把这个消息告诉我。

(I know about it now, so you don’t have to tell me that again.)

Yes, I have.


--I have. (简略回答)=I have just made a new film.

Are you going to make another?

--another 不定代词

I’m going to retire.

I fell very tired.

1. tired 过去分词充当形容词,通常称为分词形容词,此处作feel的表语。

2. feel v.即可作实义动词(感觉,摸),又可作系动词(感觉,觉得),区分的标准是看其后面的连带成份是名词或代词,还是形容词,接名词或代词时是动宾关系,接形容词时为系表关系。

--I felt his hands. They felt very cold. (前句中为实义动词,后句中为系动词。)

--Do you feel hot? 你觉得热吗?(系动词)

--Yes. Don’t you feel(实义动词) it?是的,热,你不觉得热吗?

--want to do sth 想要做某事

--want sb to do sth 要某人做某事

--I want to sleep. 我要睡觉。

--Do you want me to sleep? 你想让我睡觉吗?

4.for a long time

--for 表示时间持续的长短,可用于任何时态。

--I stayed there for 3 days.

--I have lived here for more than 10 years.

Let’s buy a newspaper, Liz. Listen to this!

1.Let’s buy= Let us buy.


带to 的结构:

--want sb to do sth

--ask st to do sth

--tell sb to do sth

--order sb to do sth

不带to 的结构:

--let sb do sth

--Let him go. 让他走吧

--make sb do sth

--They made me work for them.他们迫使我为他们工作。

2. Liz 是Elizabeth(伊丽沙白)的简称

3.listen to 听,表听的动作


--look at 看

--look for 寻找

--wait for 等待

--arrive at 到达

--arrive in

1.Sensational News 爆炸新闻=very exciting news

2. by our reporter by表示动作的执行者,意为“由….”或“被…”

--a book by Bacon 培根写的一本书

--an article by a politician 一位政治家的一篇文章

--3. arrive at 到达,通常表示到达一个较小的地方

--arrive in 到达,通常表示到达一个较大的地方

--I arrived in England on Friday. We first arrived at London.

--arrive on 到达,通常指到达某一个地点

--The train has arrived on the platform 火车己到达站台

--The soldiers arrived on the island after half an hour.军队在半小时之后抵达了这个岛屿。

--The police soon arrived on the spot. 警察很快赶到现场。

4.wear “穿着“=have on(强调状态)

--She was wearing a blue dress.= She was having a blue dress on.

--put on “穿上“,表“穿上”的动作

--dress “给…穿衣”,对象是人,而非衣物

--She dressed her baby first, and then dressed herself. 她先给孩子穿好衣服,然后又为自己穿上衣服。

--be dressed in 穿着=wear=have on

--She was dressed in red.= She was wearing red clothes.=She was having red clothes on. 好穿着红色衣服

5. She told me she had just made a new film.

--She had just made… 名词从句作told的宾语

--had just made 过去完成时,表示动作发生在told这一过去动作之前。

6.She said she was not going to make another.

--said 后面跟宾语从句

I wonder why!

1. wonder “不知道,想知道“,表示疑惑

--I wonder who could do this. 我不明白谁会这样干

--I wonder if he will succeed. 我想知道他是否能成功


=Why she is not going to make another film.



Lesson 135


1)adj. 未来的,将来的

--one’s future husband 未婚夫

2)n. 未来,将来,前途

--The future is always unknown to us. 未来对我们来说总是不可知的。

--get married 结婚

--be married= get married 结婚

--The old couple has already been married for fifty years. 那对老夫妇结婚己50年了。

--married adj. 结婚的,己婚的

--marry v. 结婚

--He married a classmate from high school. 他与高中时代的同班同学结婚。

--hotel n. 饭店

--stay at a hotel 住旅馆


1) adj. 最新的

--the latest news 最新消息

2) adj. 最晚的(late的最高级)

--She was the latest person to come. 她是最晚来的人。


--1) v. 介绍

--introduce sb to sb

--May I introduce my friend George (to you)? 让我(向你)介绍我的朋友乔治。

--2) v. 把(新事物)引进(到…)

--introduce sth into / to…

--New Paris fashions are introduced into Shanghai every year. 巴黎的新流行式样每年都被引进上海。

3)introduction n. 介绍

Question: Is Karen Marsh going to retire, do you think?

Are you really going to retire, Miss Marsh?

--really 真的,确实,加强语气

I may. I can’t make up my mind. I will have to ask my future husband. He won’t let me make another film.

--I may. = I may retire.有可能,说明还没有确定。

--make up my mind 拿定主意,做出决定

--will have to 是have to 的将来时

--have/ has to 现在时

--will have to 将来时

--had to 过去时

--would have to 过去将来时

--have had to 完成时


--future husband 未婚夫

--let sb do sth 让(允许)某人做某事

--相当于allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

Yes, let me introduce him to you. His name is Garlos.

We’re going to get married next week.

--introduce sb to sb 将某人介绍给某人

--May I introduce my sister to you?

--get married 结婚表示结婚的行为,属终止性动作。不能表示结婚的时间的延续。

--be married (己)结婚 表示己婚的状态,可以表示时间的延续。

--Are you married?你结婚了吗?

--Yes, I am. 是的,结了。

--When did you get married?

--I got married last year.

--How long have you been married?

--I have been married for 14 months.

--marry v. 娶,嫁(说明结婚的对象)

--Who do you want to marry?

--I’ll marry nobody.

Here’s another report about Karen Marsh.

--Here’s …. 这 里 有….

--Here’s a letter for you. 这里有你的一封信。

--Here’s an apple for you. 给你一个苹果

--the latest = the latest news 最新消息

--in London Hotel 在伦敦旅馆里

--might 是may的过去式,与主句谓语told保持时态上的一致。Couldn’t 是can’t的过去式,与主句谓语保持一致

--would 是will的过去式,时态一致

--That’s sensation news, isn’t it, Kate?

反意疑问句,isn’t it 加强了句子的语气,“难道不是吗?”

--get married 结婚(强调动作)

--be married 结婚(强调状态)



Lesson 137

--football n. 足球

--play football 踢足球

--a football game 足球比赛


1) n. 赌注,总赌款

--football pool 足球赛的赌注

2)n. 共同资金,合伙投资

--We bought a computer by the pool. 我们合资买一部电脑

3) n. 游泳 池


1) v. 赢

--win a war

--win a bet 赌赢

--win a competition 比赛获胜

--win an election 选举获胜

2)v. 赢得,获得

--She won the first prize in the music competition.


--He won her love at last. 他终于获得她的爱。

3)win back 赢回

--win back one’s reputation 赢回名声

4)win over 把人说服,

--We tried to win him over to our view. 我们试图说服他接受我们的观点

--world n. 世界

--every country of the world 世界各国

--His dream is to travel around the world. 他的梦想是环游世界。

--He is the best tennis player in the world. 他是世界上最优秀的网球选手。

--The news spread quickly all over the world. 那消息迅速传遍了全世界。

--the world 世界上的人,人类

--The whole world is watching the conference. 全世界的人都在关注这次会议。

--Half the world is hungry. 有半的世人在挨饿


1)adj. 贫穷的(反义词:rich)

--a poor man 贫穷的人

2)adj. 缺乏的,不充分的、稀少的

3)adj. 笨拙的、差劲的、(辩解等)拙劣的

--be poor at …

--Our daughter is poor at maths. 我们的女儿数学不好。

4)adj. 可怜的,不幸的

--the poor old man 那个可怜的老人


1) v. 依靠、依赖、指望

--depend on sb

--You cannot depend on your parents forever.你不能永远依赖你的父母

--depend on sb to do sth 指望某人做某事

--You cannot depend on him to come on time. 你不能指望他会准时到来。

2)v. 视…而定,取决于…

--depend on sth

--depend on doing sth

--The time of leaving depends on the weather. 出发的时间视天气而定。

Question:What would Julie like to do, if she had the money?

--Are you doing the football pools, Brian?

--do the football pools 下足球赛的赌注

--pools 赌注总额,合伙赌博的安排

--hoping to win a fortune on the pools 希望在赌博中赢得财富

--Who won the football pool this week? 谁赢得了这周的足球彩票?

Yes, I’ve nearly finished, Julie. I’m sure we’ll win something this week.

--nearly 几乎,将近

--It’s nearly 1 o’clock. 现在几乎一点了。

--He’s nearly ready. 他快准备好了。

--be sure 确信,肯定…

--be sure of/ about…

--be sure to do…

--be sure that…

--for sure 肯定的,有把握的

--make sure 弄肯定,设法做到

--to be sure 不成问题,当然,肯定

You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?

--never adv. 从来没有,表示频率

同类词汇有 hardly 几乎sometimes 有时

--often 经常 usually 通常


--If your brother Adam can do it, so can i. 如果你哥哥Adam能做到的话,我也能做到。

--It doesn’t matter if you don’t find her. 如果你没有找到她,也不要紧的。

--If she said so, she must be a liar. 如果她这样讲,那她一定是一个说谎者

--What would Mary think of him if he failed? 如果失败了,玛丽会怎样看他呢?

--条件句中有些词可以省略,(如it is, he is 等)

--If (it is )true, this will cause us a lot of trouble.

--If necessary, ring me at home. 如果有必要,给我家打电话。

If I win a lot of money, I’ll buy you a mink coat.

--If I …, I will…. 如果…,我就会….(表示许诺,承诺)

--If I have a lot of money, I’ll buy myself a car.

--buy sb sth 双宾语= buy sth for sb

I don’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world.


--want to do 想要做某事

--see 观光

--travel round the world 环球旅行

--travel around the world

--stay at 住,呆在

--stay at home 呆在家里

--stay in bed 躺在床上

--stay at a hotel 住在旅馆

--in the country 在乡下

--in the city 在城市

--in the town 在城镇

But if we spend all that money we’ll be poor again. What’ll we do then?

--If we…, we’ll 这里表示一种逻辑推理:“如果我们花完了所有的钱,我们又会变穷的“。


--spend v. 花费

--spend money / time (in) doing sth

--all this / that 这/那一切

--All this is quite an experience for me. 所有的一切对我来说都是一种很好的经历。

--What’s the meaning of all this? 所有的这一切是什么意思?

--All this he did, but it had no effect. 他做了所有的一切,但一点儿效果也没有。

--You’ve told me all that before.你先前己经告诉我那一切了。

--then 然后

--The speech ended and then the curtain went up. 演讲结束之后,幕布拉开了(戏剧开演了)

--then 那么,然后

--Then I have done you a wrong, and I’m very sorry. 这样说来,我是做错了,真是很对不起。

If we spend all the money we’ll try and win the football pools again.

--try 试图

--try to do sth 尽力做某事

--try doing 试着做

It’s a pleasant dream but everything depends on ‘if’!

--if n. 条件,不肯定因素

--There are too many ifs in your offer. 你的承诺里附带条件太多了。

--The future is full of ifs.未来充满了不确定因素

--There are too many ifs in his agreement. 在他的合同中有太多的条件。

--depend on 得看,造..决定

--The price depends on the quality. 价格的高低取决于质量的好坏。

--it depends, of course, on a number of factors. 它当然取决于一系列因素。

--depend v. 依靠,依赖

--You can’t always depend on your husband. 你不可以总是依赖你的丈夫


--if 的用法

1)if 可以引导真实条件从句

2)if 也可以作名词,单独使用,作“条件”,不肯定因素“讲

Lesson 139

--extra adj. 额外的

--I don’t have any extra time. 我没有多余的时间。


1)adj. 海外的,国外的

2)adv. 向海外,向国外

--engineering n.

--company n. 公司

--He works for a bus company. 他在公共汽车公司上班。

--He is an engineer in a big company.

--line n.

Question: Which John Smith does Graham Turner think he is talking to?

Is that you, John?


--Is that you, Mom?


--Is that John speaking?

--Excuse me. I’d like to speak to John.

Yes, speaking. 是我,请讲。


Tell Mary we’ll be late for dinner this evening.

--We’ll be late…从句结构,作tell的直接宾语,Marry为间接宾语。

--be late for 做…迟到

--be late for school 上学迟到

I’m afraid I don’t understand.

--I don’t understand 作be afraid的宾语从句。

Hasn’t Marry told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.

I said I would be at your house at six o’clock, but the boss wants me to do more extra work. I’ll have to stay at the office. I don’t know when I’ll finish. Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Marry needs any help.

1) Hasn’t Marry told you? 现在完成时态的否定疑问句

2) invite sb to dinner 请某人吃饭

--invite sb to one’s house 请某人到家里作客

--invite sb to one’s country 邀请某人到自己的国家访问

3)be at you house= arrive at your house= get to your house到你家

4)do extra work 加班

5)I don’t know when I’ll finish. 复合句,when I’ll finish 作know的宾语。

6)by the way 顺便说说,引出额外话题

7)My wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. 复合句,该句的谓语部分有三个层次。

--want 谓语动词

--to know if…不定式作want 的宾语

--if 引起名词从句作know的宾语

--if = whether 是否

--I wonder if you could come. 不知道你能不能来。

--I am not sure if I can win. 我没有把握能不能赢

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

--what you’re talking about. 作know的宾语


--He didn’t ask me where I lived. 他没问我住在哪里.

--Do you know how old he is? 你知道他多大了吗?

--How old is he, do you know?

(这是两个独立问句的合并,以前句为主,do you know 为插入语,与宾语从句用法不同)

That is John Smith, isn’t it? 反意疑问句

You work for the overseas Engineering Company, don’t you?

--work for + 机构名称为…工作

--work with 或work at

I’m John Smith the telephone engineer and I’m repairing your telephone line.

--the telephone engineer 同位语

解释John Smith


Lesson 141

--excited adj. 兴奋的

--excited people 激动的人们

--exciting adj. 使人兴奋的,刺激的

--an exciting book 非常有趣的书

--get on

1) 登上(火车,公共汽车,飞机),骑上*(自行车,马)

反义词get off

--get in 上小汽车

反义词get out of


--I am afraid I didn’t get on very well in the exam. 我这次考试恐怕不太顺利


1)prep. 在…对面

--The store is opposite the station. 那家商店在车站的对面

--The waitress stood opposite me. 那女服务员站在我对面

2)adj. (位置)对面的(立场,性质等)相反的,反对的

--He stood on the opposite side of the street. 他站在那条街的对面

--They walked away in opposite directions. 他们分别往相反的方向走去。

--Our office building is opposite to the bank. 我们办公大楼在银行的对面

--He and I are on opposite side is this debate. 在这场辩论里,他和我站在相对的立场

--Her views and mine are completely opposite. 她的看法和我的看法完全相反

3)n. 相反的事物

North and south are opposite directions.



1)adv. 好奇地

2) 奇怪地

--Curiously enough, he seems to have known what we would do next. 说来奇怪,他似乎己经知道我们下一步怎么做。

--curious adj. 好奇的,强烈的

--Children are naturally curious about everything around them. 小孩子对周遭的事情感到好奇是很自然的。

--curious to do 极想….

--I’m curious to know what is written in his letter. 我极想知道他在信中写些什么。


1)adj. 可笑的,滑稽的

--a funny story 有趣的故事

I heard such a funny joke last night.



"It"s a funny thing, but she put the ring on the dressing table a few minutes ago, and now it"s missing."


--It’s funny that he said such a thing. 很奇怪他居然说这种话

--kindly adv. 和蔼地

--He treated me kindly. 他待我亲切。

--He kindly drove me home. 他好心开车送我回家

--take kindly to 欣然接受,容易地适应(通常用于疑问句,否定句。)

--He didn’t take kindly to working for a female boss. 他不喜欢为女老板工作。

--ugly adj.


--an ugly face 难看的脸


--ugly 一词宜避免使用

--Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate.



--amused adj. 有趣的,表示(人表情等)愉快的

--amusing adj. 好笑的,好玩的,有趣的

--amuse v. 使(某人)快乐,逗乐

--be amuse to do 做…取乐

I had an amusing experience last year.



1)v. 微笑

--She smiled when she saw me.


--"At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found."


--The two girls stood there smiling at the camera. 那两个女孩子站在那里对着照机微笑。


a smile on his face


--embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,窘迫的,觉得不好意思的

--feel embarrassed 感觉不好意思

--embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人困惑的

--embarrass v. 使人窘迫,使人为难,使人不好意思

--Making speeches in public always embarrasses me. 在众人面前演说时,我觉得慌张困窘

When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.


Question: Why was the mother embarrassed? 为什么母亲感到很尴尬?

Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party.

1)这篇短文讲的是作者与女儿坐火车旅行的一次经历。开篇用last week,确定了文章的基本的时态为一般过去时。

2.four-year-old 合成形容词,其中名词必须用单数形式。

--a 800-metre-long bridge 一座800米长的桥

3. was invited to 被邀请去,被动语态

I decided to take her by train.=I decided to bake her to the party by train.

--decide 决定

--decide to do sth 决定去做某事

--I’ve decided to pick up French. 我决定开始学习法语。

--take 带

Sally was very excited because she had never traveled on a train before.

--excited 分词形容词,“激动的”

--exciting 令人激动的

--interested 感兴趣的(说明人)

--I am interested in the film.

--interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的(说明物)

--This is an interesting film.

--because 连词,引导原因状语从句

--I won’t do it, because I don’t like it. 我不干,因为我不喜欢。

--on a train=by train

She sat near the window and asked question about everything she saw.

1)ask questions about 对…提出问题

2))everything she saw 她所看到的一切

--she saw =that she saw 定语从句修饰everything

Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.

--middle-aged 中年的


--a long-faced man =a man with a long face一个长脸的人

--a big-eyed girl= a girl with big eyes 一个大眼睛的女孩

--get on the train 上火车

--get into the train

--get off the train 下火车

--opposite prep. 在…对面

“Hello, little girl,’ she said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.

The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.

--be dressed in (=wear, have on)穿着…

--In those years, everyone was dressed in blue or green. 在那个年代,人人都穿蓝色或绿色的衣服。

After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her power compact.

1)after, 连词,引起时间状语从句。

2.had left过去完成时,说明leave的动作,发生在另一过去作作open之前。

3.take out 拿出,取出

--bring out

She then began to make up her face.

--make up 化妆,打扮

--She is still making up. 她还在梳妆打扮。

--The actors were making up when we arrived. 我们赶到的时候,演员们还在化妆。

--‘Why are you doing that?’ Sally asked.

--doing that=making up your face

‘To make myself beautiful,’ the lady answered.

--to make myself beautiful 不定式短语做状语,说明make up her face(打扮)之目的

--She put away her compact and smiled kindly.

--put away 放在一边,收起

--He put his books away, stood up and left. 他收好书,起身走了。

Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!

--amused 分词形容词,高兴快乐的,开心的,有趣的

--amusing 有趣的,令人开心的

--embarrassed 分词形容词,尴尬的,窘迫的

--embarrassing 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的

--worried adj. 担忧的,担心的

--She is very worried about her sick mother. 她很担心她生病的母亲。

--worry v. 担心

--You have nothing to worry about. 你没有什么可担心的。

--worry sb 使(某人)担心,使烦恼

--Don’t let that worry you. 别为那件事担忧烦恼。

--He worried himself about his future. 他担心自己的将来。


--He worried his parents for a bicycle. 他緾着父母要一辆自行车

--worry…to do 緾着(某人)做…

--My wife is worrying me to buy a house.我太太老是緾着我买房子。

--regularly adv. 经常地,定期地

--He comes here regularly every Friday. 他每星期五固定来这里一趟。

--regular adj.


--This is her regular route to her school. 这是她平常上学所走的路线。


--keep regular hours


  1. 静玉2023-12-08 16:27静玉[西藏网友]
  2. 殺獁特"副总管-欣欣2023-09-14 09:55殺獁特"副总管-欣欣[浙江省网友]
小学三年级 适合学《新概念英语》吗?知道答案的家长很少很少!

小学三年级 适合学《新概念英语》吗?知道答案的家长很少很少!



俞敏洪:《新概念英语》太难?没有理论加实践 一切空谈!

俞敏洪:《新概念英语》太难?没有理论加实践 一切空谈!



学过《新概念》后  孩子的英语能好到什么程度?

学过《新概念》后 孩子的英语能好到什么程度?









