
学生朋友圈伤感的句子 句句触碰内心 哪句让你红了眼眶?

时间:2023-06-20 03:43:01


学生朋友圈伤感的句子 句句触碰内心 哪句让你红了眼眶?

1、如果我是一个歌手,你一定是我最动听的一首歌。 如果我是一个画家,你一定是我最美的一幅画。 如果我是一个导演,你一定是我最好看的电影。 可我是一个乘客,你是我错过的风景。

If I were a singer, you must be my most beautiful song. If I were a painter, you must be my most beautiful painting. If I were a director, you must be my best movie. But I am a passenger and you are the scenery I missed.

2、跟她分开一年了,后面的感觉就是很想她。在同个地方,但是不敢见她 。她约了我朋友在外面吃东西,我朋友出门时还特地的跟我说了地址 。我没跟他去,后面还是自己一个人偷偷地站在店门外看了几分钟后默默地转身走了。这城市很小,到哪里都像我跟她曾经走过的地方,所以到那里都像快乐被燃起。

After being separated from her for a year, the feeling behind is that I miss her very much. In the same place, but dare not see her. She asked my friend to eat outside, and my friend specifically told me the address when he went out. I didn"t go with him, and behind me, I stood alone outside the store and watched for a few minutes before quietly turning around and leaving. The city is very small, and it looks like the place where I and her once walked, so it feels like happiness is ignited there.


We fell in love with you when it was just right, and decided that the person is you, no matter what the circle is different, the education level is different, the job is good or bad, the house and car ticket, as long as it is you, it doesn’t matter if you have nothing; but in the end you let me understand It is not me that you love. After breaking up, I saw this song posted by your circle of friends. I will never quarrel or quarrel anymore and decide to give up when I don’t have to suffer anymore. Don"t disturb each other, and be well. Everything is just fine.


Last night, I broke down again and my tears couldn"t stop streaming. It"s been three months since I"ve been apart, but I can"t forget it, but I can"t make it to the end of the love. But some things are really powerless. I know that there is no possibility for the two of us, and there may be no intersection in the future. Every time we meet is meaningful, you do not belong to me and I do not blame you.

5、我会把你送我的东西全部扔掉,我给你准备的东西也扔掉。把关于你的一切都扔掉,为什么明明是你找我谈恋爱的,为什么你对我这么冷了呢? 我却每天都缠着你, 说什么好好谈恋爱都是假的。说什么会一直爱我都是假的。再也不想谈恋爱了,我不会再去碰感情了,像我这种人也许不配拥有爱情吧,我不知道为什么。

I will throw away all the things you gave me, as well as the things I prepared for you. Throw away everything about you, why are you obviously the one who asked me to fall in love, why are you so cold to me? But I pester you every day, saying that it is fake to fall in love. It is false to say that you will always love me. I don"t want to fall in love anymore, I won"t touch feelings anymore, maybe people like me don"t deserve to have love, I don"t know why.


A person is painting in the studio, and people outside are setting off fireworks and chatting. The song in the headset happened to be this one. At that moment, I felt like I was incompatible with everything around me. I thought of her in Qingdao and wanted to call her, but the phrase I love you was still not said.

7、分手之后并不可怕,我们不必纠结过去,在这个世界上没有什么过不去的。要想开,要想开很多,看开很多事情在继续自己的生活 。释然了也就放过自己了。

After breaking up, it’s not terrible, we don’t have to worry about the past, there is nothing in this world. If you want to open up, you have to open a lot, and see a lot of things going on in your life. When you feel relieved, you let yourself go.


I remember when I fanned her at school, I used to feed me kimchi, I used to take a walk every day, I missed her at night, I used to work hard to test high school, I studied together, I remembered the promise, I remembered the past I love her very much, and I remember that she is a bargain, the promise has not been done, but my heart has changed


The night she left, I didn’t sleep that day. I always tried to coax her, but she couldn’t come back and didn’t reconcile, because recombination is no longer the same as before. The past is over. I forget that she has been Those things that accompany me, have a good time, although a little regrettable.


Later, I also told some people stories about you. When I was in high school, every time I took the weekly test of English, I would take one more answer sheet and write down the memories of that time, and I would repeat it over and over again. I hope that when I see you again one day in the future, that memory will remain complete and deep.

  1. 时尚狼烟2023-12-08 08:05时尚狼烟[辽宁省网友]
  2. 耳朵都死了2023-09-13 17:54耳朵都死了[国外网友]
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光遇:国服聊天功能将暂时关闭 “光语”十级终于可派上用场

光遇:国服聊天功能将暂时关闭 “光语”十级终于可派上用场

