

时间:2023-06-16 06:08:01





( ) 1. His deep love for the French girl put the boy on a path to study ______

language so that they could communicate with each other by ________

WeChat in French.

A. a; the B. a; / C. the; / D. / ; the

( ) 2. The book"s _______ lay in its simple but vivid language to make it

easier for kids to understand what they should do.

A. strength B. power C. energy D. ability

( ) 3. I have only one extra ticket, so ____ of the twins can’t go with me.

A. either B. neither C. both D. two

( ) 4. Born ______ in Nanjing, Dr. Zhong Nanshan still works such a long

time every single day, although he is ______.

A. in thirty; in the eighties B. in the thirtieth;in the eighty

C. in his thirties; in the eighties D. in the thirties; in his eighties

( ) 5. Listening is primary in language learning; that goes for adults_____


A.as well as B.as good as C.as long as D.as far as

( ) 6. You’re _____ of the twins. But milk can make you even ______, and I

want _____ boy.

A. taller; the taller; a taller B.a taller; taller; the tallest

C. the taller; a taller; taller D.the taller; taller; a taller

( ) 7. ---Why do you ________ house prices will go up ?

---Haven’t you heard of the universal two-child policy(全面二孩政

策)? More people will certainly need more houses.

A.promise B.suppose C.doubt D.wonder

( ) 8. Everyone believes he will win the marathon which he has been trained

up_____for such a long time.

A. to B. for C. in D. at

( ) 9. ---Have you been to the new hairdressing shop close by?

--- No. It ______ for over a week, but I’m tied up with my homework.

A. has started B. has been on

C.has been open D.has opened

( ) 10. —What do you know made Sam so excited? —_______

A. His being accepted by the football team.

B. He was accepted by the football team.

C. Accepted by the football team.

D. Because he was accepted by the football team.

( ) 11. --- Who are you speaking to on the phone?

--- Nancy ______ the trip tomorrow.

A. talking about B. to talk about

C. will talk about D. is talking about

( ) 12. --- How"s your mother doing? Is she feeling any better?

--- Thanks.The doctor said she had to stay in hospital for another

week.Nothing serious ____.

A.indeed B.yet C.anyway D.though

( ) 13. ______ it is worth or not, I’m afraid, depends on _____ you look at it.

A. That; that B. If; what

C. Whether; how D. What; whose

( ) 14. What a mess! _____ all your clothes on the floor. They are smelly.

A. Take up B. Put away

C. Put out D. Give out

( ) 15. —How would you like your coffee, Sir? —______ .

A. No, thanks B. I like it very much

C. It tastes fine. D. As it comes,please.


答案速查: 1~5:CACDA 6~10: DBBCA 11~15: BDCCD

1. C 考查冠词。


解析:第一空:根据情境可知,这个语言就是指法语,所以是特指某种语言,应该填the。第二空:“by+工具”表示“借助于某种工具”,是固定短语,零冠词。类似短语还有by phone(= on the phone)用电话,by letter 用信件, by post 用邮寄,by radio 用无线电,by machine 用机器,by hand 用手工等。

2. A 考查名词短语。


解析:strength可以指人的优点,也可以指物的突出之处。strength 优点,优势,过人之处;power力量;energy 精力;ability能力。

3. C 考查代词。



构成部分否定需要两个要素:一是否定词,如not, hardly, seldom等;二是表示“全部”的词,如all, both, every, always, completely, altogether, all the time等。

4. D 考查数词。


解析:“in+ the + 整十基数词的复数形式(或所有格形式)”表示年代,如:in the thirties 在30年代;in the 1930s/1930’s 在20世纪30年代。

“in+ one’s + 整十基数词的复数形式”表示某人的大概年龄,如:in his eighties 在他80多岁的时候。

5. A 考查连词。


解析:as well as连接两个并列成分,意为“不但……而且……”,只是强调的重点与not only ... but also...相反:A as well as B = not only B but also A。

as good as几乎;差不多,as long as只要,as far as只要;就……。

6. D 考查形容词。


解析:第一空:表示“两者之间比较……的一个(of the two)”时,常用"the+比较级”结构。第二空:even后接比较级。第三空:a taller boy一个更高的男孩,没有范围。故选D。

7. B 考查动词。

句意:---为什么你认为房价会上涨? ---难道你没听说过全面二孩政策吗?更多的人肯定需要更多的房子。

解析:从情境中可以看出,第二个人说出了自己的看法,此处询问个人观点,suppose = think,故选B。promise作“允诺、答应”解时,是指作出口头或书面的许诺,答应别人自己去做某事,但仅指主观意愿。doubt怀疑;wonder想知道。

8. B 考查固定搭配。


解析:which引导定语从句修饰the marathon。此题涉及三个短语。“train up”充分训练、全面培养;“train...for...”为……而训练……。“train up... for...”为……而全面训练……。

9. C 考查时态。

句意:—你去过旁边新开的那家发廊吗? —没去过,尽管它已经开了一个多星期了,但是最近我一直忙于写作业。

解析:一般指商店、酒店等开了多久用“have been open for some time” ,而“have been on for some time”一般指“灯开着(多久)”或“音乐会、电影、比赛等开始了(多久)”。

10. A 考查非谓语动词。

句意:---你知道什么让萨姆如此兴奋? ---他被足球队接受了(这使萨姆很兴奋)。

解析:答语是个省略句,省略了made Sam so excited。选项A是动名词做主语,故选A;选项B是个完整的句子,但主语从句不能省略引导词,故该选项改为That he was accepted by the football team.才对;选项C是动词的过去分词,分词是不能做主语或宾语的;选项D是原因状语从句,而此句缺少的是主语从句,故将Because改成That才对。

11. B 考查简单句。

句意:---你在和谁通电话? ---我在和南希通话来讨论明天的旅行。

解析:此题考查省略句。其完整句为:I"m speaking to Nancy to talk about the trip tomorrow.此处动词不定式表目的,故选B。

12. D 考查并列句。

句意:---你妈妈身体怎么样了,好些了吗? ---谢谢你的关心。医生说她得再住院一周,不过病情不严重了。

解析:题中Nothing serious.与The doctor said she had to stay in hospital for another week.是转折关系,故用though表示转折,此处意为“不过”。

13. C 考查复合句。


解析:句中“I’m afraid”为插入语;whether引导主语从句(if不可以引导主语从句);how引导宾语从句。

14. C 考查动词短语。


解析:put away“把……放好;把……整理好”,此题如果没有后面的They are smelly.,这时强调What a mess!就选B。但此题情境中,衣服已经有味道了,即使整理好、摆放整齐,问题依然存在,故选C,put out意为“把……放到外面”。take up占用;花费,give out分发。

15. D 考查交际用语。

句意:—先生,您要什么样的咖啡? — 随便,什么都可以。

解析:若问题为Would you like some coffee, please? 你想喝点咖啡吗?回答可以为选项A. No, thanks. 不,谢谢,我不喝。

如果询问别人的看法,可以说How do you like your coffee?你认为你的咖啡怎么样?回答可以为选项B. I like it very much. 我非常喜欢。或者选项C. It tastes fine.很好喝。

另外,How do you like…? = How would you like…? 你想要什么样的……此时可以选择选项D. As it comes, please. 随便,什么样的都行。另, How do you like...= How do you find...= What do you think of...你认为……怎么样?

故此题选D. As it comes,please.随便。还可以回答,如Black, please. 清咖。White,please. 加牛奶的咖啡。The stronger, the better. 越浓越好。

  1. 怡口莲2023-12-07 03:40怡口莲[湖北省网友]
  2. 冰封的薇笑2023-09-11 04:54冰封的薇笑[湖北省网友]




英语中 有关早餐和正餐的英语单词汇总 请记牢它们吧!

英语中 有关早餐和正餐的英语单词汇总 请记牢它们吧!

11 egg 鸡蛋;句子:Would you like an egg? 你想要一只鸡蛋吗?12 fried egg 煎蛋;13 ham 火腿;14 bacon 熏肉;15 sausage 香肠;句子:Im going to buy some sausages 我要去买一些香肠


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关于英语思维 你要明白这个定义(例句有点多 建议收藏)







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小编今天就来给大家分享一些英语中有关人名的小故事,都是书本中学习不到的哟!1 A cup of Joe一杯咖啡这个短语的意思也就是a cup of coffee
