

时间:2023-05-21 04:57:01




第一部分 语言知识运用 (共计50分)I.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.(1分)To my teacher"s_____ ,all of us passed the exam.()

A.surprised B.surprise C.surprising

2.(1分)The old man lives_____,but he never feels______.()

A.alone,lonely B.lonely ,lonely

C.lonely ,alone

3.(1分)The girl got up early____ she could catch the early bus.()

A.in order to B.so that

C.so as to

4.(1分)It was raining heavily_____we were playing football.()

A.when B.while C.as

5.(1分)My uncle____books in the room at six o"clock yesterday .()

A.is reading B.was reading

C.was seeing

6.(1分)____excellent painting !Who drew it?()

A.How B.What an C.What a

7.(1分)My best friend has _____here for many years.I miss him very much.()

A.left B.moved from

C.been away from

8.(1分)Her parents always encourage her ____ out her own ideas.()

A.speaks B.to speak C.speaking

9.(1分)____ healthy ,you should do more sports.()

A.To keep B.Keeping C.Keep

10.(1分)So far ,I ____a letter from my friend.()

A.don"t get B.didn"t get

C.haven"t got

II. 完形填空(每小题15分,共15分)


Wild animals are important to us.They (1) together with us on the earth .The earth without (2) is like the blue sky without clouds,and we (3) will not live on without them,so we should see them as family members.But some people (4) don"t know the importance of protecting them.They kill wild animals for (5) and other things.Every day many wild animals are killed.So lots of them have died out.We can"t see (6) any more.

Today wild animals are becoming fewer and (7) .If people don"t protect them,they will die out.If this (8) ,there will be no animals left on the earth. (9) ,many children have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals.They ask(10) to stop killing them.They also teach persons about the importance of protecting them.So far,many countries (11) some laws to (12) people from killing and eating wild animals.Protecting wild animals is the (13) of each of us.We should try our best to do that, (14) protecting them is protecting(15) .Let"s take action now.

III. 短文改错 (每小题10分,共10分)


My mother is 42 year old.She is (1)

a English teacher in the middle school.She (2)

is very taller with long black hair,she (3)

like dancing and cooking ,When I was a child, (4)

she always cooked delicious food for me .

At that time,she didn"t has much money , (5)

and she still bought lots of useful things (6)

to me.Today is Mother"s Day.I"ll help (7)

her with some houseworks.I will also make a (8)

beautifully card for her ,with my best wishes (9)

on it.I will say to him," I love you,Mom." (10)

IV.交际运用(本题共15分,A每小题5分 B每小题5分。)结合本题所设置的情景,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话。 (A)Choose the best response from A to F

13.(5分)W:Hi,Peter!You look terrible!What"s the matter with you?


W:Sorry to hear that. (2)

M:I cut myself by accident while I was making dinner.

W:That sounds bad. (3)

M:Yes,it"s kind of serious.

W:Have you seen a doctor?

M:Yes. (4)

W:What did the doctor do with the cut?


W:Oh!Don"t touch water.And you will be better soon.

M:OK.Thank you!

W:You"re welcome.

(B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences(10分)

14.(10分)A:Good morning,Mike!(1) at eight yesterday evening?

B:I was watching TV.(2) ?

A:I was studying for a test.

B:You look really tired.(3) ?

A:I studied until midnight last night ,so I didn"t get enough sleep.

B: (4) ?

A:I can"t go to sleep earlier.I always have after﹣school classes so I can only start studying after dinner.

B:Maybe you should tell your parents that you can"t do so many things.

A:Well,I know they want me to get into a good senior high school.

B:I think you should talk to them and explain that you need enough sleep to stay healthy.

A: (5) .I"ll try to do that.Thanks.

第二部分 阅读理解 (本题共计35分)V. 阅读理解 (本题共35分,其中1,2,3,4篇,每小题5分,第5篇每小题5分)

15.(5分)Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of each paragraph.

Here are some important suggestions for you to become a good student at school.

(1) As a student,going to school on time is very important ,If you"re late,So you will miss some lessons.If you are late,the teacher will be angry with you

(2) Don"t break the school rules.For example,you are not allowed to sleep in class.Don"t fight with your classmates,You should be friendly to your classmates and your teachers

(3) If you know what you will learn the next day,you"d better prepare for your lessons.It"s good for your study and it can help you get good grades.Besides,you should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible.

(4) As a student,it"s your duty to do your homework every day because the task of a student at school is studying.No matter which subject you like or dislike,you must finish the homework that the teachers give you on time

(5) Try to be in all kinds of activities at school.They"re all good for you.For example,sports can not only improve the relationship between you and your classmates,but also make you healthier.

16.(5分)"The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence".That"s an old saying in English.It means other places often look better,more interesting than the place where you live.Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way.

They see young Chinese ignoring(忽视)Chinese culture ,buying Japanese cartoon books,watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays.

Foreign books and soap operas are good,but Chinese writers and actors are just as good.As for holidays,Christmas is nice,and the West has nothing to compare with the Mid﹣Autumn Festival.And let"s not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best:its friendliness.Not all countries are as warm as China.

It"s good to enjoy other cultures and to learn from them,but they cannot replace your own culture.It"s good to look on the other side of the fence,but make sure you take a good long look.You will find that the grass isn"t always greener on the other side of the fence.We should measure everything we have

Judge the sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

(1)The Spring Festival is more meaningful for Chinese people.

(2)The saying means the place where you live looks better than other places.

(3)Foreign culture can"t replace Chinese culture.

(4)Some people worry that young Chinese ignore Chinese culture.

(5)This passage mentioned three Chinese festivals.

17.(5分)Some children fell ill because of bad weather recently .They had to see the doctor.

(1)Now,Nancy"s temperature is 39℃.She should .

A.keep warm

B.talk too much

C.drink hot water with honey

(2)Mario takes pills a day.




(3)What can Jimmy do now?

A.Eat something hot.

B.Do sports after dinner.

C.Take no medicine.

(4) must keep warm according to the doctor"s advice.

A.Nancy and Jimmy

B.Jenny and Mario

C.Jenny and Jimmy

(5)Jenny has a sore back,she should .

A.have a good rest

B.do more exercise

C.put the medicine on the back three times a day

18.(10分)Complete the passage according to the first letter or the proper forms of the words given.

Do you know Zhong Nanshan?He is a famous doctor in China.Lots of people know him(1)b of SARS and COVID﹣19.Let"s learn more about him.Zhong Nanshan was born in October ,1936 in Nanjing,Jiangsu(2)g up in Guangdong.Now He lives in Guangzhou with his wife.Zhong is from a medical family .Both of his (3) (parent) were doctors .He is also a doctor.His son,Zhong Weide is a doctor,too.Zhong loves sports .

That"s why he looks very (4) (health).When he is free,he enjoys(5) (play) sports.He is good at( 6) (run).He also loves to play basketball.Zhong is a good doctor.He is very knowledgeable(知识渊博的).He is very (7)f to every patient.He trains some young(8) (doctor).He also teaches us how( 9) (keep) healthy.Many people think he is a(10)h .

19.(10分)What should you do if there is a fire at school?Do you know how to protect yourself in a large crowd?Every year since1996,on the last Monday of the last week in March,the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students(全国中小学安全教育日)

A survey shows that the worst accidents are a result of stampedes(踩踏),fires and traffic.When facing an accident,the first and most important rule is to stay calm.But you should have different ways to deal with different accidents.

A stampede happens in a place where there is a large crowd.When students around you begin to push,stand still and try to hold on to something,or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves.If you fall down in a moving crowd,curl your body and bend your legs.

When there is a fire,you should follow the teachers" instructions.Leave the classroom and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don"t breathe in smoke.

If you walk to school or go by bike,follow traffic rules.Wait for the green traffic light,and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.

Answer the questions according to what you read.

(1)When is the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students this year?

(2)When facing an accident,the first and most important rule is to ask for help.Is that right?

(3)What should you do when students around you begin to push?

(4)Before crossing the road,what should you do?

(5)What does the passage mainly talk about?

第三部分 书面表达(共计15分)VI. 书面表达(本题共15分)


How to grow up healthily






3.解答:in order to为了,后跟动词原形;so as to为了。根据从句she could catch the early bus"她能赶上早班车"可知。




5.解答:从at six yesterday ,其结构是主语+was/were doing,则B选项符合题意。






8.解答:根据题干,可知考查encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事。




10.解答:根据So far ,主语I接have+过去分词。


11.解答:(1)C.动词辨析;come来,生存... will not live on without them."可知,没有它们我们也将无法生存,生存"。故选C.

(2)A.名词辨析;plants植物。根据"Wild animals are important to us."可知.

(3)C.副词辨析;always总是,此处拿动物对人类的重要性与云朵和蓝天做类比,用于句中表示"也" 句意:没有它们.

(4)C.形容词辨析;very much非常,此处用于句中修饰动词don"t know,根据句意可知,强调"仍然"的含义 句意:但是有些人仍然不知道保护它们的重要性 故选C.


(6)C.代词辨析;they它们;them它们,如果动物灭绝了,此处many wild animals使用了复数形式且用于动词see之后.


(8)A.动词短语辨析;comes on开始。根据前后文可知,如果这种情况继续下去。此处强调"继续",地球上就没有动物了.



(11)A.动词辨析;had made过去完成时.。根据句中时间状语So far可知,表示"许多国家已经制定了一些法律"的含义句,许多国家已经制定了一些法律。故选A.

(12)C.动词辨析;allow允许。分析句子可知,构成"keep sb from doing sth"短语,许多国家已经制定了一些法律。故选C.




12.解答:(1)year—years.考查名词。...years old多大了。故答案为year—years.

(2)a—an.考查冠词。an English 一名英语老师


(4)like —likes.考查动词。主语she








(1)C.结合上文,What"s matter you,判断其回答为我切到手指了。

(2)D.结合下文,I cut by while I making ,据此判断问句是询问发生了什么。

(3)B.结合下文,Yes kind serious.可知为肯定回答,因此判断问句是询问严重吗。


(5)E.结合上文,What the do the ?可知问句是询问医生如何处理伤口的、贴了一些药并且绑了一个绷带。


(1)What were you doing.结合下文,I was TV.可知当时在看电视,故答案为What were you doing.

(2)What about you.结合下文,I was for a ,判断问句是询问对方在做什么,故答案为What about you.

(3)What"s the matter with youWhat"s wrongwhat"s your trouble.结合上文,You really ,因此判断问句是询问对方怎么了

(4)Why not go to sleep earlierWhy don"t you go to sleep earlier.结合上文,I studied midnight night I didn"t enough ,因此判断问句是询问对方为什么不早点睡

(5)You are rightThat"s a good ideaSounds good.结合上文,I think should to and that need sleep healthy.可知认为对方应该对他们说话并且解释需要足够的睡眠保持健康,好主意等


(1)D.根据后句"As a student,going to school on time is very important ,准时上学是非常重要的,结合选项。故选D。

(2)F.根据后句"Don"t break the school rules.不要违反校规,"可知说的是校规,应说遵守校规。

(3)C.根据后句"If you know what you will learn the next day,you"d better prepare for your lessons.如果你知道第二天要学什么。"可知说的是预习,应说课前预习。

(4)A.根据后句"As a student,it"s your duty to do your homework every day ,每天做作业是你的责任,结合选项。故选A。

(5)E.根据后句"Try to be in all kinds of activities at school.在学校参加各种各样的活动。"可知说的是学校的活动,应说参加学校的各种活动。


(1)T.根据"As for holidays,Christmas is nice,至于节日,但它对中国人来说永远没有春节的意义。故答案为T。

(2)F.根据"The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence".That"s an old saying in English.It means other places often look better,more interesting than the place where you live.这山望着那山高"。这意味着其他地方通常比你住的地方看起来更好。"可知这句话的意思是你住的地方看起来比其他地方更好是错误的。故答案为F。

(3)T.根据"It"s good to enjoy other cultures and to learn from them,but they cannot replace your own culture.欣赏其他文化并从中学习是好的。"可知外国文化不能取代中国文化。

(4)T.根据"Some people worry that young Chinese are beginning to feel that way.They see young Chinese ignoring(忽视)Chinese culture ,一些人担心中国的年轻人也开始有这种感觉了。"可知一些人担心中国的年轻人忽视了中国文化。

(5)F.根据"As for holidays,Christmas is nice,and the West has nothing to compare with the Mid﹣Autumn Festival."至于节日,但它永远不可能有春节的意义。可知这篇文章提到了中国的三个节日是错误的。故答案为F。

17.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据Nancy:Gets a and a fever.Advice:①Drink water honey have a rest.南希:感冒,建议:①喝蜂蜜水并且休息,故选C。

(2)B.细节推理题。根据Mario the medicine pill a and times a ,吃咳嗽药,一天三次,故选B。

(3)A.细节推理题。根据Jimmy eat drink cold.②Don"t sports exercise dinner.③Keep the medicine可知给吉米的建议是:①不要吃或者喝冷的东西。③保暖,据此推断吉米现在可以吃热的东西。

(4)C.细节理解题。根据Jimmy warm.Jenny warm可知给吉米和珍妮的建议是要保暖。

(5)A.细节理解题。根据Jenny:Has a back.Advice:①Lie and a good 。建议:①躺下好好休息,故选A。

18.解答:(1)because.考查介词。句意:因为非典型肺炎和冠状病毒﹣19。because of 因为。故答案为because.




(5)playing.考查动词。enjoy doing喜欢做什么

(6)running.考查动词。be at doing擅长做什么



(9)to keep.考查动词。句意:他还教我们如何保持健康。故答案为to keep.


19.解答:(1)On March 28.细节理解题。根据Every year since1996,the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students is held.This year it falls on March 28th..可知,每年都会举办全国中小学生安全教育日,这给我们提供了一个了解学校的安全机会,所以。故答案为On March 28.

(2)No,it isn"t.细节判断题,当发生事故时。故答案为No

(3)Stand still and try to hold on to something,or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves.细节理解题,stand still and try to hold on to something,当周围学生开始推挤你时,尽量抓住什么东西,直到人群离开,or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves.

(4)Wait for the green traffic light,and look left and right for cars.细节理解题,and look left and right for cars before you cross the road.可知,过马路前。故答案为"Wait for the green traffic light and look left and right for cars"

(5)How to protect yourself.主旨大意题。根据Every year since1996,the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students is held.This year it falls on March 28th.可知,每年都会举办全国中小学生安全教育日,这给我们提供了一个了解学校的安全机会,要如何保护好自己


How to grow up healthily

We all want to grow up healthily.And for this we must do several things.

First,we must study hard because knowledge is power.If we have the power build our country and enjoy life better.【高分句型一】In order to study well,play ball games and take a walk after school .We can also read books music.If someone has trouble,we will be able to grow up healthily.【高分句型二】

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英语入门第一关:人称代词与物主代词 千万不要掉队噢!

英语入门第一关:人称代词与物主代词 千万不要掉队噢!

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